Tuesday, March 22, 2005

True story for Andre: My mom ate cat once!

Yes, it's true. My mom ate cat once when she was a kid in Hong Kong. Her mom decided that since some relatives and important people she wanted to impress were coming over, the family cat would make a nice ingredient in the soup. Mind you, my mom was quite attached to this cat. Ten years is a long time to a kid, especially when it's all of your life up to that point. She came home from school one day and noticed the cat was missing. Her mother wouldn't tell her where it had gone. Fast forward to dinnertime, with all these important people sitting around the table. Someone asked what was in the delicious soup. When Grandma told them that the main ingredient was the cat, everyone nodded wisely: old cats were the best for soups. On the other hand, little Kitty (my mother, NOT the cat! :P) was quite horrified! Just imagine if you were inadvertently eating a beloved family pet, and you'll get an idea of how she felt. She burst out screaming. That in itself was NOT the thing to do, especially at dinner with important people around. She then ran to her room crying, and wouldn't come out for the rest of the night.

There's also the time that my brother's friend Ty ate dog, but that was because he was on a missions trip to China then. It wasn't raw, despite their "raw dog" jokes later. Apparently, it tasted very tender. That story is much more mundane than the cat one!

Note: LJ Lesbians Memegen by StarSatNoon.

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