LAN parties, Wikipedia, fluffy puff marshmallows, Homestar Runner, Warcraft, Blogger, dead cats
Alan sent us an email about LAN parties, since he'd just talked to Derek about it. He's not a supporter of ripped / pirated stuff, but for the sake of fellowship, he might arrange something if people are interested. That's SUCH a guy thing with w3c and whatever else is out there! Ah well, whatever brings 'em closer together, I guess? *shrug* Me, I'm just happy in my own world, hahaha... I wouldn't be totally averse to a girl's night out sometime, but someone else will have to come up with the idea since I'm not that great at organizational stuff!
I decided to Wikipedia those things that Eric M. had told me about yesterday. No articles exist on "fluffy pink marshmallows," but I did find one on the Homestar Runner Characters with bios on everyone from Marzipan to the Cheat. Lo and behold, there's a character named Marshie the Marshmallow. Homestar Runner had a job in a marshmallow commercial for Fluffy Puff Marshmallows, but lost his job to that talking marshmallow. So that's what Eric means by those marshmallow references...
(Corey did ask whether it took a long time to look stuff up on the Internet: it does when you have 15 minutes to take a shower and get ready to leave, and also when you get lost within all of Wikipedia's shiny links! :P)
As for "kaldorei," it's really a night elf. Eric did allude to this last night, and I thought it had something to do with World of Warcraft. Looking up "kaldorei spiders" brought me to an article on races in the Warcraft universe. Very interesting stuff...
Also, why the heck does Blogger seem to be eating my posts? It's annoying as heck!
Someone in a forum I go to regularly has her dead cat as part of her signature. I realize she's in mourning over the cat (and understandably so), but that just reminds me of the time that I saw roadkill with Kate and Steph at the bus stop quite a few years ago! Not pleasant... blerk!
Sam will pick me up soonish, so gotta go! *wave*
Duty and Loyalty: You serve your purpose and do what you must do. People would consider you someone to rely on, and one who keeps his / her word when he / she gives it.
Which Characteristic From the Samurai Code Matches You Best? (You may find out your best trait)
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I decided to Wikipedia those things that Eric M. had told me about yesterday. No articles exist on "fluffy pink marshmallows," but I did find one on the Homestar Runner Characters with bios on everyone from Marzipan to the Cheat. Lo and behold, there's a character named Marshie the Marshmallow. Homestar Runner had a job in a marshmallow commercial for Fluffy Puff Marshmallows, but lost his job to that talking marshmallow. So that's what Eric means by those marshmallow references...
(Corey did ask whether it took a long time to look stuff up on the Internet: it does when you have 15 minutes to take a shower and get ready to leave, and also when you get lost within all of Wikipedia's shiny links! :P)
As for "kaldorei," it's really a night elf. Eric did allude to this last night, and I thought it had something to do with World of Warcraft. Looking up "kaldorei spiders" brought me to an article on races in the Warcraft universe. Very interesting stuff...
Also, why the heck does Blogger seem to be eating my posts? It's annoying as heck!
Someone in a forum I go to regularly has her dead cat as part of her signature. I realize she's in mourning over the cat (and understandably so), but that just reminds me of the time that I saw roadkill with Kate and Steph at the bus stop quite a few years ago! Not pleasant... blerk!
Sam will pick me up soonish, so gotta go! *wave*
Duty and Loyalty: You serve your purpose and do what you must do. People would consider you someone to rely on, and one who keeps his / her word when he / she gives it.
Which Characteristic From the Samurai Code Matches You Best? (You may find out your best trait)
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Labels: alan, annoyances, blogger, candy, characters, computer, corey, derek, emails, eric m., fellowship, games, homestar runner, internet, lists, maxed-out tags limit, parties, quizilla, shiny, wikipedia
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