Sunday, December 27, 2009

Risotto and cappuccino for breakfast / Ex in dreams with white hair

I'm splitting the difference this week - my parents are late at least half the time anyway... having vegetable risotto and cappuccino for breakfast. I had to update about my quasi-nightmare, in any event. Hope I see David at church, so I can give him his birthday card; I bet he'll be surprised, haha.

It started out with me and Billie on a road trip somewhere - Steph called and gave us a warning. Apparently, my ex was also taking the same side tour which we were planning to attend! As soon as we hung up, we could see him being driven by his cousin - of course. He wouldn't drive ANYWHERE! Billie and I ignored the people in the car, but did notice that my ex now had white hair - we privately speculated that he was stressed out, but couldn't imagine WHY. Later, we called Steph to say that my ex's cousin drove like a MANIAC! They tried getting our attention on the tour boat, but we resolutely pretended that they didn't exist. Good thing that's all I remember about the dream, since I really have to go NOW!

You Are Aggressive

Your anger and cynicism have morphed into something more extreme: aggression.

You find it easy to be annoyed, and it's almost as easy for you to lose your temper.

While it does feel good to get out a little low-level anger now and then, aggression can be dangerous.

If you can't control your temper, you could end up hurting yourself or someone else. Be careful!

Yikes. I'm not THAT bad, man!

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