Sunday, April 03, 2011

Eggs, apples, Victor, and SUNDAY INVASIONS!

Eric called me last night, but since I was busy typing up something, I didn't pick up. I did call him back when I was done; when he answered, I called him a very strange person! He wanted to know whether I'd be around tomorrow - I really hate Sunday meetings! I swear, I'm tempted to email everyone to say that! Used up some eggs and the apples, too - then learned via Facebook that Victor's getting baptized at Easter. Yay, I found a use for one of my Easter cards!

I also heard Europe's THE FINAL COUNTDOWN twice in 24 hours - not sure what this means! Sent a LONG email to Mandy (a_phoenixdragon) about a bunch of stuff, and my thoughts on it. Found a certain birthday card, which is good! Woke up this morning and was getting ready for the day when I heard talking coming from INSIDE THE APARTMENT - since I certainly wasn't expecting anyone at 8:15 AM, I finished up and then went out: IT WAS THE INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS, and one of them even offered me some omelettes! HA - given how long it takes him to even THINK about making food, the leftover carrots / potatoes were fine for that! (it was Teunis and Tess in reality, not aliens...) I AM SO NOT A MORNING PERSON ANYWAY!

You Are Reading

You are solitary, but not a loner. You just value your quiet time - especially if that time includes a book.

You are a total novelty seeker, and you always appreciate new things to read about.

You are an idealist, not a realist. Reality is a little too boring for your tastes.

Besides being an avid reader, you are a writer. In fact, you are an excellent writer, and you have a lot to say!

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