Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Dave on MSN / Teunis back / Dogs, unexpected Terracotta warriors, and morbidity

Dave He said hi to me on MSN at 2:30; it's been a long time! It's true he doesn't see The Raw Dog on there anymore since Jon rarely uses MSN, hahaha! He was just wondering about it since he never sees him on there anymore; this is the second time in 24 hours that I've had to tell someone to contact Jon via FB, but I definitely feel more comfortable telling that to Dave! He was off from work (5:30 his time), and the sun was still out; yes, Daylight Savings is cool for that at least. Of course I'll say hi to Tomlin and Harma for him!

Teunis said hi at 5-ish; I asked him how long he was back for THIS time. Permanently, he said - YES! (Eric's remark MAY have been right on the money on Sunday...) Said he and Tess had been busy the past week; oh, I'll just BET. "She sends her apologies for Sunday," he added - well, I'd hope so! I still think what I said to Eric was also right on the money! Discussed the Terracotta Warriors - he found some in a shop, thought of me, and bought them - family resemblance to soldiers and generals?! HAHAHAHA! Nate would like them! They'd gone to a museum showcasing Steveston's history (a dog as honorary mayor!), and apparently it made them both feel homesick for their childhood antiques!

Said he gave a monitor to Jordan in the name of downsizing, worked on his resume (don't lie on those things!), bought a new laptop bag, and talked to Kaili for a bit about a time travel book. Interesting... talked about matcha hard candy from T&T, California, hug protocol, being glad to be back, sushi, AWESOME roll, Krista, editing Mom's FB page, the Buddhist temple (I remember being inside!), and his shoes. We also discussed missing his food and computers (they ate out a lot), apples, potatoes, yogurt drinks, breaks from nightshades (including potatoes!), tiredness, Eric giving me the morbid PORTAL lyrics, Chinese food as dinner, baths, freezer burn, driving through Richmond / the Downtown Eastside, the Sun Yat-Sen Gardens, Jordan's stance against marriage (which is one I didn't know I had), Arabic headcloths for $10, the SLB emails, his birthday next week (payday = perfect timing!), Jackie Chan's Asian parent mentality, Asperger's, more engagements, dried squid, Vikings, jade ships, and more.

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