Saturday, March 08, 2008

January cigarettes are GONE! / I love understanding!

I had a weird dream which consisted of my mom addressing a huge crowd of church people. A bunch of us were supposed to help out with the kids outside, but had to let them out through a sliding door. I was late, and had to figure out a way of going through the crowd - luckily, I wormed my way through some old people. Once outside, someone complained that his smokes for January were all gone: nobody took them, dude! Then I went to see the kids, who were playing on this lighted playground as it was rather dark outside. Henry had written a card for Quan in which he used handwriting that looked like Karen Lee's. Nathan (Ivan's brother) was running around with glasses, and little Wilson was with him. We had fun with gold / middle name coincidences / literally pushing buttons before the dream ended, for sure!

As for what triggered this one? Hmm... the sliding door might have been representing the times when I had to open and shut K's window for him - must move the stick first! As for the whole "January cigarettes" thing, that might have been triggered by seeing his cousin's cigarettes / ashtray outside the front door. Not sure about the kids and such, however!

Mom sent me an email saying that John's dad was gravely ill at the hospital across the street, so warned me that Ada might not drive me. Ada herself called me a while later, saying that she was sick - good enough for me, so I caught a ride from Henry instead. I wasn't going to ask Ada about the situation. At least I have a ride to and from Awana, and I must remember to be dropped off at Sun Sui Wah - I'll see Auntie Kwai and Cousin Aaron, who I won't ask about a certain situation! (that was BAD, man!)

As for what else I've done today? Hmm... talking to Z has been cool, of course. I've apologized to someone for my behavior, and that got accepted. I have also got marvelous understanding from K about something, which makes me love him even more. We'll get through this together, like I told him yesterday. I had absolutely no problem at the bank either, so I'll give him the receipt for that next week! (plus a change purse / jar?)

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