No invasive procedures! / Quizzes
well, I managed to survive without invasive procedures..
no drills, lasers, needles, or anything of that sort..
not even any Novocaine or numbness.. very excellent!
just a little incision where the filling needed to be..
plus some orange-and-blue light machine thing..
it certainly wasn't what I was expecting!
luckily, the cavity's black spot was very small..
and they used white filling, so it matched my teeth..
overall, it wasn't too bad.. but I wouldn't do it again..
went to meet Yazmine afterwards.. we didn't check email..
just sat and talked for a while, then browsed around..
I bought The Serial Killer Files from the bookstore..
also purchased 16 jumbo cookies and guacamole Doritos..
(those latter two items from Safeway, not the bookstore :P )
we had a good time just being together.. wooyeah!
if a certain person doesn't show up in my LJ by tomorrow..
I'm gonna have to do a takeoff on "Missing: A Little Shrimp"..
(Denise's joke for Dennis a few years ago, hahaha)
I think it'll have to be "Missing: A Giant Prawn"..
he *is* 6.3 to my 4.11, so that's how it'll have to be ;)
On the Politically Correct Quiz, I got 100%.

what decade does your personality live in?
quiz brought to you by lady interference, ltd
CONGRATS!!!!!! You Are a Demon!! (stupid quiz,eh?)
( NEW!!!!) take this Invader Zim quiz!! ... I SAID TAKE THE QUIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
brought to you by Quizilla
You are quite smart as to not make stupid little quizzes. You are not desperate. Well, at least not enough to sink down to that. Good job, and congrats. Message me if you would like.
a personality quiz, It's an awesome quiz, you should take it....... (like really)
brought to you by Quizilla
You're a great friend! You're always there for your friends when they're having a tough time, and you know just how to cheer them up! You're most likely surrounded by fans at school, and you love them all!
How good a friend are you? (This quiz is awesome, not your normal friend quiz:)
brought to you by Quizilla
You are crusty socks! Everyone hates you! You try and keep my feet warm, but you fail! Go get in my dryer, NOW!
brought to you by Quizilla

You're a total SQUIRREL! Well, you must look like one too!
The Mystery Quiz...What Will You Be!?
brought to you by Quizilla
Kick ass!!! You're pretty damn hardcore! Keep up that DIY spirit and fuck MTV and their corporate puppets!
punk quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
Sorry to break the news to you, but the dream is over. You're not an idiot. Go bang your head against the wall a few times, and then come back and take this again. Maybe the results will be different.
The Idiot Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
-The Elemental Quiz-
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Homer! You're pretty much characterized as lazy, but you also have a dash of sarcasm and musical talent! You are a member of the Be Sharps Barbershop Quartet, and manager for country star Lurleen Lumpkin. Sure, you're fat / selfish / bend the rules a bit, but who else can say they took a cannonball to the gut and lived to tell about it?!
Another Simpsons Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
You.......... You're just kinda there. Bored, but not bored at the same time. Understand?
How Bored Are You To Take This Quiz?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Ice Cube. Stop beating up people.
Friday After Next Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
All I have to say is.... you answered it exactly like I would have! Aren't you glad you know that?
The Most Pointless Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
You are one smart person! You have common sense. You are smarter than some people I know... *cough, cough*
Retarded Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
no drills, lasers, needles, or anything of that sort..
not even any Novocaine or numbness.. very excellent!
just a little incision where the filling needed to be..
plus some orange-and-blue light machine thing..
it certainly wasn't what I was expecting!
luckily, the cavity's black spot was very small..
and they used white filling, so it matched my teeth..
overall, it wasn't too bad.. but I wouldn't do it again..
went to meet Yazmine afterwards.. we didn't check email..
just sat and talked for a while, then browsed around..
I bought The Serial Killer Files from the bookstore..
also purchased 16 jumbo cookies and guacamole Doritos..
(those latter two items from Safeway, not the bookstore :P )
we had a good time just being together.. wooyeah!
if a certain person doesn't show up in my LJ by tomorrow..
I'm gonna have to do a takeoff on "Missing: A Little Shrimp"..
(Denise's joke for Dennis a few years ago, hahaha)
I think it'll have to be "Missing: A Giant Prawn"..
he *is* 6.3 to my 4.11, so that's how it'll have to be ;)
On the Politically Correct Quiz, I got 100%.

what decade does your personality live in?
quiz brought to you by lady interference, ltd
CONGRATS!!!!!! You Are a Demon!! (stupid quiz,eh?)
( NEW!!!!) take this Invader Zim quiz!! ... I SAID TAKE THE QUIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
brought to you by Quizilla
You are quite smart as to not make stupid little quizzes. You are not desperate. Well, at least not enough to sink down to that. Good job, and congrats. Message me if you would like.
a personality quiz, It's an awesome quiz, you should take it....... (like really)
brought to you by Quizilla
You're a great friend! You're always there for your friends when they're having a tough time, and you know just how to cheer them up! You're most likely surrounded by fans at school, and you love them all!
How good a friend are you? (This quiz is awesome, not your normal friend quiz:)
brought to you by Quizilla
You are crusty socks! Everyone hates you! You try and keep my feet warm, but you fail! Go get in my dryer, NOW!
brought to you by Quizilla

You're a total SQUIRREL! Well, you must look like one too!
The Mystery Quiz...What Will You Be!?
brought to you by Quizilla
Kick ass!!! You're pretty damn hardcore! Keep up that DIY spirit and fuck MTV and their corporate puppets!
punk quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
Sorry to break the news to you, but the dream is over. You're not an idiot. Go bang your head against the wall a few times, and then come back and take this again. Maybe the results will be different.
The Idiot Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
-The Elemental Quiz-
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Homer! You're pretty much characterized as lazy, but you also have a dash of sarcasm and musical talent! You are a member of the Be Sharps Barbershop Quartet, and manager for country star Lurleen Lumpkin. Sure, you're fat / selfish / bend the rules a bit, but who else can say they took a cannonball to the gut and lived to tell about it?!
Another Simpsons Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
You.......... You're just kinda there. Bored, but not bored at the same time. Understand?
How Bored Are You To Take This Quiz?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Ice Cube. Stop beating up people.
Friday After Next Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
All I have to say is.... you answered it exactly like I would have! Aren't you glad you know that?
The Most Pointless Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
You are one smart person! You have common sense. You are smarter than some people I know... *cough, cough*
Retarded Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
Labels: characters, denise, dennis, emails, food, jim, jokes, lj, music, quizilla, quizzes, serial killers, yazmine
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