Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Letters I wrote to Mr. Creep, but of course will never send

October 13.


I have never been one to put too much stock in FEELINGS and VIBES that people get from others. After meeting you officially last Friday, I think I'll have to revise that opinion. What kind of a FIRST-TIME VISITOR to a church program signs up for a service project involving KIDS?! That is just very ODD, and instantly puts me on PEDOPHILE ALERT! I also felt icky after I shook your hand later on - I wanted to wash my hands right away! EWWWW! The only reason I spoke to you after the program had ended was to verify your name from what my brother told me last Sunday... NOT to shake your hand! Don't you know that shaking hands can actually be unhygienic?! Not that I have anything against shaking hands, but that was really not my intent. Even when you wanted to sit in the empty chair beside me, I should have told you that it was taken. I don't like you or trust you, and that's a bad sign.

My friend thinks I have pre-conceived notions about you, and that I shouldn't judge you based on your looks (you ARE ugly!) or your social awkwardness. I have friends who may be socially awkward and not the best-looking people around, and that probably describes me as well... so it's not that. I just get this ICKY feeling about you, and I'm going to tell the pastor about it when I see him next!

Also, I'm going to get my sister to look your name up the next time she's at the detachment. Ah, the perks of having a cop in the family... :D

- One whose name I hope you forgot!

(note: some first names have been somewhat modified, but the tags have not)


I am watching you very carefully, especially when the children just happen to be near you. You may not have any bad intentions towards them or my friends, but I don't KNOW that, do I? Eric says I don't have to trust you - well, he's right. I don't trust you at all. That doesn't mean I'll just let things go with the flow especially if you are in my church. Who knows why you have that bright blue jacket. It might be to attract the children - okay, maybe not. But still... my dad thinks I should just let the matter go with those emails I sent to the pastors. He doesn't know me very well - I will not rest even if an eventual police check clears you. I will ALWAYS be watching you!

When the four kids were running around, I was watching you. I even tried to get one of them to stay nearer to me and his parents and their friends! Yes, of course the kids' parents are nearby, but I am ever watchful of these precious resources! No, I'm not the one to teach these toddlers about "stranger danger" or whatever they're calling it these days, but you never know. I was also worried for baby Matthew when you passed by within a few inches of him on Friday night, even though he was in his father's arms!

Eric thinks I don't need to be worried since it's a crowd in the fellowship hall anyway... he says I only have cause to worry if you approach children in an alley. He doesn't know what I know - children CAN be taken from crowded situations! Corey says that I should talk to you personally for a few minutes and give you a chance. Um, no. I would rather give Raymond and Randal a chance, and that's saying a lot! (although my ex would not be given a chance either, for good reason!)

Too bad my sister can't or won't abuse her authority by looking your name up on the police computer. I can understand why, if people find out about it - invasion of privacy and all. However, I don't believe a creep should be given rights like that. It still doesn't change my feelings about you. If you even approach me on Sunday or any other day, I am going to tell you EXACTLY what I think of you, no matter who is around. Eric tried to verbally warn me when I referred to you as "Mr. Creep" in his hearing last Friday night, but I don't care if Chris knows what I think of you. It's probably better that way! I am going to tell people, so you better watch out. It would be good if you left my church without fanfare, but due to people being TOO welcoming, I don't think that's going to happen. I don't get a bad feeling about Chuck, Rick, or Josh... or about Jenny. They're all good people, and I would rather shake their hands or hug them any day! (at least, if it's not too weird for them or me...)

Don't you even LOOK at me, or try insinuating yourself with MY friends, or my family! I had better not be the only one who gets a CREEPY feeling about you! I hope to talk to my sister-in-law and others about it... I should have brought it up last Sunday night when Chris said stuff about you in conversation! However, I am glad that my email alert has resulted in stronger precautions being taken next Saturday at Kids Night / Halloween. THANK GOODNESS! I don't think you'd be at the church if there wasn't Fellowship or Sunday School going on, but you just NEVER know! Oh, and you should NEVER have spoken up at our meeting two Fridays ago. YOU WERE A NEWCOMER, and the meeting was about a Fellowship update! Not to say that newcomers can't have good things to say, but it's NOT A GOOD THING if you strike someone as being "off" from the first time that they meet you! I should have told you a bunch of this last Sunday, but the future will be good enough. Thank goodness I don't have to see you till Sunday!

And no, I will not refer to you by name, to you or anyone else. You've ruined that name for me. In fact, I think I'll go around correcting people if they refer to you by name. "Daniel..." "Oh, you must mean MR. CREEP!" Ha ha ha. :D

- That girl who always seems to be watching you

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