Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Getting pissed off?! HAHAHA.

Hilarious quote of the night: "Now I'm pissed off that you won't let me get pissed off, but I CAN'T get pissed off since you said so. But that makes me even more pissed off, and I think this cycle will end with something exploding or a paradox that causes the end of the entire multiverse... and it's all your fault! You like killing everyone in every parallel dimension on all the billions of planets in the universe? You sick, sick person! I just hope some alien race out there detects this and has time travel technology to go back in time and slap you upside the head before causing this."

Right... I don't think so, even if they use time travel. It may send them to an alternate but nearly identical dimension.. hopefully, that still works in my friend's opinion. Just reminds me of GWAR's The Obliteration of Flab Quarv 7! (they were supposed to destroy 6 according to the navigator, but got 7 instead :P)

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