Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Jersey seems to like calling me...

Got ANOTHER weird phone call from New Jersey: 1-973-406-2024, anyone? Raymond almost gave me a heart attack (AGAIN) when he started a conversation with me through Gmail chat. I'm going to have to bug him about that later, haha! Talked about his brother Albert, Nate's plans tonight, wine, diapers changing your NYE priorities from clubbing, party-hopping, dinner, Eric, and more. Also got a Christmas card from John (snooooopy) in the mail - how cool is that?! "How much does it cost to buy Santa's reindeer? Nothing - they're on the house!" Hahaha, sweet! Hey, there's this red envelope here (NOT lucky money, unfortunately!) - it's a Christmas card from Sarah G. / Tonks! Nice to see she actually DID mail my card, hahaha. It'll be cool to see my friends later, although I don't know why I felt odd when Raymond mentioned his brother - of COURSE he has a family! (unlike my mother's instant assumption about Billie: "She must be sleeping over because she doesn't have a family, and she must be in a gang because you met her online!" HAHAHAHA!)

Now I can do my annual ritual of cutting up my old bus pass, particularly since Jon just called to confirm pick-up plans for about an hour from now! I told him to save the "smelly poo" endearment for Harmony, hahaha. (just maybe not in front of her family...) I'll get to see Dave tonight in spite of snow, too! Gotta shower before dinner and such, too! Quiz Farm has undergone quite a change since I last visited it regularly: it's all yellow and grey now instead of black and white?! (and divides quizzes into pages if they're over 20 questions, PLUS it has the Facebook / LJ / Blogger / etc. sharing application) Whoa, baby!

Edit at 5: Raymond says he changed his plans, but wishes me a Happy New Year anyhow. Sounds fine to me! Yay for change in more ways than one! The Beatles' Long and Winding Road was on the radio earlier - I hadn't heard that in a LONG time! (and the AMERICAN IDOL version does NOT count! :P)

You Scored as Griffin

The Griffin is a legendary creature with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle.

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