Friday, September 25, 2009

No Joule, Wayne Gretzky resigning, superglue, and colon pouches

Joule is offline (for now?), and Wayne Gretzky resigned. What the heck?!

Facebook quizzes taken from Hannah W:

Leslie took the What random object are you? quiz and got the result: You are super glue! That's right! You are the poor man's everything, the REALLY expensive stuff. You're the kind of glue that's so intense, most people generally avoid you for everyday tasks. They like to use that OTHER glue... that cheap crap, but you know you are the ONLY glue for the job! And you show them by randomly bursting open for no apparent reason in the most unlikely places, leaving as much as $14 in damage!

Leslie took the The *I don't know I'm playing this game* challenge quiz and got the result: 1138 points. Fabtastic!!! You have been successfully playing this game for 3 years, 1 month, and 13 days! We salute you!!! Why not play again and try to beat your score? :)

Leslie took the What should you be for Halloween? quiz and got the result: Kitty. Rawr. You're ambitious and curious. You know how to have fun, but you do have a quiet side. Let it show with your kitty costume!

Poo nugget for Friday, September 25: Dr. Stool Says - Diverticulosis - Diverticulosis is one of the most common diseases in developed countries. Approximately 60 percent of Americans over age fifty have diverticula, outpouchings of the colon wall that can bleed or become infected. Caused by a lifetime of eating a low-fiber diet, diverticulosis goes undiagnosed in most people, only coming to their attention when bleeding or abdominal pain occurs. Medical lore has it that diverticulitis, or inflammation of these outpouchings, is triggered when foods such as popcorn seeds or nuts travel through the GI tract and get stuck in one of these pockets. No medical studies have confirmed this association, however.

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