Sunday, April 30, 2006

Dreams of gold, Thanksgiving dinner prep in basement, seeing thoughts, etc.

I dream of the weirdest stuff...

* my sister and I going to the good Pho restaurant near the church, only to discover that they now sell duck noodles (with LOTS of duck!), and something called "Flax of Gold" for $7.38 each

* our meeting Alex, Erin, Tim, and Nathan in that restaurant and discussing the fact that my high school (McNair) is a "feeder site" for our new church (and also that said church is only right across the street from the school, so anyone who drives from the school to the church is a lazybutt :P)

* seeing Andrea there, and giving her some books and such (then being able to see her thoughts in written form over her head, especially how much they correlated with what Erin, Alex, and Tim had to say about her expected reaction... pretty good in this case, with Tim getting 35 of 37 right)

* going home and watching a TV show hosted by Nathan and his dad on how best to cook Thanksgiving dinner for a multitude of people in your basement! (mmm, turkey / mashed potatoes / cranberry sauce / stuffing / gravy...)

* being able to rewind the TV channels to any time earlier in the day (24-hour time) and watching whatever was on earlier (kinda like TiVo, but not... I remember the music video channel had initials for both artist and song, and the obligatory evangelistic TV program being kinda like a horror movie with illustrations drawn from THE CLOSET OF HORRORS!!!!)

HAHAHAHA. I need to tell Nathan about this today, and maybe ask him about Eric H. too while I'm at it! ;)

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