Saturday, September 17, 2011

"Officially old" at 35 / FOUNDATION / Taking another male in on my birthday

Birthday wishes: Chris W., Billie, Ellen W., Laura, Ryan, Itamar, Jason H., Kaitlin, Sarah G., Susan, Baby's Named A Bad Bad Thing, Unaboard, Crime Library, Sara H., Andrew M., Corey, Hilary, and Connie.

Decided to wish Karen Choo a happy birthday via email, heh. Jon emailed us an update on Paul, and thinks we can go out to eat later. Hey, it's all good if we can combine cheering him up with MY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION! Hahahaha... I'm not evil, and won't think that the apartment fire needed to time itself better! Then Eric called at 6:15 to say he was coming in ten minutes; that earned him a rather piercing "You WHAT?!?!?!?!" He joked that he thought his phone just broke, and said that he was kidding - "I just wanted to remind you that it's Friday." Guess I had to sit through a boring program AGAIN to get to the good parts! (reminds me of Uncle Hansel lecturing us about going to Fellowship just to get to karaoke, hahaha)

When Eric DID get here, I basically spent the whole ride over ranting about how Randal does NOT use his brain! However, I did pay Eric back for the Pho a couple weekends prior; later, I paid Jon back for the sausages and such at that time. Eric might go to Nathan's thing because he suggested Phnom Penh and the Alibi Room - CHINATOWN AGAIN ON TOP OF A STUPIDLY LONG DAY?! Oh well... got to Fellowship late, and I had to focus on Eric's shoes because then I wouldn't look up / in the wrong direction and see Mr. Creep in my line of vision! (when I told Eric this later, he was like "HELP ME...") I did listen to Tim's opinions on stuff in the ESC... but tuned out when Randal described himself as "sexy." I DON'T THINK SO! Connie, Paul, and I also discussed the fire and personal issues. Told Auntie Rebecca that I'd try to bus to AWANA, but that was before confirming things with Paul for tomorrow - guess I'll call her in her meetings if I get up at 2:30 again, hahaha. She'll understand that it's an emergency situation, and appreciate my practicing hospitality, haha!

After the program, we talked about Paul / charity / laundry / stinky stuff / jobs / rent / Uncle Eugene. Christon asked me to pick a place - I'm terrible at that, but I was fine with THE FOUNDATION! We finally forced Paul to accept Deb and Dylan's offer of hospitality, and mine as well. As I told Eric, I was doing the same thing two years ago in inviting a man to stay in my abode! He thought I was worried about Paul staying for six months, and reassured me that he didn't think that would happen. I wasn't thinking about that at all, since Paul DID say he didn't want to be a burden on anyone, and really appreciated everything! (Phil's going to let him speak on Sunday, so I guess I shouldn't sleep in, hahaha)

At the restaurant, we talked about tonight's meeting / shelters / stinky stuff / arrangements / age jokes / beer / nachos / appetizers / Lesley / Molly / the Daniel Fellowship / phone numbers / the loud place / my "never" answering the phone / a Bible verse FB application / my piercing yell of "YOU WHAT?!" / SERVANTS / busing / repetitive rap. On the way home, Eric said he'd give the pop and chips back on Sunday - another reason to not sleep in, haha. He bugged me with Christmas carols, Big Sugar's BUTTERBALL, and more just because it was past midnight. UGH! Yeah, I also bugged him about missing my birthday event! Corey's telling me on Skype that I'm not under the hill yet, hahaha. Noticed that Sonya has undeleted her FB.

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