Monday, April 24, 2006

Neil Young death dreams, seaweed, eating weird animals, quizzes

I dreamed that my sister was driving me and my brother somewhere and we went on a mountain, not on the road. Then I dreamed that we were in a video game, and that Neil Young was dead since it was all over the radio and stuff. o_O

Had time to look through the stuff my mom and grandma gave me: two new shirts, Chinese pastry from Keefer Bakery, fruit, two pairs of socks, ginseng candy, and a whole jar of seaweed. I've eaten all 80 pieces already... these things are addictive, and I'm a pig! (what can I say, I've liked the stuff since my grandma gave it to me in childhood!) Reminds me of when I made Corey eat some of the "Moto Moto Yama Hot Seasoned Roasted Seaweed" that I sent him last year for his birthday. Technically I can't MAKE him do anything, but I told him that I wanted seaweed reviews... he didn't know whether he liked it yet, but it reminded him of what Jane in Taiwan sends him sometimes. But at least it wasn't a total "what the hell?!" reaction, heh. :D

I was talking to Jared (smokedglass7429) about drama and weird foods, since I mentioned that I was eating some seaweed... he's eaten horse and bat and such before, so it's an unusual part of Asian / other culture! Those Chinese menus from a while back are still hilarious! Then there's the horse, um, member and live monkey from Guatemala (split the head open and scoop out the brains) that he was telling me his dad encountered. He wondered how seaweed could be a childhood treat from my grandma.. hey, she always gave it to me and my siblings randomly when we were kids! (he thinks mine is weirder than his... salted tomato with cottage cheese is weird, dude! :P) I remembered that Jon's friend Ty ate DOG in China once on a missions trip, and there's always the time my mom unwittingly ate cat as a child... o_O

Note: LJ friends and fetishes blogquiz, by Sharie.

Favorite Green Day song?
favorite color?
what color is your hair?
Billie Joe
Mike Dirnt
Tre Cool
This Fun Quiz created by Heather at BlogQuiz.Net
Science News at NewsDump

What is your name?
what house are you in
who is your favorite character from HP
Harry would give you something on the first date... what is it?flowers and some chocolate frogs. Awwwwwwww, how sweet.
Harry would protect you fromDraco Malfoy
Does Harry wanna marry you?Oh yes. Mrs. Harry Potter!
Harryis starting to love you
This Fun Quiz created by Stephanie at BlogQuiz.Net
Free Daily Horoscopes at DailyHoroscopes.Biz

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