Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hong Kong divorces and William / Mary / Sarah (dream)

I had a dream in which Cindy and Eric were engaged (I'm sure Eric would LOVE that...), and Vania / William / Mary / Sarah wanted me to look after some kids, but we all had to shelve books in a bookcase first. Then Mom told everyone that we'd be taking an unscheduled trip to Hong Kong, so Steph was worried that she and Dad would get divorced. What the?!

Sent a message to Auntie Rebecca apologizing for missing Sunday's meeting, and she said it was fine. I kinda figured Henry wouldn't be serving in AWANA this year because of teaching Gr. 4, and I was right. She thinks John might still be in town even if Ada isn't here, so we'll see about a Saturday ride on my birthday, hahaha. Noticed that Sonya deleted her Facebook again?

You Are a Sweetheart Neckline

You are sensitive to your core. You are extremely delicate and highly responsive.

You are a total romantic. You can't help rooting for a happy ending.

You may wear your heart on your sleeve, but you're more of a tough cookie than anyone realizes.

People often handle you more delicately than they need to. You aren't as fragile as you seem.

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