KING SLIME! / Chinese Eric / Melissa / EPIC!
I finished that 200g rice crisps-filled bunny at 8, and then called my favorite person (for real) Chinese Eric; of course I wished Auntie a Happy Easter when she said it to me! I told Eric a shortened version of why I didn't go to Easter service today (Paul's baptism / my feelings - HE understands!), and said that 6 tomorrow should be fine for picking me up. Even if it's early, we can chill and talk here for a bit. Yes, he can definitely hear the extended version tomorrow, and I definitely wished HIM a happy Easter also! Time to use two of my Easter cards on him and Chrystal! Someone named Melissa Tsang (one of Jessica G.'s friends) wanted to add me on Facebook; I DON'T THINK SO! Unrelated to that, I AM EPIC AS FUCK. :D
When you're fighting five or six Slimes at a time near Haville or thereabouts, they may call for reinforcements and become a KING SLIME!

When you're fighting five or six Slimes at a time near Haville or thereabouts, they may call for reinforcements and become a KING SLIME!

Labels: candy, cards, characters, chinese, chrystal, dragons, easter, eric h., facebook, friends, games, holidays, jessica, maxed-out tags limit, melissa, paul, phone calls, pictures, random, wishes
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