Uncapped pens, Gr. 10 at the mall, Eric H. agreeing with me, Halloween Blogthings
I stupidly left a pen UNCAPPED overnight - guess I'll throw it away since it will become DRY, then! Had a weird dream where Harmony and I went through Grade 10 at a local mall; homeroom was held in the food court, of all places! That's practically all I remember, but dreams do NOT reflect reality! I'm a few years older than she is, for one. Oh well. U2 is town, also! Talked to Chinese Eric, who apparently doesn't mind that I told his dating news to Jon / Christon / Isabel (who thought I meant Eric T. instead) on Sunday - sweet! Told him about Mr. Creep, recent events, and other things too. He agrees with me about the warning signs / vibes / concerns, even when balanced with the "be fair to the new guy" stuff. Besides, he thinks that Mr. Creep could very well be a predator - that's what my instinct tells me!
Just joined ohnotheydidnt, and now it's taken over my friends page. Oh well, at least now I can comment on the various articles in there - it won't be like that crazy polyamory community. (and speaking of, theferrett has an essay up about that just today... maybe certain people I know of should read it, hahaha) Now I gotta see what the Firefox extension is for expanding collapsed LJ comment threads... I have a feeling I'll need it. =/
Nathan emailed us about the Magic Bra again: "Hahahahaha. If you guys miss me that much, you guys can join me. Especially theology students and / or potentially aspiring ones (Christon???? I'm going to randomly start a rumour now, and say that I heard Christon is joining a monastery to grow closer to God. Co-ed monastery, though. He couldn't handle it. Or maybe a "Shemal'e' monastery) Anyway, for REAL, here's an interesting scholarship opportunity to learn more overseas, and eventually return. Jono Mofo (and Harmony), interesting. Think about it :-) /"
THIS IS SO RIGHT! People should pay more attention to me because of what I have to teach them, dammit! :P
Just joined ohnotheydidnt, and now it's taken over my friends page. Oh well, at least now I can comment on the various articles in there - it won't be like that crazy polyamory community. (and speaking of, theferrett has an essay up about that just today... maybe certain people I know of should read it, hahaha) Now I gotta see what the Firefox extension is for expanding collapsed LJ comment threads... I have a feeling I'll need it. =/
Nathan emailed us about the Magic Bra again: "Hahahahaha. If you guys miss me that much, you guys can join me. Especially theology students and / or potentially aspiring ones (Christon???? I'm going to randomly start a rumour now, and say that I heard Christon is joining a monastery to grow closer to God. Co-ed monastery, though. He couldn't handle it. Or maybe a "Shemal'e' monastery) Anyway, for REAL, here's an interesting scholarship opportunity to learn more overseas, and eventually return. Jono Mofo (and Harmony), interesting. Think about it :-) /"
You Are Modern on Halloween |
![]() When it comes to Halloween, you're not much for tradition or doing things the old-school way. You tend to be much more interested in trying the newest Halloween-flavored treat or the latest horror movie. You are the type of person who dresses in the latest hot costume - whether you're going as a funny celebrity or popular movie character. There's so much new stuff to love at Halloween, and you're excited to see it all! |
You Are a Treat |
![]() As a kid, you didn't cause too much trouble, and the adults adored you. Now that you've grown up, not much has changed. You know that a little sugar is the way to get what you want in life, and you are as sweet as they come. You like to make things better in the world, and you don't mind following rules... no matter how silly they may seem. You are a truly good person, and there's very few of you in the world. Anyone who knows you is blessed! |
You Are The Silence of the Lambs |
![]() You think the scariest thing in the world is the human mind. What serial killers are capable of frightens you to the core. You aren't big on gore or action when it comes to horror movies. You'd rather delve deeper than that... and get completely disturbed. In fact, you can hardly ever find a horror movie that compares to the nastiness of a true crime story. You couldn't think up the brutal crimes that occur in real life. In your opinion, no monster can be as scary as a human. You don't have to look far to find someone that totally terrifies you. |
You Are a Witch |
![]() Like a witch, you are often misunderstood and unfairly judged. You are not as sinister as you seem. You are intelligent and spiritual. You feel very connected to the world - both the dark and light sides of things. You tend to keep to yourself, and because of this, people tend to think things about you that aren't true. You would just like to be left alone to do your own thing. You have no intention of harming anyone, even though you could if you wanted to! |
You Are a Blue Pumpkin |
![]() You are unique, fascinating, and even a bit mysterious. There's not a lot of people like you around. You believe life's too short to not seize the moment. You embrace every opportunity and live each day like it's your last. You are playful and energetic. After a hard day of work, the last thing you want to do is lay around. You love to get your heart racing, and it's hard for you to say no to an exciting or interesting invitation. |
Your Home Might Be Haunted |
![]() There's definitely something weird going on in your home, and you have the right to be uncomfortable. A lot of your home's creepiness could be psychological. Do you have some bad memories associated with where you live? Try to freshen things up a bit. Maybe some flowers or a new happy painting would make your home seem less dead. Plus maybe if you change things enough, you'll scare some of the "ghosts" away! |
You Should Carve a Funny Pumpkin Face |
![]() You are extroverted, brilliant, and witty. You are a natural comedian. You never pass up an opportunity to entertain people, and Halloween is one of your biggest days for making people laugh. You have a hilarious, unexpected costume that keeps people cracking up all night. And only you can pull it off. You're the type to have the goofiest jack-o-lanterns and most colorful candy. You like your Halloween to be bright and bold. |
You Are a Gorilla Mask |
![]() You are outrageous and loud. You love to live it up, and all eyes are often on you. You are a natural entertainer, and you enjoy putting on a show. You will do almost anything to be the center of attention. You tend to be emotionally intense and you react strongly to how you feel. You don't hide your mood from anyone. You are extremely impulsive. You tend to follow your heart and ignore what your head is saying. |
Your Pet Should Be a Pirate for Halloween |
![]() Your pet is a smart, sneaky, and cunning creature. Your pet knows what he or she wants, and will figure out a way to get it. You keep thinking that you have your pet figured out, but the next thing you know, your pet is creeping out the door. Your pet doesn't battle you. Your pet just figures out a way to get to that big bag of treats. Like a pirate, your pet feels entitled to whatever his or her heart desires. Luckily, not much harm is done with this evil plot! |
You Should Dress Up As a Cat |
![]() You are a shy, reserved person who takes a long time to warm up to others. You are close to those you've known the longest. You are crafty and smart. You may seem like you're lost in your own little world, but you're really paying attention to everything going on around you. You are not easily influenced by the other people in your life. If anything, you counterbalance their emotions well. You are intuitive and have a lot of wisdom to impart. Most people don't pay close enough attention to the lessons you teach them. |
THIS IS SO RIGHT! People should pay more attention to me because of what I have to teach them, dammit! :P
Labels: annoyances, blogthings, candy, christon, colors, dreams, emails, eric h., firefox, halloween, harmony, isabel, jon, links, lj, maxed-out tags limit, nathan, random, school, serial killers
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