Aliahan Vault Limits / Mimics / Ortega / Zoma
Now Kaitlin wants me to stop tagging her in photos... aiya! Chinese Eric tried calling me, but was unsuccessful since I was fighting various monsters. Good thing he got on MSN! He thinks we can hang out on Thursday - gotta write his birthday card! - and wonders if Jon is free. I tried calling him, with no answer. Then I told that to Eric, who then asked if I caught any Olympics highlights: not really, since I was at church and lunch during the closing ceremonies! He thinks Jon would have appreciated them because of all the musicians... possibly, but NOT the Spice Girls! Hahaha!
Then Jon called me back to say he's teaching Randal, but could go to the park - to me, Douglas Park at 800 W. 22 sounds doable, but we'll see what Eric has to say about meeting him and the baby at 6:30, hahaha! But Eric did like his own bubble tea idea, hehe. As it turns out, he wants us to meet at Langara Station - close to his place - and then we can go there together from 5:50 on. That works! :D
The safe is full, and we can't deposit any more money!

I never knew that the Vault Safe in Aliahan had a 255,000G limit on gold!

"The service charge is 1 piece of gold" should NOT be a question!

At Luisa's Eatery, it should be "Flamster PARTS with Gloria"!

In the Tower near Kol, this treasure chest (with weird revolving diamond tiles) is a Mimic!

Look! It's Ortega, our father, fighting a King Hydra alone in Zoma Castle! :D [and we thought he was dead all this time... unfortunately, the monster kills him, and he doesn't recognize his own child]

The Master Archfiend Zoma in the castle's basement, predicting our demise upon the offering altar...

Now Kaitlin wants me to stop tagging her in photos... aiya! Chinese Eric tried calling me, but was unsuccessful since I was fighting various monsters. Good thing he got on MSN! He thinks we can hang out on Thursday - gotta write his birthday card! - and wonders if Jon is free. I tried calling him, with no answer. Then I told that to Eric, who then asked if I caught any Olympics highlights: not really, since I was at church and lunch during the closing ceremonies! He thinks Jon would have appreciated them because of all the musicians... possibly, but NOT the Spice Girls! Hahaha!
Then Jon called me back to say he's teaching Randal, but could go to the park - to me, Douglas Park at 800 W. 22 sounds doable, but we'll see what Eric has to say about meeting him and the baby at 6:30, hahaha! But Eric did like his own bubble tea idea, hehe. As it turns out, he wants us to meet at Langara Station - close to his place - and then we can go there together from 5:50 on. That works! :D
The safe is full, and we can't deposit any more money!

I never knew that the Vault Safe in Aliahan had a 255,000G limit on gold!

"The service charge is 1 piece of gold" should NOT be a question!

At Luisa's Eatery, it should be "Flamster PARTS with Gloria"!

In the Tower near Kol, this treasure chest (with weird revolving diamond tiles) is a Mimic!

Look! It's Ortega, our father, fighting a King Hydra alone in Zoma Castle! :D [and we thought he was dead all this time... unfortunately, the monster kills him, and he doesn't recognize his own child]

The Master Archfiend Zoma in the castle's basement, predicting our demise upon the offering altar...

Labels: bubble tea, characters, death, eric h., friends, games, golden, jon, kaitlin, kids, maxed-out tags limit, money, msn, music, phone calls, pictures, randal, sports, tagging, weird stuff
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