Sunday, March 05, 2006

Asians with random words on shirts, Spore creating its own content, diseases and abuse

Corey told me that he got a shirt with double black diamonds and "EXPERTS ONLY" on it: his Taiwan friend Jane didn't think about the meaning when she got it, or didn't know. She apparently has a cappuccino shirt and didn't think about the meaning of it being coffee, hence why she was stumped when Corey asked her what the point was of having the shirt if she never drank the stuff! Then he told me about a game which basically created its own content, and didn't need a massive database of code: he said the video would impress me even if I didn't care about games. He also wanted someone else to have problems in my OREGON TRAIL game (where everyone ended up dying from cholera / typhoid / other nasty things)... I can't do anything about that! He had two episodes of the measles, two broken legs, and died of exhaustion in game 1; in this game 2, he's gotten lost for two days, had a broken arm / the measles / a broken leg. (that all qualifies as abuse in his book! :P) I managed to reach the Willamette Valley twice in Oregon Trail Deluxe; in this one, everyone's died three times... once only 12 miles from the Oregon valley! (I don't remember my childhood stats, but they were probably similar...) Here's the relevant conversation:

[19:30:18] Flami: I live in a giant bucket!: I've just eaten some multigrain sugarfree Crackerplus crackers with all sorts of good stuff in them: whole spelt, wheat germ, sesame seeds, dietary fiber, whole meal, isomalt, quinoa, millet, brown flax, triticale flakes, pearled barley flakes, purple wheat flakes, rye flakes, AND a mild aroma of grain!
[20:17:55] Corey: well, I got a light pink shirt in the mail, beat that
[20:27:15] Flami: I actually saw Chris wearing a light pink shirt today :P
[20:28:43] Corey: pastel colors are cool right now.... on guys... because the current batch of guys has either gone gay or mentally retarded, at least until the next dumb trend. I don't see myself wearing this shirt... like... ever... it's light pink and says "EXPERTS ONLY" with a pair of black diamonds on it
[20:29:56] Corey: which means double black diamond ski slopes, but Jane had no idea it meant anything...

what the hell is wrong with Asian people? :P they seem to just put random sh*t on clothing, and people that buy them don't even THINK about what they're plastering all over themselves... "hey, it has words on it... wow"
[20:31:08] Corey: I'm wearing another one I got.. it has random motorcycle words on it, and a big eagle thing... and a sentence about love and prosperity and "LA GIRL" or some nonsense.. just totally unrelated to the rest of the shirt :P
[20:32:32] Corey: and these are pretty normal.. Jane has some "cappuccino" shirt.. she never bothered to think that she had that on her shirt until I asked her why she wanted a coffee shirt when she never drinks coffee..... she has a shirt that has sentences that are more or less nonsense... "oh, I didn't pay attention to that part"
[20:32:38] Corey: .................
[20:33:23] Corey: I met an Asian kid that was an exchange student living with a lady that apparently knew my mom.. wearing a bright happy looking shirt that said "f*ck yourself" in happy-looking lettering :P
[20:34:01] Corey: I'd really like to meet the people that create this stuff... I'd like to see what kind of logic goes into actually creating that stuff
[20:34:56] Corey: there are entire websites devoted to examples of stuff like this :P
[20:38:28] Flami: I'm not surprised about the shirts or the websites...
[20:39:02] Flami: some of it could be that Asians are fascinated with the English language and might buy a lot of stuff with English words on it, no matter how stupid..
[20:41:42] Corey: well, yes, like how people over here get stuff with Chinese / Japanese characters on it (see: lower backs of half of the younger female population) just because that's SO COOL... but in many cases, these are people that actually know English... someone like Jane sees a shirt that says "CAPPUCCINO," but it never registers that this is a shirt representing coffee / cappuccino :P she knows what that is.. it was like she'd never bothered to read the shirt before. I don't get that. if my eyes make contact with something, I've read it and probably considered the meaning behind it :P
[20:44:49] Flami: I don't get that either, but I guess maybe in some cases, it's easy money for whomever sells these things, even if the consumer doesn't know the meaning behind certain things :P
[20:45:53] Corey: yes, but people that do know the meaning, or would if they just looked at it, are buying these things :P
[21:02:27] Flami: you have the measles, by the way :P
[21:06:39] Corey: oh, do I?
[21:08:41] Flami: well, since my health is good now, I assume that you recovered :P
[21:10:09] Flami: never mind... you got the measles again
[21:10:15] Corey: uh.. that's good. am I a character in the game you've been playing or something?
[21:15:14] Flami: Oregon Trail, baby
[21:16:57] Corey: the best part is hunting and when people die, you can put dirty things on the tombstones. at least, that's how it worked in elementary school when we'd play that in computer class once in a while
[21:19:18] Flami: I remember playing that, Number Munchers, Lemonade Stand, and other games like that all the time at lunch break on the computers
[21:20:21] Corey: we played Number Munchers.. not the other one. one we had was Speedway Math where you did math problems as fast as possible with a big racecar theme to the whole thing.... we'd all compete to get the highest speeds and stuff :P
[21:21:28] Flami: you have the worst luck in this game... two episodes of the measles, and now a broken arm :P
[21:22:05] Flami: I don't think we had the Speedway Math one..
[21:22:57] Corey: make some other person have problems
[21:25:49] Flami: in case you don't remember, the game is RANDOM!
[21:28:51] Flami: by the way, what are some of the sites for those weird shirts that people buy? :P
[21:30:11] Corey: uh.. I didn't give you sites
[21:30:16] Flami: fine... now Michelle has the measles... happy now? :P
[21:30:19] Corey: I think Engrish is one
[21:30:37] Corey: that might not be right.. but it's called Engrish, at least :P
[21:37:07] Flami: you have a broken leg now :P
[21:38:20] Flami: and another one
[21:45:33] Corey: sh*t... I was just reading about this AWESOME game called Spore... it's like SimLIFE.. goes from controlling a single cell organism to ruling the GALAXY.. just tons and tons of levels of magnitude in there... anyway.. this stuff is almost all "procedurally generated" which means the program automatically creates the actual content.. somehow.... it's pretty amazing. I just found a game that some of the programmers of that game made... called .kkreiger
[21:46:08] Corey: .kkreiger is a FPS, Doom clone type game... nothing too fancy or anything... looks decent enough... but... it's only 97.2k
[21:46:11] Corey: the whole game...
[21:46:26] Flami: everyone died :(
[21:46:31] Corey: you could fit like 15 copies of this entire game, what takes GIGS in regular games... on one floppy
[21:46:47] Flami: ..... wow!
[21:46:49] Corey: it only needs the code to generate this stuff.. not the code to actually store that stuff
[21:49:14] Corey: basically, the program is smart.. (I'll give you a video link in a minute.... it's on google video.. it's a long video, but it is totally worth watching.. even if you don't care about games.. this will likely impress you :P) in Spore... you can create ANY creature... anything you want. the game will figure out how it moves and acts from its skeleton and other things... they program nothing about that stuff.. so anything is possible because the game knows how to do it based on little things you make :P
[21:49:45] Corey: here's the video (35 minutes, and worth it :P)
[21:50:13] Corey: with your connection now.. that should play with basically no loading time, because Google Video just streams it, and you should be able to keep up :P
[21:51:21] Corey: this is like the most innovative game in a really long time... just watch that video. every time you think they're done explaining things it grows in orders of magnitude :P you could spend a LOT of time playing that.. and they're just showing a really early version without much content implemented yet


[23:05:52] Flami: okay, in this new game, you also have bad luck: you've had the measles, gotten lost for 2 days, and a broken arm..
[23:07:15] Corey: stop abusing me
[23:08:06] Flami: oh, and now you have a broken leg
[23:08:20] Flami: .... what makes you think I'm abusing you?
[23:10:25] Corey: look at all the things happening to me, ya jerkface! ;)
[23:17:35] Flami: yeah, but it's not like I *wanted* it to happen to you!
[23:17:45] Corey: so you say :P
[23:20:00] Flami: this game is random when it comes to bad things happening to your party... you KNOW that :P
[23:22:54] Corey: yeah, but you probably named them all me just to be sure :P
[23:42:21] Flami: I did not! :P for the record: Tatiana, Corey, Darren, Michelle, and Andrea :P
[23:48:53] Corey: I should go play that game so I can watch YOU get broken arms and sicknesses, and maybe you'll fail to ford the river and f*** up the whole wagon!
[23:56:02] Flami: everyone's died AGAIN
[23:56:30] Flami: you know, fording the river is only recommended if the river depth is like 2 feet or less :P
[00:02:55] Corey: then you'll have no excuse when you break it
[00:05:39] Flami: they DO give you the river depth when you reach 'em, y'know..
[00:05:52] Corey: yes, so you'll have no excuse!
[00:06:22] Flami: well, since you'd be the one controlling your game..
[00:21:50] Flami: so far nothing bad has happened to anyone in this game! :D
[00:34:18] Flami: ... never mind. everyone died again, 12 miles from the valley

I just finished the game without everyone dying, although it refuses to register me on the top 10 even though I do qualify. Inserted disk 1, and I was back to the beginning. Yeesh. :P

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello everybody! If you are looking for the Oregon Trail Deluxe - you are in the right way! Use this link to download Oregon Trail Deluxe. By the way, you can find there some reviews and screenshots.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006 at 3:50:00 PM PDT  

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