Thursday, November 29, 2007

Comics / Sadness / Dream of baby Byron and Laura Ingalls Wilder

Got a bunch of good advice and funny comic recommendations yesterday - thanks, Teunis! You know I need to laugh right now, and I appreciate that! :)

Biting teen advice. (no, not literal advice on how to bite teens... :P)
Ozy and Millie (a good comic to meander through)
Tales of Mu (and a funky rather adult fiction with some odd approaches; it's really quite good - as are the comments. But it's definitely not worksafe... and sometimes does cross over to full naughty stuff. It also involves a lot of bizarre alternative relationships and kinks.... but who knows - it could be funny reading.)
Something Positive (cute comic, which I have heard of... funny and snarky seems to suit me!)
Questionable Content (funny, even if less apropos)
Dominic Deegan (a rather more evil comic? LET ME AT IT!)
ROCR (this one's got a lot of nudity, but basically no sex... and it's flipping good! (the morality of it's decidedly medieval - and the fairies are all naked. Also note: people are all sizes and shapes in this one, too. Definitely not for those with hangups... he thinks I'm fine for that too, which is probably right. The real story's a complicated one involving witches, fairies and dealings with a powerful witch with low self-esteem...)
Schlock Mercenary (BOOM!)
WAPS is Square (weird and good - YAY!)
Chopping Block (a pretty one about a serial killer... it is JUST what my sibs and Eric need to hear me reading about, muhahaha!)
LFG Comic (very good art, with evil mixed in)
Exiern (a good art one, which gets close to being naughty sometimes - but is funny)
Venus Envy (Author is transgendered, as is main character. Based on real people. At least one of the characters has died in real life. It's not easy - especially as the current one is autobiographical. Possibly wait with this one - even Tales of Mu is easier than this particular one that's posted.)
Girl Genius Online (VERY funny. And lightly "evil," but most of the characters are good. The really evil ones get blown up. The art's rather good.)

"Some of those go back several years. (Something Positive for instance). Some are long reads (Tales of Mu - and she's got a bunch of other stories too). Should keep you busy a while. :)" Sounds like it - which is what I need. Or a word search book or two (or my other books) to keep me off the computer also!

Hester knocked on my door, and said that she couldn't read the note I left her because my handwriting is "too close together." Believe me, I'd print it out if I could! Says the fridge guy should be in to see about the fridge / freezer - I'd hope so! I'm keeping the milk and yogurt for now as evidence... actually, I'm not since that's just plain disgusting. I can handle the juice getting a tangy fizz taste to it, since I can think of it is as a fizzy drink. But not the milk fermenting... EWWWW!

I also reconnected with Dave C. / Chironex the other night. That was good! Turns out he's in a long-distance relationship with someone in Malaysia, and thinks the flight time from Australia and such is worth it. Good for him - I wish them both the very best of luck!

I hope I'm in reasonable shape to go out in a couple of hours. Let's just say I certainly hope I'm in the same kind of shape by Saturday! I know, I know... this takes time. Never said it was easy... :(

Had a weird dream last night when I finally got to sleep:

Korey called me, saying that he needed someone to talk to. I said I'd get there eventually, which I did. We talked and I just held him in my arms, having his hair touch my chin... that felt good, but I also knew there was something wrong with it. Then my friends and I went off to meet these people who had come from the past. One of them was a little Roger Lea McBride (a Laura Ingalls Wilder historian), who had somehow been transported to Laura's time. A grandfather got really mad at the kids for some reason (Laura looked like a girl I used to know), and wanted to whip them. Then he noticed the books by the older Roger Lea McBride, and asked how they'd gotten there. Nobody could tell him, so of course he wanted to whip the kids more. Someone took pity on Laura and said she should at least wear angel wings as a costume before receiving the unfair punishment. Then the kids all went to see various babies in the hospital, lying on tables with lights on them. One baby was named Byron, and had tubes all over him. The dream ended when little Byron had complications from an operation...

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