Sunday, October 18, 2009

The balloon people made a rap video featuring their kids?!

Corey also has an update on the balloon people:

[01:13:21] mrptptpt: the cops said it's highly likely the balloon people will be charged with crimes, but they're not satisfied with the severity of the crimes they can get them on, so they're looking into getting federal organizations and / or the FAA (since they interrupted airline travel for a while, and sent up a craft without a license)
[01:13:33] mrptptpt: they searched their house with a warrant tonight, too
[01:13:43] mrptptpt: so apparently, this isn't going as planned for these people...
[01:15:46] AlenaBrolxFlami: I do hear Mandarin at church since we have a Mandarin congregation, but I know very little of the language myself
[01:16:23] AlenaBrolxFlami: as for the balloon people... HAHAHAHA! don't people THINK before trying to set up something for free publicity?!
[01:18:53] mrptptpt: now there's a rap video, clearly made by the parents, full of the kids swearing and something like "a big faggot in the tree tried to pee on me! so I picked up a rock and threw it at his cock (except they just growl in place of "cock" and the rock is thrown at a picture of a chicken......)"
[01:19:21] mrptptpt: in an interview, the dad is asked about this, and he says it's Falcon in the tree, not faggot :P
[01:19:36] AlenaBrolxFlami: I don't think I wanna know...
[01:19:39] mrptptpt: except Falcon is down on the ground with the other kids throwing rocks
[01:20:12] AlenaBrolxFlami: well, way to parent
[01:20:21] mrptptpt: oh, and the song is about "pussification"
[01:20:51] AlenaBrolxFlami: ....... WHAT?!
[01:21:13] mrptptpt: these people just keep getting lovelier and lovelier :P
[01:24:05] mrptptpt: he defends the swearing in the house by saying they like to be positive, and hang trophies and awards in the house. which has nothing to do with the question :P
[01:25:27] mrptptpt: "yeah, except I was asking about the language and swearing by the kids" "oh"
[01:25:35] AlenaBrolxFlami: uh... yeah...
[01:56:06] AlenaBrolxFlami: is that TOILET PAPER the kid is throwing around?!
[01:56:29] mrptptpt: uh. probably, I don't remember.
[01:56:56] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh dear

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