Saturday, August 28, 2010

I'm mean ten times over, Mr. Creep apparently not being here anymore, and horses

This morning, Henry said that I didn't wake him up - he was up at 6:30, but fell back asleep. When we got to church, I had a peanut butter sandwich - I wondered who would put it in the fridge! Later, someone wondered who had used up all the milk; turned out that Ryan had consumed it. Jason, Elaine, Billy, Danny, and others joked with Victor about his "lovers" and birthday plans. Victor resorted to making coffee as "tea" by straining it through a filter! (also discussed PIRANHAS / BLAIR WITCH) I met a little girl named Hannah Lee - when I saw her name on the list yesterday, I had to think about it for a minute, haha! During the opening ceremony, Henry fell asleep again in the back - I was sitting on one of the tables and eating a lot of cheese-flavored rice crisps myself in an effort to stay reasonably awake!

My group had a LOT of trouble behaving today - it wasn't just the boys, either! (nobody could agree on a song to perform at the parents' party later, for example) I took Sean's invisible ink pen away after he used its blacklight to shine spots into Erin's eyes, and I kept it until the end of the day. Of course, I got called "mean" for that at least ten times until 10:30 or so when he forgot about it. I told him that I enjoyed being mean for the right reasons, such as this one. He wasn't impressed, and neither was Andrew H.! (I had to break up a number of fights... I yelled "VICTOR!" a lot, and Rosenda had to talk to Jordan [who had a "TROUBLE MAKER" shirt on] about warnings and time-out, too!)

We found that it was way too chilly to play games outside at 9:30 or so. (hilarity was had with "true or false" statements, though!) Mark expressed his dislike of Auntie Rebecca's reward system, and I agreed - TOO MUCH CANDY AND SUGAR TO MAKE THE KIDS HYPER! She doesn't really have to deal with it, but we do... ALL DAY! She even used it to keep the kids quiet during the parents' party when she told everyone the salvation message in Chinese! I helped hold Gary's water bottle, and Athena's invisible ink pen. Later, the kids could make peanut butter / jelly sandwiches - the strawberry jam was less sweet than the wild blueberry and Concord grape jam. Jordan said that I was Mark's girlfriend, Julie was his girlfriend, Elaine was Victor's girlfriend, and that Margaret should be everyone's girlfriend! During snacktime (cheese and breadsticks), we discussed weight loss and exercise - at lunch (mac and cheese with ketchup), we tried convincing Jordan not to eat so much! Sean was also really huggy with Mark!

After lunch and a stern talking-to about EVERYONE'S behavior, we finally decided on songs to perform in the afternoon. Then we practiced them, and let the kids do whatever they wanted in a small room until party time. (I first tried calling Eric with no answer - did this twice more, and got annoyed) Victor, Sean, and Andrew decided to play COPS AND ROBBERS; although I didn't get a "bulletproof vest," they tried "shooting" me with "sniper rifles." Things got interesting when I decided to start chasing them around the room / under the table as well - Victor declared himself my backup (you can't be a cop AND a robber unless you're a corrupt cop!), and I had to tell the kids not to use chairs as barriers or possible weapons since this wasn't the WWE! They were also told to be QUIET, but of course that didn't work for long! The boys were suitably impressed when I told them that my sister was a real cop with real weapons: "A gun? A Taser? Handcuffs?! Does she have a sniper rifle?!" Hahaha!

The parents' party went okay - I could focus on some of the other kids, haha. I thought there was something going on with Sean S., Conor, Darren L., and Aaron... Sean had accidentally hit his brother, who didn't really want to sing or do any actions for the parents! I didn't have anything to distract him (and refused to give him MORE candy), and asked Darren whether he were involved in this at all - he said no. Aaron said that he didn't do anything either - okay then, just sit down! I told Elaine and Margaret (who loves Conor's hair) to get away from the kids, haha! When Auntie Rebecca called Gabriel to come up for a card, little Gabriel went up too! FUNNY! After the performances and such, everyone attacked the food - I had two platefuls of nachos! (I also saw Martin, who's back from Victoria for the weekend - he found a job there!) When I felt a poke from behind, it turned out to be Harrison, who said that he knew me... yes, you do! So I told him that I'd seen his dad falling asleep, and he said that he always did that when he was tired! John asked if I needed a ride home, and I said no - of course, Henry had to help with tearing everything down, so I should have taken that offer! Complained to Andrew L. and Hannah W. about it - we discussed his theory lessons, Fellowship, theoretical hanging out at Superstore, going insane / exploding if she did two weeks instead of one, watching Chloe's DVD money, and more.

On the way home, Henry said that he'd probably do VBS next year - nice, nice. At home, I thought that I'd check my email and friends list - then I decided to call Eric's cell. As soon as he said that he'd pick me up at 7, I figured I'd take a much-needed nap and turn the phone ON in case he woke me up... that was indeed the case. Turns out that he wasn't picking up the work phone for a very good reason. Discussed the real seagulls on the street lights... I thought the city had some interesting new decoration ideas since I was still half-asleep! Then he asked if I'd heard the "disappointing" news... apparently, MR. CREEP WON'T BE HERE ANYMORE AS HE GOT A NEW JOB IN A VICTORIA HOSPITAL! Yes, THAT woke me up enough! I spent some time ranting about his lack of spelling and grammar, and Eric said that he could send me the email again... please DON'T as I don't want my brain to bleed! Mr. Creep's "victory" probably did mean "Victoria" - ugh, see why I attempted to block his emails as spam?! (too close for comfort - and ) Eric also got a new haircut, which he believed I was freaking out about when we were 80% through with the ride - nope! (says Jeremy isn't going to his BBQ anymore since his parents are in town - Christon IS, and has a USB stick with Portland photos on it)

At church (he thought he saw Randal from across the street), we met up with Mike / Margaret / Elaine while waiting for the elevator. Jason Lau got out of the elevator, then I told Mike that I'd gone home and had a nap! "After three days, you need a nap?!" Yup, I guess so! Went to the second floor, where we saw Dylan talking to Jeremy about biking stuff. We finally got an empty room, and Cindy mentioned that she'd been biking with Becky this week - she's developed a fear of having car doors slam into her as she's biking in the "death lane," as Jeremy calls it! I took out my Croatian tea biscuits (which I gave to Dylan and Deb later) with chocolate for everyone to share, of course. Discussed biking for ten minutes before we finally got down to the study - we were also distracted by talk of SAILOR MOON / chicken pox / new phones / the BABYSITTERS CLUB ("Mary Anne! Logan, the only male babysitter!" "Do boys even READ it?! I looked at the cover art, and wondered why girls would read it!") / Egypt / trust in yourself / birthdays and cards / Jen's confusing email where she sent everyone her address (thereby making everyone else think that Bible Study was at her house!) / the Reply All button being a curse.

On the way home, Eric stopped by the bank. Then he asked me how life post-Mr. Creep was... I told him that I didn't really consider Mr. Creep GONE unless he'd never be back. He said that the message was bidding us farewell - since I'd muted the conversation after that, I missed the other emails which wished him good luck / congratulations, and said that we'd miss him. PUKE PUKE PUKE! Good thing they were muted - I said that if I ever saw him again, I'd wish to tell him exactly what I thought. "Would you?" "I don't know - I'm too much of a chicken!" "So would you kill him? You've said you might..." "Ha, probably not directly or indirectly - too complicated!" Then we discussed Victoria ferry rides lasting 80 minutes, and being much more expensive these days!

Eric had rejected a bunch of the other emails, and figured that Jen's went through because she had automatic approval... Alan's reply went through since he'd CCed everyone on the list. I brought up his funny wording in the extremely detailed / researched email - sure, let's make Jordan feel unwelcome by implication! Hahahaha! "He should not be brought to the meal at all" really should have been something else - but I still love Eric in a platonic way even if he doesn't have perfect spelling and grammar, for sure! We also discussed DARKWING, of course. I get to sleep in tomorrow, too!

Trivia fact for Saturday, Aug. 28: What is a hippometer used to measure? The height of a horse.

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