Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Brownie dreams, 5 W's surveys, fairies

I had a fractured dream featuring my not being able to get off my bed when it was 6:35 on a Friday night and Eric was going to pick me up very soon. There was a microwaveable meal with an indented huge brownie, and something about my searching out Youthink on Google so I could find a thread that I'd participated in. That way, I could reply to someone asking me if I was freaked out by a transvestite named Sam Scott. In the dream, I would be freaked out because I knew a girl named Samantha (who went by Sam) that went out with a guy named Scott!

In real life, there was also someone knocking on my window when I was trying to sleep: since it wasn't Sunday morning nor did I have plans with anyone, I ignored it for half an hour until it went away. I'm going to call my sister later to see if she was behind it: knowing my family and their penchant for invading my reasonable expectations of privacy, I wouldn't be one bit surprised!

When I got up, I was also faced with the Internet not working: thank goodness for backup and the newspapers. Maybe I'll call Nina tonight as well, to see if we can get together for coffee or something. (I think I'm all caught up on sleep now...)

Here's a who / where / what / why / when survey from Amy in a Myspace bulletin:

The Whos
Who is in the house with you? Nobody.

Who was the last person to IM you? Chimpy.... good ol' Dave!

Who are you thinking about now? Grandma.

Who did you last talk to on the phone? Sister.

Whose house did you last go to? My parents' place.

Who was your favorite teacher? Fromager.

Whose birthday is next? Sherman and Amos.

Who was the last person you told you love them? Dunno. Don't say it much.

Who do you wish you were with right now? Not sure.

Who's your favorite relative? Grandma?

The Wheres
Where do you go to school? The school of life.

Where do you live? Richmond.

Where is your phone? Right here next to me.

Where are your parents? Probably on a plane to Toronto... or in Toronto / Mississauga.

Where do you sleep? ... in my bed?!

Where do you shop the most? Richmond Centre since it's a close walk / bus ride away.

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? Not wearing a shirt.

Where did you last take a car ride to? McDonalds.

Where in your house are you? Living room.

The Whats
What was the last thing you ate? Seaweed.

What was the last thing you drank? Canada Dry Ginger Ale.

What color pants are you wearing? Not wearing any pants, either.

What kind of cell phone do you have? One that doesn't exist.

What is the closest item near you that is blue? My pens.

What are you wearing on your feet? Skin.

What is your favorite color? Blue, purple, and black.

What messaging service do you use? Trillian.

What is your screen name? Depends which service... I'll say AlenaBrolxFlami.

What is your most used away message? The default since I'm boring. :P

What is your favorite website? LJ.

What is your favorite shoe brand? Don't have one.

What do you wear more, jeans or shorts? Jeans... it rains here! :P

What is the last movie watched? Brokeback Mountain.

What song do you currently hear? KMFDM, Godlike.

The Whys
Why are you taking this survey? Boredom.

Why do you have a Xanga? So I can leave comments on Dawn's, Vivian's, and Steph's... I never update mine anymore.

Why does basically half the world have a Myspace? Because we follow trends.

Why did you pick your Myspace user name? Explanation of username: Basically: When I was in Grade 9, I somehow thought I needed a word to describe myself. No, not a word... more like a cool nickname! (or what I thought was cool at the time) Since I wanted it to be at least somewhat meaningful, I thought about what it should be for quite a while, before coming up with Flamster.

F = Friends
L = Laughter
A = And (okay, so I know that generally speaking, connecting words aren't used as part of an acronym unless it's the first word, as in The Sports Network, but I didn't really know that then!)
M = Music

Then I added the suffix "-ster" (as in "Billster") to make the whole thing look better.... there I had it!

Some time later, I was playing Earthbound! and wanted to use this name as a character name, but the game would only accept names with up to five letters. Ergo, Flami! After that, I decided to go with Flamsterette and Flamsterette_X just because I felt like it! (hey.. it was my nickname, right? :D)

So that's the explanation in detail!

Why are your best friends your best friends? Because they surround me and I can't get away.

Why is wood brown? It all has to do with the Poopsmith. (Homestar Runner reference)

Why do the people on the news repeat the same stuff over & over? Because they like verbal spam for those of us who have heard it ALL FREAKIN' DAY!

The Whens
When did everyone become obsessed with Myspace? How am I supposed to know?

When did you start school? Never, heh.

When did you meet your best friend? I don't have one, heh.

When is your birthday? September 17, 1976.

When did you last like someone? A while ago.

When did you last go to the mall? Last week.

When did you last buy a new pair of pants? A long time ago.

When did you last burn a candle? A long time ago.

When were you last at school? Years ago.

When did you last see your dad? Sunday.

When did you last take a shower? Monday.

Here's a who / what / where / when / why survey from the latest posts page, which has enough variety from the one above to be included as its own thing:


1. Who is in the room with you? Nobody.
2. Who was the last person to text you? N/A.
3. Who are you thinking about now? Still Grandma.
4. Who did you last talk to on the phone? Sister.
5. Whose house did you last go to? Steph's.
6. Who was the last person you told you love them? Not sure, as I don't say it much.
7. Who do you wish you were with right now? No idea.
8. Who's your favorite relative? Not sure... probably my grandma.
9. Who gets on your nerves the most? Karen C.


1. What was the last thing you ate? Seaweed.
2. What was the last thing you drank? Canada Dry ginger ale.
3. What color pants are you wearing? Not wearing pants.
4. What is the closest item near you that's blue? My pens.
5. What do you like about life? It's where I can connect.
6. What are you wearing on your feet? Skin.
7. What instant messaging service do you use? Trillian.
8. What is your most used away message? The default. I'm boring. :P
9. What is your favorite website? LiveJournal.
10. What is your favorite shoe brand? Don't have one.
11. What do you wear more, jeans or skirts? Jeans.
12. What is the last movie you watched? Brokeback Mountain.
13. What do you miss? Good times with friends, mostly.
14. What do you currently hear? Classic rock and metal music.


1. When did you meet your best friend? I don't have one because I don't trust people. :P
2. When is your birthday? September 17.
3. When did you last go to the mall? Last week.
4. When did you last buy a new pair of pants? A long time ago.


1. Where is your phone? Right here next to me.
2. Where is your mom? Either on a plane to Toronto, or in the city itself.
3. Where do you sleep? In random places.
4. Where do you shop the most? Bookstores.
5. Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? Not wearing a shirt, either.
6. Where did you last take a car ride to? McDonald's.


1. Why do you have a MySpace? Because I thought Shiny Blogthings was moving there. I've learned that they aren't. Maybe I'll keep it for now.
2. Why does basically half the world have a MySpace? Because we love to be trendy.
3. Why did you pick your MySpace username? Explanation of username: Basically: When I was in Grade 9, I somehow thought I needed a word to describe myself. No, not a word... more like a cool nickname! (or what I thought was cool at the time) Since I wanted it to be at least somewhat meaningful, I thought about what it should be for quite a while, before coming up with Flamster.

F = Friends
L = Laughter
A = And (okay, so I know that generally speaking, connecting words aren't used as part of an acronym unless it's the first word, as in The Sports Network, but I didn't really know that then!)
M = Music

Then I added the suffix "-ster" (as in "Billster") to make the whole thing look better.... there I had it!

Some time later, I was playing Earthbound! and wanted to use this name as a character name, but the game would only accept names with up to five letters. Ergo, Flami! After that, I decided to go with Flamsterette and Flamsterette_X just because I felt like it! (hey.. it was my nickname, right? :D)

So that's the explanation in detail!

Your Fairy Is
Purple Butterfly Fairy

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