YOUR explanations / Apostrophes / Charles Lindbergh kidnapping reward
HAHAHAHA.... I love this great image from the comments on that "bad grammar and spelling" article!

Edit an hour later: Here's another one!

Trivia fact for Monday, Feb. 1: What notorious criminal offered a $10,000 reward - from jail - for information leading to the safe recovery of aviator Charles Lindbergh's kidnapped son? Gangster Al Capone. Lindbergh's son, Charles Jr., was 20 months old when he was kidnapped in March 1932. His body was found 10 weeks later.

Edit an hour later: Here's another one!

Trivia fact for Monday, Feb. 1: What notorious criminal offered a $10,000 reward - from jail - for information leading to the safe recovery of aviator Charles Lindbergh's kidnapped son? Gangster Al Capone. Lindbergh's son, Charles Jr., was 20 months old when he was kidnapped in March 1932. His body was found 10 weeks later.
Labels: 2010, amusement, babies, books, comments, computer, death, gay, grammar, lj, maxed-out tags limit, money, page-a-day, parents, pictures, random, school, spelling, stupid idiots, true crime
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