Monday, June 05, 2006

7-11 shrinking their Slurpees, blog catch-up (3L pop bottles and my dad's lame comments!)

After we had a Pho lunch yesterday, my sister went to Sev (the 7-11) across the street to get herself a Slurpee and my dad some coffee. Fortifying yourself / raising your blood sugar through long church meetings with drinks / candies / snacks is a must, after all. ;) She came back with a smaller Slurpee than we were used to, and told me that they'd SHRUNK them! The small size is now 355 mL (that's like a pop can, for the price it was before!) where it used to be 473 mL or something similar! This beats the time they raised Slurpee prices by ten cents a few years ago: Brian noticed that and told me that my brother wouldn't be impressed, and I definitely agreed with him! I haven't been to 7-11 myself for some time due to a combination of laziness and not really wanting to, so I was certainly surprised at this news from my sister!

Caught up in blog-land with Phil, Spoz, Vivian, Steph, Jon, Dave, and Dawn. Now I can read the "mediocre minds like mine and intelligent minds like my sister" reference that Eric was telling me about on Friday night. (I usually catch up with blogs on Saturdays, but I don't want to have a two-week backlog of posts!) Dawn's got her computer fixed, and reflects that it's a good thing the computer is not like a human body... because all the misdiagnoses, blindly entering codes, and clicking around would NOT be good for it! She's returning here in August... yay!

Jon said that he got 35 books from the Yonge Street mission, there was a wildcat strike by transit workers, and the temperature spiked to stupid (hockey analogy) levels as in 41 degrees C. Adjusting walk strategy is a good idea: AIR CON! Then he got into the grad mixup: he figures he won't know anyone he's graduating with. Dad says that the "not having undergrad peers and such around" bit means he won't have to hang around later and take pictures... probably wishful thinking, but one never knows!

Dave's rediscovered the waterfront, and is adjusting to living in an apartment instead of a dorm: asking for certain household items in Chinatown can be a challenge if you don't have an accurate name for them in the first place! (Item (6) That thing you use to poke a hole in a can...with a bent triangular pointy thing on one end and a rounded-cornered semi-rectangular thing on the other.) I figure he should just get a regular can opener, unless he's unsure how to use one!

Spoz has insane pictures and CD reviews, as usual. (Counterfeit Traitor?!) Vivian posted grad wishes for Isabel and Vivian Lam, and Phil really wants laser eye surgery since he's legally blind because of a high prescription. His contact lenses won't do since they're scratched, and apparently his Vancouver info won't do for Texas! His glasses are out of commission, which sucks... I can sympathize with the lenses popping out and rolling around on the ground! He also mentions that comparing himself to someone who's old or someone who's young doesn't really work if you're trying to feel good about yourself since there are always the people who are better than you at your own age level! There's also a photo of a BIG meat meal, which he sadly wasn't able to finish: yeah, those Texan portions are HUGE! It also included a photo of him and one of his female friends, and a photo of HUGE 3L pop bottles! Like I said, those Texan portions are gigantic beyond compare to the ones here in Vancouver!

Steph doesn't own any casual clothes that aren't affiliated with sports teams, so she figures it's time to go shopping. She also WAS going to go see Elton John, but made $150 (or something) over the weekend by putting the tickets on eBay. (her self-imposed ban from there is for BUYING stuff and not selling it :P) My dad can also be pretty LAME, which she highlighted for her readers. I was in the car on the way to the wedding banquet, and this happened:

Dad: Ha! Your shirt is sleeveless.
*10-second pause*
"You're sleeveless in Vancouver!!!"

Then my sister and I looked at each other, and declared that to be SO off the scale of being lame! (on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being high, that would rate at LEAST a 15!) Dad thought there wasn't anything wrong with what he said, and thought he was quite clever. There's being clever, and then there's just being LAME!

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