Monday, March 06, 2006

Sex survey

Posted in LJ / GJ on Oct. 7, 2006.


1. I have had sex while wearing a blindfold. Sounds creepy... no!
2. I have blindfolded someone during sex. No, but that sounds like wicked fun.
3. I have had sex while watching porn. Considering I can't look at porn, no.
4. I have had sex while surfing porn on the Internet. See above answer.
5. I sleep better after sex. No idea.
6. There are some nights when I can't sleep without sex or masturbating. Unfortunately (?), yes.


8. I get turned on knowing someone is watching me masturbate. No idea, since I've never tried it. I'd probably get all nervous and such, so probably not.
9. I have masturbated for someone over a webcam. No... but DAMN YOU, MAGICAL SILVER KEY! (he thought I wanted to see it once on YM... hell, NO!)
10. I have had sex over a webcam. Ewwwies, no!
11. I will have sex with someone I just met if he / she turns me on. I'm not wired that way, so most definitely not!
12. I have been tied up during sex. No, and I probably wouldn't do that.
13. I have had sex with someone who was tied up. See above.
14. I have dripped hot wax on a lover's body. No, that sounds dangerous.
15. I have had a lover drip hot wax on my body. See above.
16. I have a foot fetish. Hahaha, no. I'm not like Mr. Willoughby in Voyager! (reminds me, I should read that book again sometime...)
17. I have a leather fetish. It looks cool, but no. (Jeremy would probably be relieved to hear this, what with his leather jacket, hahaha)
18. I have a tickle fetish. I'm more likely to KILL you if you tickle me, so probably not. I'm way too ticklish sometimes.
19. I like being choked during sex. .... NO! I'm not into what furries do, thanks.
20. I have had sex in a burning building. .... uh, I dunno about the person who wrote this survey, but my first instinct would be to GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE instead of having sex!!!
21. I have erotic art on display somewhere in my residence. Nope! Too tame for that, me lovelies...
22. I enjoy nudie magazines. HAHAHAHAHA. No.
23. Erotic toys are a regular part of my budget. See above.
24. I think Playboy is tame, maybe even boring. Never looked at it or Playgirl. Yes, I am aware of people who buy it "just for the articles." Uh-huh, sure... and I'm the Queen of the Netherlands. *raised eyebrow*
25. I have clicked on porn links in my email. Good heavens, no!
26. I know the difference between girl / girl and lesbian sex in porn. See #3.
27. I have watched more than one gay / lesbian porn film. See #3.
28. Much of what I know about sex comes from porn. No.
29. Interracial sex turns me on. Not as a concept, no.
30. I think we should do more to understand the culture of sex. Does agreeing with this make me a sex fiend?
31. I would participate in sex research if given the opportunity. I dunno... perhaps not.
32. My current lover does not meet my sexual needs. No lover, so I wouldn't have a clue.
33. I currently have a crush on someone of the same sex. Not for me, thanks.
34. I have had sex at my place of employment. ... no.
35. I am often disappointed in my sexual relationships. Never had one, so wouldn't know.
36. Some people might describe me as a nymphomaniac. HAHAHAHAHA, no. I may be perverted somehow, but I am NOT a nymphomaniac!
37. I am difficult to live with if I'm not having sex on a regular basis. No clue.
38. I sleep better with someone curled up next to me. Maybe... then again, I might not because of a body (NOT the dead variety!) next to me and shifting position and such... but it could also depend on the person and how much trust I have in them, too. How's that for a wishy-washy answer? heh
39. I have had sex underwater. .... oh hell, no.
40. I have had sex in the snow. There are some things you shouldn't do in the snow, and sex is probably one of them. Way too cold for that! (yes, I am aware that people claim sex warms them up, so it would possibly MELT the snow... but my answer still stands)
41. I am in a polyamorous relationship. Those people are... deluded. No.
42. I have to have music playing during sex. Music DOES awaken certain emotions, but I'd have no idea. I have music playing all day here, though!
43. I have had more than 10 orgasms in one night. Now THAT is a recipe for exhaustion, from what I hear about the effects of those! Definitely not!
44. I have flashed strangers. Why in the flaming hell would I do THAT?!
45. I have given sex as a gift. No.
46. I have set up a three-way for my lover. If ANYONE wanted to get with me and have a three-way, I'd be outta there so fast it would make their head spin!
47. I stopped during this list to have sex. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Hell, no.

Rubber as in you rub your legs all day thinkin' something good-feelin' is gonna happen. You also chew on pots all day.
Take this quiz at

That one was pretty offensive! o_O (and yet I'm posting it anyhow... go figure!)

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