Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Waking up early, 84-question survey

I woke up early at 7:15 AGAIN today... darned sun! *grumble*

Here's a 84-question survey from David S., in a Myspace bulletin:

1. Start Time: 8:06 AM.
2. Name: Leslie.
3. Nickname: Sarne, Dragon.
6. Zodiac: Virgo.
7. Hair color: Black.
8. Eye color: Brown.
9. Height: 4 feet, 11 inches.
10. Favorite Color: Blue, purple, black.
11. Glasses: Yes.
12. Personality: Yes.
13. Piercings / tattoos: None.
14. Birthplace: Vancouver, BC.
15. Area code: 604.
16. Siblings' names: Jon and Steph.

******HAVE YOU EVER******

17. Cut your own hair?: Yes, my parents were not impressed.
18. Done something in the past month that you regret?: That doesn't quite make sense, but quite probably.
19. Have you ever met someone you were not supposed to? Um... like a killer? Haha, I dunno.
20. Kissed someone who wasn't your girlfriend or boyfriend?: I don't have one, so maybe. ;)
21. Skipped school?: Yes.
22. Bungee-jumped?: Never! Too scared of heights to do that!
23. Had sex outside?: Uh, no. o_O
24. Dumped someone?: Yes, he was a jerk.
25. Killed someone?: No, but I really wanted to do that a couple of times!
26. Been arrested?: Nope.
27. Broken into someone's house: Uh, no. Although James was arrested for breaking into this same apartment complex, thus why he and Elizabeth couldn't visit me when he got out of jail...
28. Won something?: Yes.
30. Been rejected?: Way too many times to count.
31. Been to a funeral?: Oh yes, plenty.
32. Used a lighter?: No.
33. Been on stage?: Yes.


34. Season?: Late spring / early summer.
35. Food: Pasta, wonton mein, hot and sour soup...
36. Ice cream flavor: Mint chocolate chip.
37. School subject(s): English and Band.
38. Person: The last time I said that someone was my favorite person, they ended the friendship for spurious reasons. So I'll say Nathan... he wouldn't do that. :P
39. Breakfast cereal: Shreddies!
40. Number(s): 12.
41. Book(s): Way too many to list!
42. Movie(s): This is Spinal Tap, haha.
43. Song(s): Too many to name.
44. Park: Stanley Park!
45. State: Oregon... no sales tax! Yay!
46. Place: Nathan's house, haha.
47. Sport to watch on TV: Hockey.
48. Sport to play: Not sure.
49. Bands / musicians: Loads of 'em.
51. Favorite Fast Food: Subway.
52. Cartoon Character: Garfield!
53. TV station?: Sportsnet Pacific.
54. Name for a son: Sebastian.
55. Name for a daughter: Tatiana.

******DO YOU PREFER******

56. Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate.
57. Alcoholic or non-alcoholic?: Mix of both.
58. Long relationships or one-night-stands?: The relationship... the other is just gross. :P
59. Dogs or cats? Cats.
60. Scary movies or comedies?: Comedies.
61. Short or long hair? Depends.
62. Croutons or bacon bits?: Croutons.
63. Kissing or hugging?: Hugging.


64. Mexicans: Tacos!
65. School: Pencils.
66. Grass: Pot.
67. Cow: Butter.
68. Canada: Vancouver!
69. Mouse: Scrolling.
70. Hands: Music.

******IN THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU******

71. Watched a movie?: No.
72. Talked on the phone?: No.
73. Cried?: No.
74. Thrown up?: No.
75. Drank a glass of water?: Yes.
76. Done Drugs?: No.
77. Read a book or magazine?: Yes.
78. Watched TV?: Yes.
79. Looked in the mirror?: No.
80. Taken a shower?: Yes.
81. Taken a picture?: No.
82. Listened to music?: Yes.
83. Kissed someone?: No.
84. Had sex?: No.
Ending time: 8:30 AM.

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