Friday, August 27, 2010

Sending people HOME if you're sick, detailed research on side dishes, and limestone

Called Auntie Ying in hopes that she would actually answer the phone for once. (I'm sure many people think the same of me, haha - but it's for my own sanity!) Uncle Peter answered; after about a minute, she finally got on the phone. I told her that I'd heard from Conor about the scavenger hunt (while explaining that Eric had effectively given me no notice - I did advise him to go back to sleep like I was going to do!), and Auntie Ying said that she herself was still sick. Yet she'd had fourteen people from church at her place today - I told her that I'd have sent them home! Rude, maybe... but definitely to the point! Thank goodness that it was a short phone call, since she said that she'd go to bed at shortly after 10. Not sure she SOUNDED all that sick (I could tell with Eric - aiya, his health! *sad face*), but at least it's off my conscience!

Eric definitely got my email, because I got one around 10:55 about side dishes: "Those of you bringing side dishes, I have a few dietary restrictions that should be observed. One guest is extremely allergic to mushrooms, and should not be brought to the meal at all. Another guest is allergic to nightshades (Potatoes, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, eggplant, tomatillos, tamarios, pepinos, pimentos, paprika, cayenne, and Tabasco sauce). This person will not be affected simply by their presence, but would need to avoid any such food." I guess Eric apparently researched it more than Christon and I ever did a few weeks ago, heh... the more detail, the better in this case! Does the list of food restrictions sound about right? I hope so!

Trivia fact for Friday, Aug. 27: When they built the dome of the Pantheon, what did the early Romans mix with cement to ensure that it wouldn't collapse under its own weight? Volcanic pumice and volcanic tufa (limestone), both of which are lightweight. Experts believe an unreinforced dome of the same size built with modern cement would not be able to support its own weight.

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