Sunday, February 03, 2008

Don't wipe the table with my napkin, Grandma!

Went to Neptune Seafood Restaurant for Chinese New Year dinner - on the way there, Grandma randomly patted my knee. I guess that's a good sign, and it's her way of showing affection! When Jon arrived, he observed that Blaardine looked REALLY out of it. Yeah, he's been sick too! Mom wasn't feeling well, and thinks she'll sleep on the third floor so her illness won't get more serious... hmm. Grandma made moves to scoop me some food, which I appreciated... but as I said in an aside to my sister, I can totally see her plonking some rice into my half-full bowl of soup! Had wonton / shark's fin (or cartilage) soup, lamb, beef and gai lan, fresh fish (which Mom rendered as "live" fish), free-range chicken (we reviewed the pronunciation of "range" and "bling-bling" with Mom), medicinal herbs, and more... SO FULL, AIYA! At least we weren't Chinese like we were at lunch, with just a little bit of food left on each of three plates - we were all too polite to take it, haha. Dad got irritated with Mom, and showed it ("HUMOR HER and let her order two bowls of soup even if you know that one will be enough!"); Mom wondered why he was getting snippy with her. I can see how my insistence on rigidity can annoy people! (I get it from her, but that's no excuse!)

Steph said that Viv's parents were away for some time in the future, and she might help her housesit - good idea. Mom got "Dylan" and "Darren" mixed up... I can see how they sound the same. Jon told me that the Eatery (further east than Nathan's, or around there!) was more expensive sushi than your average place. (got home and replied to Natalie's Facebook thread to say I wouldn't be going to her birthday dinner) Sussed out a date for the family birthday dinner for Steph's birthday - SHE IS GONNA BE ONE QUARTER OF A CENTURY OLD! Discussed Nathan's visual in the latest Sunday Dinner email - no, Nathan hadn't been ticked off at Christon since he was just being random. That is comforting - if he WASN'T random, we'd all be worried! Grandma wondered whether we'd go to the library afterwards - she meant Chapters bookstore, and I guess the concept is the same to her! (a place with books...)

Told Steph that I was worried about the gas element and steam exploding in my face - she said that if that happened, they'd give me a good funeral. It's interesting how my first thought was that they should let Korey know in that instance, heh. (or how he might sit by me if I were horribly injured in that scenario) Grandma used my napkin to wipe the table when we still had red bean soup as dessert to come... then made sure I couldn't use it by picking it up with her chopsticks and dumping it into my bowl. (not that I'd WANT to... ew!) Luckily, Mom had an extra Kleenex, which I kept away from Big G by holding it - Steph assures me that Grandma does the same thing at home, which doesn't surprise me. Discussed her having people over in a few weeks to cook - yay! Drove illegally on the way to my place, haha - six people in a five-person Toyota Corolla can get very squishy! At least it was only a few blocks in the backseat!

Which Bleach Boy Is All Yours?

Your Boy Is Renji Abarai! Good for You!

My personal favorite and, in my opinion, the coolest anime dude ever! He, like Ichigo, is very sheltered when you first meet... but if you give him time, he can be a fantastic boyfriend, and a truly trustworthy friend. He is a strong warrior and would break all the rules if he had to, if it meant keeping you safe. He is very protective of you, and would die if it meant your well-being. A man of few words, but he has vowed his love and devotion only to you, and nobody should EVER mess with you. You are his, and his ONLY! No one can ever change that. He will protect you with his life, and come to your rescue always.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
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Now THAT sounds like a good guy to have! Wish I could have one with those qualities, haha!

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