Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bzoink Survey

Name: Leslie.
Date: October 22, 2008.
Time: 1:12 AM.
Fave Color: Blue, purple, black.
Fave Food: Noodles!
What are you wearing: Blue-and-white sweater, red fuzzy pants, and striped socks... oh, and glasses.

Have you ever

Been kissed: Yes.
Kissed someone: Yes.
Been in love: Yes.
Drank?: Yes.
Smoked: Ew, no.
Lied to your parents: Yes.
Lied to your friends: I wish I hadn't.
Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend: No.
Gone out on a date: Yes.

In a boy / girl

Height: Taller than me, but not insanely tall.
Weight: Not FAT, but not a STICK.
Love or money?: Love.
Looks or money?: Looks will fade over time... money? Man, this is a shallow question. :P
Personality or looks: Personality!
Friends or boyfriend or girlfriend: Depends. Right now, friends.
Hair color: Doesn't matter.
Eye color: Doesn't matter.
Older then you?: Sure, why not. Maturity isn't a BAD thing!
Hairstyle: Doesn't really matter, as long as it's not TERRIBLE! (I know... it's subjective!)
Long hair or short: Long... and someone said it would NEVER happen!
Skinny or muscles: Not a musclebound hunk, but not super-skinny either!
Color: Doesn't matter...
Religion: Must have the same values as I do.

Either Or

Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee.
Taco or burrito: Taco.
Girl or boy: It depends.
PC or Laptop: PC.
Myspace or Piczo: Neither... but Myspace if I had to choose.
Snowman or moose: Snowman.
Panda bear or snowmobile: Panda bear.
Teddy bear or blanket: Teddy bear.
School or work: Work.
Zebra or lion: Zebra.
Friends or family: Friends!

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