Door searching in jars? / Danielle, Sundin, 4-2 LOSS, LOSING GAMEPLAY
Talked to Talia briefly on AIM today before the game coverage started. I convinced Holly to join the Puckheads group, then she had everyone commenting on (laughing at?) her misspelling of "Sedin" as "Sundine" - ALMOST "Sundin," too! Then I heard that Danielle is moving to Ontario since she got some university job there - WHAT THE. Listened to the hockey game, which started later than usual... @#$@#$@#@ LAST-SECOND EMPTY-NET GOALS!!!!!!!!!! Los Angeles was the better team (as the Canucks lost the game 4-2), but still. Also lost all my Colossus / Dire Palace / Esturk's Palace / Riverton / Izmit dream gameplay today because the computer and Nessie emulator failed to respond! :(
WTF is that Twitter comment from the Kings' official account?! "To everyone in Canada, outside BC: You're welcome." *annoyed*
Note to self: The jars in Dire Palace (or elsewhere) are NOT places to search for doors! Yes, my party had to use the Staff of Transform to make themselves into monsters so they could hear the evil Necrosaro speak at a meeting on the second floor.

WTF is that Twitter comment from the Kings' official account?! "To everyone in Canada, outside BC: You're welcome." *annoyed*
Note to self: The jars in Dire Palace (or elsewhere) are NOT places to search for doors! Yes, my party had to use the Staff of Transform to make themselves into monsters so they could hear the evil Necrosaro speak at a meeting on the second floor.

Labels: aim, annoyances, characters, comments, crap, danielle, dragons, dungeons, facebook, games, hockey, holly, maxed-out tags limit, meetings, news, parties, pictures, spelling, talia, twins
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