Hoodies and Corey's thoughts on a new pastor / Quizzes
he desperately wants me to get one for some reason..
so I decided to email my sister to see if she'd buy me one..
she hasn't gotten me a Christmas gift yet, so this might suit..
got a reply from her saying that Square 1's selection is bad..
(Square 1 being this insanely huge mall in Mississauga)
Melissa says the selection downtown is better, so there it is..
Steph says I'd be swimming around in an XXL.. true!
but Sam did say to get it one size bigger for cold times..
since I love complaining about the cold, an XL will suffice..
I have to leave you with Corey's thought on a new pastor..
"get me to be the new one.. I'll talk about GWAR and stuff..
and how everyone should live to serve me and do my bidding..
I'll have minions like I did with my werewolf pack..
after a week or two, everyone will be reunified..
they'll have the common goal of replacing me..
I'll help you guys out by giving everyone a common cause..
plus, it would be fun for me.. can't miss that opportunity..
gotta use my status as a reverend for something :P"
that was just the funny thing I needed to cap off my night..
even if I *was* expecting him to say something like that ;)
Note: LJ Gender Tool by Hutta.
![]() Heh. Heh. I taste like beer. I like beer. Buy me a beer. I'm not drunk, I can drink plenty without... What was I saying? Beer. What Flavour Are You? |

You are every goth-kid's dream!
Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
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Xmas Tree Psychology Test

We know, we know... you wanted to have a perfect, traditional Christmas this year; but you ran out of time. That's OK, we'll surprise you with a Buzy Bee to top your tree off. This reflects both sides of your current mental status: the traditional coupled with the modern pace of life.
THEME SONG: Hurry Up by Blondie
Hmm.. maybe.. a little out of season, but whatever. :P
How Would YOU Take Over the World?
Take the test, by Emily.

Your inner element is one of great compassion and
love. You are an extremely kind-hearted person
who tends to care more about helping others
than themselves at times. You gravitate to
people who need help or just a shoulder to cry
on and you provide them with the support they
need. You harbor an intense compassion for
others that is truly admirable. You are an
incredibly easy-going person who just goes with
the flow and tries to be comfortable no matter
what. You tend to collect things, little
reminders or memories of time gone past. Any
career that will allow you to help others in
any way is ideal for you. Love is a essential
element in your life, and your search for the
one and only for you is paramount to all
things. The one you choose with have to be
loyal, honest, and able to share their emotions
with you.
Your greatest strengths are your ability to bond
with others and help them through the tough
times. Your weaknesses are your tendency to get
overly emotional on things and drive those you
care about away with your emotional outbursts.
Balancing your strengths and weaknesses is
crucial for you to achieve balance in your life.
Astrologically, Water is associated with the signs
of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. You are most
compatible for either love or friendship with
another Water Elemental or with an Earth. You
are least compatible with a Fire Elemental.
Now that you have an idea of your strengths and
weaknesses, why don't you put them to the test?
If you follow my lead, I can take you to a game
world where you can explore different sides of
yourself and taste real power....
and all the world can be yours...
Which of the 5 Prime Elements are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Tom Servo. You're pretty smart, and your
singing voice is quite nice. You have great
self-esteem, but no one knows why, since your
arms don't work and you have no legs.
Which MST3K Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Sidhe. You are noble by birth, and tend to be proud
of to be one of the shining host. You excel at
social situations and reciting older rhetoric...
however, you sometimes have problems seeing what
is right under your nose.
What Type of Changeling Are You? (Now Including Pictures for Each Kith)
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NIGHT MAGICK - Night Magick is a complete
curriculum of magical development based on the
Yin primal force, as opposed to the major
religions of the world, which are predominantly
Yang. You emphasize the use and balanced
development of the Physical / Etheric Body, the
Astral / Emotional Body, the Mental Body, and the
Causal Body. Through regular and consistent
practice, you, the Night Magician will develop
psychic abilities, increased vitality, stronger
focus, and union with your Oversoul.
What is Your Magick Path?
brought to you by Quizilla
Labels: alcoholic drinks, amusement, characters, christmas, church, emails, emily, gwar, melissa, movies, presents, quizilla, quizzes, ravenblack, sam, sex, steph, water
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