Sunday, June 25, 2006

Being 30% scene / Sufficient time for Dragon Ball tomorrow night

I had a dream last night that it was the eve of Auntie Lillian's death: my family sat vigil across from her hospital room and were dreading the *BEEEEEP* of the machinery signaling her death. There was also this person who was bugging me about my non-existent sex life and wanted me and a friend to go with him somewhere. My dad warned me that if I lied about it, zits would grow everywhere on me: even in the dream, I knew this was a misconception. When a few hours had passed and nothing had happened, we went quickly to the parking lot. (my brother, sister, and I were behind our parents) We saw Daryl there, who invited us to go to his place and watch TV... for some reason, Nathan would be there in a few hours even though his mom was very near death. (this all made sense, heh) All I could think about was how far behind on my friends list I'd be, haha. My mom misinterpreted that as my being bored since the guys' TV choices weren't the greatest, so told me to do disposable Sudoku instead... uh, no thanks! Luckily, that dream ended when my alarm rang this morning. (it worked this week, yay!)

I don't even wanna know what sparked THAT one: perhaps too much thinking about how to honor Daniel and Michelle's anniversary and wondering what (if anything) to say to Nathan next week. Yes, the death anniversary happens to be Daniel and Michelle's wedding anniversary as well... Other than that, we WERE talking about Daryl on Friday night too. He does / did a lot of the audiotech at church service, but wants to step down as he has a wife and kids to take care of at home. Don't ask where the sex-crazed fiend comes in, haha.

I called my mom last night to make Sunday arrangements, and she told me that Jon was coming back at 6:30 on Monday night instead of the 10:30 that I told Jeremy. This potentially gives us much more time for Dragon Ball than we anticipated, which is good. I'll definitely look forward to telling Jeremy the REVISED SHINY time when I see him in a bit! :D (but I have no love for misinfornation striking again!)

Mom also told me that Grandma called to say that her post-eye surgery consultation has already been booked for October, so she likely won't be coming back till around Christmas. Of course the doctors need time to see whether the eye surgery actually worked on her, so that's understandable. Oh, and apparently Mom did not wish Dad a Happy Father's Day for us last Sunday as she thought Steph just said "we need to hurry since we're eating!" to her. Uh, I was right there and heard her say it loud and clear into the phone...

Here's a "scene" survey from Amy, via Myspace bulletin:

[] You own more than 4 bandanas.
[] You wear your jeans tighter than tight.
[] You wear flats and Converse.
[] You wear long beaded necklaces and fake pearls.
[] You wear studded belts.
[x] You shop at thrift stores.
[] You make your own clothes.
[] You wear shirts of bands you've never heard of.
[] You buy shirts from the little boys section.
[] You wear more clothing layers than an Eskimo.
[] You love to wear bright colors.
[] You borrow your boyfriend [or girlfriend's] clothes.
[] You wear or would wear skinny jeans that go in at your ankle.
Total: 1

[] You cut your own hair.
[] You have 2 or more different colors in your hair.
[] You have a mullet.
[] You spend more than 15 minutes straightening and / or styling your hair every day.
[] You own more than 20 hair products.
[x] You don't wash your hair every day.
Total: 1

[] You're sXe, but just because you're a minor.
[x] You love God.
[] You're a vegetarian.
[] You love going to shows and beating up invisible people.
[] You're in love with yourself.
[] You think you're a gangsta.
[x] Your music is better than everyone else's.
Total: 2

[] You have x's in your screename.
[] Your Myspace pictures show less than half of your face.
[] Your comments and friends are hidden on your profile.
[x] You check your Myspace at least once every day.
[] You bought / would buy a Sidekick just so you could check your Myspace.
Total: 1

[x] Robots
[x] Dinosaurs
[] Hello Kitty
[] Makeup
[x] Little kid jewelry and hair stuff
[] Animal Prints
[] Piercings
[x] Tattoos
[x] Stars
[x] Stripes
[x] Polka dots
[] Huge sunglasses
[] Camo
Total: 7

[] Goth kids
[x] Annoying people
[x] Stuck-up people
[] Curly Hair
[x] Mean Kids
Total: 3

Total score: 15

Multiply your score by 2. Post as "__% Scene"... 30% scene, eh? Hmm.

What is your favorite color?
Do monkeys scare you?
What would happen if gnomes ruled the world?
Is chocolate really better in color?
Have you seen Bobobobo-Bo-Bobo?
On a scale of one to ten, how crazy are you?
Do you like pickles?
How long does it take for you to tie your shoes?
Your first name is:Bartimus
Your last name is:Giggle
You are a:Llama mama
You kill people with a:fang
Your mate is an:Elephant
You live in a:Shack
You have had this many demon spawn:135,327
Your pet is a:Human
This Fun Quiz created by Rachel at BlogQuiz.Net
Entertainment News at NewsDump. All the latest goss!

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