Pictures of shemales in Thailand... oh my!
My family picked my grandma up this morning, who had candy and food for me and my sister... plus a big watermelon and such in a tea ceremony bag for the family. I bet my sister and Vivian will love it if it isn't eaten before my parents leave, haha. My sister told me that she felt emotional about her last night, which is fine: I hope her feeling isn't true, but you never know. She also confirmed that Ben's last name is the same as Tony, Joanna, and Joyce's.. cool! Mom gave Grandma an envelope with stuff in it for Lillian, like her email address so that we can keep in contact with her if she so desires. (I don't quite think she conspired with her sibs and Joyce to turn Uncle Michael against Mom!)
I talked to Winnie, baby Megan, Christon and Fidela briefly before service started, and then made it a point to seek out Sam (after talking to Kevin and Chrystal) in the crowded parking lot afterwards (the two handicapped spaces were already full, so we didn't have to move) to say something about yesterday... no worries, he said. Good thing, then! Jen and Justin asked me when Jon would be back, and Jeremy was telling Nathan that they should go to the Jazz Festival with Jon since he gets back around the time it begins. Then I got into a discussion with Jen and Karen about Dawn's MSN conversation concerning A, M, and others in "weird hookups at the church." According to Dawn, I apparently know everything about this since she read it in my blog. I don't know about EVERYTHING, but I only report what's filtered down to me through others, heh. Jen also announced her intentions to hold a party at her place since her mom will be away for a while... sounds good to me, haha! Karen said that Vivian was at their cousin's grad... I'm thinking maybe it's Isabel, since I didn't see her today and I do know she's graduating!
Adela showed me, Nathan, Karen, Jen, and Jeremy pictures on her digicam from her trip to Thailand and Hong Kong. (so THAT's where she's been!) She showed us pictures of camels, which she'll send to Nathan later for obvious reasons. (he really likes camels, and draws me one every time he visits!) There were the pictures of baby tigers suckling off pigs and vice versa; Jeremy said that if he were a tiger and was presented with baby pigs to feed, he'd just think they were dinner instead! Then there were the pictures of shemales: some of them looked VERY convincing / hot as women, and are afforded some sort of special status in Thailand. (we think...) She also showed us pictures of some winter wonderland: it's 31 degrees C outside, and then it's like -2 inside!
Looked like she had fun, though!
Jeremy told me that he'd given Jon's suitcase to my dad when he entered the church, so that's good: I do NOT want my mom freaking out on me, kthx! At the toddler Sunday School, one of the kids smiled at me as soon as I arrived to help: he's a cutie! After that, I went to the Pho restaurant for lunch with my family and old family friends before a special church meeting. Later, I was going to the balcony to hang out during the meeting until I heard rumors of an ESC section right in front of the sanctuary: sitting with friends is better than being alone, so downstairs I went... we all cheered for quorum being met by three people (yay for not having to come back next week!), then voted on a variety of motions. (non-members were encouraged to attend even if they couldn't vote, and some certainly did!)
Nathan, Eric, Justin, Mike, and others were looking at things on the Internet / people's laptops to pass the time. I signed a whole stack of birthday cards for June and July (and figured I needed whiteout in my knapsack when I couldn't find any), and made my sister sign maybe half of them while she was doing Kakuro until she mysteriously disappeared somewhere. We were teasing Joey and Emily in good humor, relaying messages to Dylan / Rich / Joe / Daniel / others, filling out our motion ballots way ahead of time, griping about hymns as a time-waster, and doing other things. When the meeting finally ended at 4:50, I asked Vanessa where my sister had gone: she had no idea. Then I talked to Eric and Citrus: they also had no idea where Steph went, but knew she had a Trout Lake hockey game at 6. So I asked my mom: turns out that Grandma was anxious to get home and pack, so Steph took her home at 4 only to have to go back to the area right afterwards! Oh well, it's Grandma! :D
I talked to Danielle for a bit about MSN / catching up on email and homework / what we'd do this week before I could finally be on my way home. Turns out the car (which we left overnight at church) had a flat tire after we went to China World, so my parents and I had dinner at McDonald's... BCAA came in 15 minutes (unlike the hour it took when Eric left his lights on through our Fellowship program that Friday night a long time ago) and hooked up the spare tire. I just had McDonald's on Thursday, and was planning on (KFC) fried chicken tonight. Ah well, maybe tomorrow!
I talked to Winnie, baby Megan, Christon and Fidela briefly before service started, and then made it a point to seek out Sam (after talking to Kevin and Chrystal) in the crowded parking lot afterwards (the two handicapped spaces were already full, so we didn't have to move) to say something about yesterday... no worries, he said. Good thing, then! Jen and Justin asked me when Jon would be back, and Jeremy was telling Nathan that they should go to the Jazz Festival with Jon since he gets back around the time it begins. Then I got into a discussion with Jen and Karen about Dawn's MSN conversation concerning A, M, and others in "weird hookups at the church." According to Dawn, I apparently know everything about this since she read it in my blog. I don't know about EVERYTHING, but I only report what's filtered down to me through others, heh. Jen also announced her intentions to hold a party at her place since her mom will be away for a while... sounds good to me, haha! Karen said that Vivian was at their cousin's grad... I'm thinking maybe it's Isabel, since I didn't see her today and I do know she's graduating!
Adela showed me, Nathan, Karen, Jen, and Jeremy pictures on her digicam from her trip to Thailand and Hong Kong. (so THAT's where she's been!) She showed us pictures of camels, which she'll send to Nathan later for obvious reasons. (he really likes camels, and draws me one every time he visits!) There were the pictures of baby tigers suckling off pigs and vice versa; Jeremy said that if he were a tiger and was presented with baby pigs to feed, he'd just think they were dinner instead! Then there were the pictures of shemales: some of them looked VERY convincing / hot as women, and are afforded some sort of special status in Thailand. (we think...) She also showed us pictures of some winter wonderland: it's 31 degrees C outside, and then it's like -2 inside!

Jeremy told me that he'd given Jon's suitcase to my dad when he entered the church, so that's good: I do NOT want my mom freaking out on me, kthx! At the toddler Sunday School, one of the kids smiled at me as soon as I arrived to help: he's a cutie! After that, I went to the Pho restaurant for lunch with my family and old family friends before a special church meeting. Later, I was going to the balcony to hang out during the meeting until I heard rumors of an ESC section right in front of the sanctuary: sitting with friends is better than being alone, so downstairs I went... we all cheered for quorum being met by three people (yay for not having to come back next week!), then voted on a variety of motions. (non-members were encouraged to attend even if they couldn't vote, and some certainly did!)
Nathan, Eric, Justin, Mike, and others were looking at things on the Internet / people's laptops to pass the time. I signed a whole stack of birthday cards for June and July (and figured I needed whiteout in my knapsack when I couldn't find any), and made my sister sign maybe half of them while she was doing Kakuro until she mysteriously disappeared somewhere. We were teasing Joey and Emily in good humor, relaying messages to Dylan / Rich / Joe / Daniel / others, filling out our motion ballots way ahead of time, griping about hymns as a time-waster, and doing other things. When the meeting finally ended at 4:50, I asked Vanessa where my sister had gone: she had no idea. Then I talked to Eric and Citrus: they also had no idea where Steph went, but knew she had a Trout Lake hockey game at 6. So I asked my mom: turns out that Grandma was anxious to get home and pack, so Steph took her home at 4 only to have to go back to the area right afterwards! Oh well, it's Grandma! :D
I talked to Danielle for a bit about MSN / catching up on email and homework / what we'd do this week before I could finally be on my way home. Turns out the car (which we left overnight at church) had a flat tire after we went to China World, so my parents and I had dinner at McDonald's... BCAA came in 15 minutes (unlike the hour it took when Eric left his lights on through our Fellowship program that Friday night a long time ago) and hooked up the spare tire. I just had McDonald's on Thursday, and was planning on (KFC) fried chicken tonight. Ah well, maybe tomorrow!
Labels: christon, chrystal, citrus, danielle, dawn, dylan, emily, fidela, gay, hockey, isabel, jeremy, justin, maxed-out tags limit, megan, michael, msn, nathan, photos, vanessa
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