Korey's name isn't Corny or Courtney! / Interesting survey
Also, my ears are hurting in remembered pain. I've been reading the FEATHER DUSTERS Facebook group wall, and I've flashed back to my most vivid childhood memories! AIYA! ("kneel down and pull on your ears!")
Random Trivia Generator, AKA the Mechanical Contrivium
I typed in my ex-friend's name for laughs, and this is what I got:
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Randal!
1. Randal is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature!
2. Humans share about fifty percent of their DNA with Randal.
3. Research indicates that Randal will be attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas!
4. If the Sun were the size of a beach ball, then Jupiter would be the size of a golf ball, and Randal would be as small as a pea!
5. Snow White's coffin was made of Randal!
6. The original nineteenth-century Coca-Cola formula contained Randal.
7. Randal can remain conscious for fifteen to twenty seconds after being decapitated.
8. Randal can not regurgitate!
9. The first American zoo was built in 1794, and contained only Randal.
10. Half a cup of Randal contains only seventeen calories!
Your Score: Hieroglyphics
You scored
You are Egyptian Hieroglyphics! Monumental, ornate, and even in technicolour! Your users contributed virtually all ancient knowledge on inks, dyes, and writing surfaces - to the point where the popular reed of Papyrus became the universal name for organic, manufactured writing surfaces in the western hemisphere for thousands of years. Proud, upstanding, and dignified.
Link: The Which Ancient Language Are You Test written by imipak on OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the The Dating Persona Test View My Profile(imipak) |
Survey stolen from Chrissy (argh4itchytasty) -
When was the last time you were up all night? The time a few weeks ago where I couldn't sleep because I was thinking too much about certain things.
Do you screen your notes and / or comments? Sometimes, yes.
Do you think more or act more? I'm eccentric, therefore I act more. (another good answer which I had to keep)
Do you listen to your intuitions, feelings, and tingly sensations? I try to... sometimes I don't. :(
What's a word people should use more often? DEFENESTRATION!
Do you listen to other people's advice? It depends on the person and the advice. (SO true!)
Do you prefer silence or talking? It depends on who, when, what, and where. (yep, very true!)
Do you trust psychology as a valid science? Yes, kinda.
Have you ever been to see a ballet? No.
What frustrates you? A lot of things!
Do you brush your teeth three times a day? No... twice, probably.
Do you live in reality or in your own little world? My own little world.
Do you hide things about yourself from others? Of course.
Is quiet contemplation important? Yes.
What things do you feel like everyone is entitled to have without working for them? Freedom of choice. <- Have to agree with this one. (as do I)
When was the last time you told your parents you love them? I have no idea.
Is writing an online blog, journal, or diary more about being honest about feelings or entertaining your readers? I'm honest about my feelings! Sometimes I guess I entertain the readers...
Do you answer the phone when it rings, or do you check to see who is calling first? I usually check, and then pick up if I feel like talking to the person.
Have you ever fasted? Yes... 30-Hour Famine memories, baby! (ah, PJs...)
Why are some things so hard to say? Because sometimes things don't come out how you originally intended.
Does your personality change over time, or will it always stay the same? The core personality will usually stay the same, but I'd like to think the outer part will change over time depending on experiences and circumstances.
What overwhelms you? Depends, really.... too much stress, too many expectations, and not enough downtime!
What was your last nightmare about? Someone inserting his way into a group of MY friends, and then proceeding to hack them all to death with a sword which had been used on grubworms previously... :( (there's a reason why I don't post ALL my dreams on here... :P)
Do you trust your instincts even when other people tell you that you are wrong? Sometimes... I like being different, but my instincts are all right! I like pleasing people sometimes too, so that may affect it.
What makes a novel a great read? Lots of description, lots of dialogue, and the fact that I want to read it straight through and enjoy the experience even though I should sleep or do other things!
Have you ever had a palm reading? No.
Are you very trusting of others? Depends.
Are you more verbal or visual? Verbal.
Do you trust people who tell you "trust me"? Depends... be wary of people who have to REMIND you to trust them!
Have you ever taken an IQ test? Yes.
In conversations, do you sometimes feel that you already know what will be said? Sometimes, yes.
Have you ever been to a show on Broadway? No, unfortunately.
Labels: chinese, dallas, eric h., generators, hilarity, jeremy, kevin, korey, languages, maxed-out tags limit, mom, nathan, ok cupid, rachel, random, rich, spoz, surveys, the surrealist, words
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