Sunday, March 21, 2010

Community garden shareholding, funny sarcastic humor, coffee coziness, and more!

Eric picked me up at around 9, which was about what I expected. Spent the ride over talking about our weeks, curling / ice sheets, the open house, morbid stuff, SEVEN, rants, finding words, Windows, Cordia, Citrus, and more. He said that SOMEONE would probably be at the church even at 9:25 - I brought up feeling defenseless, and he thought that I was afraid of going into church by myself. I know Eric isn't my PROTECTOR by any means, but it's nice for someone to have your back. Wouldn't say I was AFRAID since church is supposed to be where you SHOULD feel safe, and I'm not afraid of that person by any means. Got inside, and discovered that the Chinese morning service had let out already, so that was fine. Went inside the sanctuary, and found that Mr. Creep was sitting at the farthest row possible ALONE... I took my usual spot so I wouldn't have to move. (heard Quan saying that she wished she didn't have to move - I understand you!) Jon and Harmony gave me a wedding thank-you card... nice! During the service, Christon (as the announcement person) had to take things into his own hands as Eric (the worship leader) apparently forgot about the offering, haha.

After service (I did notice Dave coming in late), Cindy asked me if I wished to contribute to something for Richie's farewell... this had to be hush-hush since Richie was a foot away from me at the time, haha. Dianne had sent people an email, which I did not get... oh well. I saw my mom wanting to talk to my sister, so I stayed away from her! As I went toward the fellowship hall, I could smell coffee - YAY! Chrystal said that I could put my stuff down by her... which was fine, but she was also talking to Mr. Creep. I'm more protective of my stuff, trust me. I had a cookie with the coffee, and Eric joked that I'd be REALLY hyper while teaching the kids later because of the caffeine and sugar. (I also told Jeremy that the coffee was hot this week, unlike last week - I was about to say "warm," haha!) Jeremy wanted to know whether I'd smuggled some Bailey's in to mix with my coffee - Eric sniffed it, and pronounced it negative for the presence of alcohol. I think I know better than to come to church on alcohol, despite my mother putting Kahlua in with the breakfast coffee a few times!

Noticed Dave talking to Josiah (about bikes, I presume - Josiah is interested in them too), so left him alone. Said hi to Audrey and a few others including Sonya, then talked to Helen K. and her sons Nicholas and Cory - Cory was the Jello Monster since he had it all over his face. At least he enjoyed it, I guess! Auntie Catherine apologized to me because she couldn't find the yellow sweater she was going to give me for my birthday - of course I can give her more time to find it, since I'm not an impatient person most of the time! After Dave conducted a phone call, I had to greet him with "You're crazy, man!" He said that I had some pretty funny stuff on Facebook - the sarcasm makes it humorous, he added. At least it wasn't awkward like I thought it was going to be! We discussed BMX in West Vancouver (what he did instead of curling), the fellowship retreat (neither of us are going, which caused Eric to make a certain suggestion later), dim sum, Sunday School, and more. It was pretty good talking to him - he observed that I looked pretty cozy with my coffee. Oh yes, for sure!

Grabbed my stuff and went upstairs after verifying that Eric would be back after the food class had a field trip somewhere. (talked to Maxine, Joshua, and Keenan about Sunday School attendance and materials) Ramen, Shira, Amanda, Harrison, Jason, Amos, Conor, David, and Evelyn were at toddler Sunday School today. Shira didn't cry a lot today, which is good... Ramen tried talking to me, which is better. Jason even came over to me while I was busy talking to Conor about his Lego toy - he had a Lego creation, which Harrison said was a boat. I took Harrison's newly-made paper airplane away from him since it was storytime, and Amos said that I'd rip it. Nope, I was just putting it in my pocket... but didn't give it back later, heh.

Conor was being silly and crazy with his toys, haha... I showed him the wedding thank-you card, and he asked why my brother and his wife would get married. I asked HIM why he thought they'd get married, and received this funny answer: "Hmm.. because they want babies?" HAHAHAHA! He also thanked me for the felts from yesterday, again - not a problem! When I tried telling them the story, Conor kept saying that the teaching aid picture (along with my new Bible) was his - IN A WHILE, NOT NOW! Later, Jason came over to me and took my hand while saying something to me in Mandarin which I didn't understand, but I could guess it had something to do with his mom since most of the other kids had left! David was so cute, trying to get him back inside the room when he had gone out the door to look for his mom! I went downstairs after that, studiously avoiding my mother - as advertised, my dad had something for me, which I have to make a doctor's appointment for. Should be doable!

Watched Ian and Sean chase each other around, then called Eric to see where he was - he wanted to know if I wanted to lunch at Jeremy's, so I said sure. Talked to Lawrence and Stanley in the meantime about blogging, Daniel Fellowship discussion, telling the story to the Awana kids, Mike knowing stuff about computers and such, Stanley knowing stuff about questionable sites, whether it was illegal to Tase little kids (probably!), Nathan being annoying by leaving the 7-Up out of the fridge, and more. (also asked Vivian who she was waiting for - ah yes, her dad... PARENTAL DELAYS ARE ANNOYING!) Dad wanted to know whether I was going with them... nope, because I had lunch plans! (I forebore to say that I didn't want anything to do with Mom, of course) Eric finally came back about fifteen minutes after I called him - I told Lawrence that it was worth the mental sanity to wait longer for my friends than my parents, hahaha.

It was a Sunday lunch with kale chips (oil / salt), broccoli soup, beet greens, apple slices in grilled cheese sandwiches, and beets in really intensely-colored syrup! Wesley, Jeremy, Jen, Christon, Eric, Jon, Harmony, and I talked about a bunch of topics:

* interesting books (dogs / cats)
* shareholders in community garden associations (canning and such, oh my!)
* Phil and Grace's previous landlord being mean (and my current ones not doing too much about the mouse problem - my Craigslist solution was discussed, too)
* Dave Wong not coming out for meals as often (money)... and the salty salad scaring him off, although this was the first communal meal since that time! (plus his eating LOT at lunch one time or two)
* helping to rinse dishes and such, plus the rain
* Lent and FEAST DAYS, thus the inclusion of Anarchist Amber Ale and blonde beer in a wine bottle, and Amber Ale cheese which cost $17.92 exactly at the cheese shop
* swing dancing and other plans
* Easter lunch and no Sunday School that week (location of lunch unknown... they have lunches or dinners every two weeks, Eric says)
* Sunrise Service (which starts at a later time this year - 7:30 AM as opposed to 6:30?), and the roundabout with Steph and Vanessa and Uncle Daniel (last year, the Accent Inn looked ready to call someone because they noticed them going around and around!)
* Uganda, roosters crowing at the crack of dawn with a LITTLE bit of light in the sky ("I WANT TO SLEEP! SHUT UP!") and apparently not stopping ALL DAY, Daylight Savings Time, Saskatchewan, and Arizona
* Harmony's new job, and her thanking me for the notebook gift - at least she's polite about it, heh
* Carmen and Albert, plus dogs

After making and eating the meal, we were surprised that it was about 4 PM or so. Mr. Creep wasn't there, thank goodness! Eric would argue (and did) that he needs to be humanized in my eyes... perhaps, but I know he's a person... he's just not my type of person! On the way home, Eric and I saw the orange polar bears - so interesting! Talked about plans, his brother Kieran and his surgery (I wanted to ask what it was for, but instead confined myself to hoping it went well - his parents are down there with him), his suggestion that I could spend time with Dave during the retreat weekend (I don't know... seems our money situations are equally precarious!), cheese, French, Mr. Creep / Mr. Potato Head, Sunrise Service (I'm good with going), my supposedly being "vague" when I said I was going to catch up on "stuff," and more. I told him not to include the words "male" and "members" in the same sentence again, and he said I needed to quit talking about questionable activities on the Internet, haha. (especially so if these male members start with D!) It was an interesting ride home, that was for sure! Now I'm going to watch the Paralympic closing ceremonies, which start around now - at least, according to Eric!

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