Thursday, August 26, 2010

So my nose is dirty, and I'm scary because I give presents to your brother?!

Henry picked me up a bit later this morning, but I guess he figured we didn't need to be there at 8 AM after yesterday! Didn't feel the need to discuss too much, which was just fine by me! (although his sister did treat him to rack of lamb for dinner!) Saw Victor L., and commented that he was hardcore for being up at 6 AM - Sabrina said that he needed to prepare, haha. Noticed a HUGE jar of peanut butter in the kitchen - TWO KILOGRAMS of the stuff?! You definitely wouldn't need that for home use unless you were Teunis or had twenty kids to feed! (Jason and I bantered about that - our second official conversation, haha) Said hi to Olivia and Ian - the cousins are so cute! Cordia was helping out today, too. Her brother Citrus showed up "on duty" again, so we told the kids that he'd arrest them if they did anything bad! (fear of the police isn't necessarily GOOD, but...) Mike figured this wasn't anything new to me (which I confirmed), and we discussed various aspects of his work with him before he left. Also said hi to Phil, who at least gets the busing thing, haha - Henry is definitely a help to me, as he lives three minutes away!

Athena, Victor C., Sean S., Andrew, Jordan, Erin, Rosanna, Odelia, Hannah S., Carrie, Garry, Ryan, and Andrea were in the yellow group led by me / Rosenda / Mark / Hannah W. After talking to me about her knitting, Hilary asked me why I was only there since yesterday, so I told her about Henry's exams: "What does that have to do with you?" "He's my ride - if I bused over here from Richmond, it would take a very long time!" "Oh yeah - I've been on the bus twice with my mom from Coquitlam to Lougheed Station, and it takes AN HOUR!" I interacted with some of the other kids, too - especially when Fun Fair time rolled around in the afternoon! Aaron said hi to me, Amos / Harrison / Sean L. / Midora / Justin and Kayden (CUTE HONGER KIDS! - I agree with Julie!) went to some of the games with me (I later helped Rosenda and Danny with the hula hoops), Keefe told me that some of the games were cool, Sean S. (who wanted to rub his tummy - not a private part, but please save that for HOME!) and Victor had to experience a timeout because of dangerous horseplay on the stairs, Nicholas talked to me about his cousins, and Conor liked the "bowling" game.

I yelled at Jordan a lot (not YELLED yelled, but discipline!), who got tired of it... well, you can't pick and choose your tacos because they don't have meat! The snacks weren't up to the kids' quality standards - Erin was reading the recipe to see why they tasted so bad, haha. Victor said that his jacket hood (with Velcro) could protect him against zombies - I don't think you need that sort of protection (or a pretend fire hose) at the church, little friend! Garry was a good boy, and let me know whenever he wanted to go away from the group - that, I did appreciate! Sean S. told me that he sometimes didn't like me because I gave presents to his brother Conor sometimes, and that I was scary because of that! Andrew asked what my keloid scar was, then told me that I had a dirty nose. Jordan decided to elaborate and say that it was losing skin - thanks for the honesty, kids!

Sean said that he'd written the F word with his pen which has invisible ink - AIYA! Talked to Conor about tiny lollipops and Sunday School - he'd noticed that I wasn't there (I explained what happened to him - he didn't care!), and said that I'd missed all the fun of a scavenger hunt last week. He asked why I didn't drive, so I said that it would be chaos if I did - after I explained "chaos" as "a lot of accidents," he said that HIS mom drove! Heh, it's probably best that the kids learn that not everyone drives! I remember learning that when we first knew Dawn's family, since her mom doesn't drive either. Later, I was surprised when Auntie Rebecca handed me an evaluation form - I could only do it based on two days - I ended up skipping a lot of questions, haha. David noticed a typo (the T in "what" was replaced by a Y), so I had to tell him and Steven about the "WEED for week" email that Auntie Rebecca sent out once. Yeah, that's not the type of kiddy program we want to promote here, hahahaha! (got two Chupachup lollipops to take home)

Sabrina was following me and Henry into Richmond since she didn't know how to get there, so that reminded me of Dylan's ineptitude around the same thing! I asked Henry if he were going home before Fellowship tomorrow - since he is, I'll see if I can steal a minute at the end of things to call Eric on the upstairs phone to see what the plans are! Probably I'll just have a skeleton draft of a post by the time I have to leave home again! Henry also said to CALL HIM AGAIN (of course), and that I'd woken him up this morning. Hey, it's all good... got home to discover that Barry had called me, but I won't have time to call him back till next week. (same goes for the banking I need to do - it closes at 4:30 EVERY DAY, and I get home at 4 or shortly afterwards) Cindy sent an email to our small group, wishing Kevin a happy birthday - Jeremy says "Hey strangers! I'll be there, so don't miss it!" Hahahaha, nice! At least if I go (half-decided), I'll have something halfway interesting to say!

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