Sunday, April 30, 2006

Taking a mental-health day on Mother's Day / my mom's birthday is SOOOOO not a good idea!

I told my parents that I'd walk to the Mad Greek restaurant tomorrow since it's so close to my place... 6:30-ish it is! As soon as I got to church today, I talked to Citrus / Jen / Danielle / Maxine a bit about the past week: Maxine had gone to Whistler for a bit, and it was relaxing! When I went to sit by Jeremy, he introduced me to his brother Mark, who was visiting: hey, 3 for 3 so far in bringing visitors! I saw Andrea and Shally sit by Jen, so I quickly gave Andrea her presents before service started: she protested and said I didn't have to. Well, I bought that book a long time ago, and I already have it: no point returning it now, and actually I've already written her name and such in it! :P (John and Sharon also announced their wedding on Saturday)

After service, I talked a bit to Sheena before going outside to congregate with everyone else. When I told Nathan about my cooking dream this morning, he laughed and branded it as classic, even if he was distracted by ReNew conference forms for Jeremy and Ricky! ("Hahaha... Cooking With The Tos... that's great, Les!") Eric was around when I was telling him that, and thought it had something to do with nose chips. No, dude... I told you on Friday that going back to my dreams (fifth dimension or not) after being awakened rarely works for me, if ever! It seems that a LOT of people are going to the ReNew conference, so I briefly entertained the idea of taking a mental-health week that weekend. Then I quickly decided that it wasn't a good idea: there's the toddler Sunday School to think of, as well as the fact that Mom would certainly be supremely pissed if I skipped Mother's Day / her birthday (which coincide this year) ENTIRELY! Ah well...

After hanging around and saying hi to Mike / Emily / little Christopher, I went to the front of the church. I gave Sophia's late birthday card to her husband John since she was holding baby Olivia, and talked to her a little about how my sister had seen her at the Sun Run last week. I saw Helen with her baby Nicholas and talked to them a little: she brought up the idea of a get-together, and I empathized since it was difficult with a baby. She said it wasn't so much that as being without a car since she has to borrow her father-in-law's... then she remembered that she had the car all day Tuesday since she has to take Nicholas to a birthday party in Surrey. I'd be up for a get-together after the party, sure! So I guess we'll email / call each other to finalize things. Good times. :D

At the toddler Sunday School class, I learned that little Janis and Irene's parents would be going back to Hong Kong in July since they were only Regent students here for a few years. I also helped with the little kids, especially with little Sean who wanders all over the place. I should have given out birthday cards this week to Brian (care of Julie) / Danielle / Stanley / Hannah, but wasn't quite on the ball... maybe next week!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

my roommate ate a bunch of honey roasted peanuts one night. It gave her the most vile farts you could imagine.

Sunday, April 30, 2006 at 5:19:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Flami said...

HAHA, too much info. Not that it was my problem ever. :P

Sunday, April 30, 2006 at 6:01:00 PM PDT  

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