Sunday, April 22, 2007

Rockstar gives me additional crazy fuel, buddy!

Note to self: Do NOT give salmiakki candy to anyone, since it really does taste "interesting" in a "bitter melon" kind of way! Maybe it's an acquired taste... good thing I didn't share it at the meeting! Steph picked me up at 9:15, and we were off to church - I showed remarkable patience and restraint with people for only getting two hours of actual sleep, since it takes me forever to fall asleep these days. When I got to church, Jeremy waved to me, so we exchanged greetings - I can definitely understand his being tired! Talked to Chalaine, Sheena, Angus, Phil, and Andrea before service started - of course I said hi to Hannah, Priscilla, and Natalie too! Briefly considered something before deciding against it, then handed Michelle and Andrea their birthday cards just as the sermon started. Wasn't going to do it during singing, even though my sister alerted me to Michelle's whereabouts in the row behind us... they thanked me afterwards, so it's all good. I liked how Nathan prayed for the Virginia Tech shooting victims and such - so horrible! (I may be morbid, but even I know that it's tragic!)

Put my stuff down in the toddler room since there wasn't any reason to carry it with me outside, and encountered Eric on my way into the parking lot. Finally knew what the significance of his message last night was - not a reasoned clothing choice, that's for sure! Talked to Danielle and others about "fat camp" and our crazy 35-steamer SLB record: Jon joked that we could have had 40 if she'd been there that time! Melia can't do "fat camp" anymore since she's getting married: you have to fit into your wedding dress, and you won't do that with monster amounts of fried chicken / pizza / chips / other such foods! Eventually after talking about hockey / 24 / dinner / my weird dreams, we all went to Sunday School - the autistic kid didn't run around today, but liked repeating the numbers 1-10 a lot, aided by a colorful book in the room. Apparently, he saw some guy on TV counting from 1-10 on his fingers a couple weeks ago - that'll do it! After that, Mike and I waved hi to each other while I asked Amos about his dentist appointment yesterday: yup, lots of trips involved for work on the ol' braces! Andrew wanted to know when I'd add him on MSN - eventually, I did it when I got home. Danielle and Citrus joined our family at Pho, and marveled at how energetic little Natalie and Nathan seemed since they were very hyper at a nearby table. Ivan's just laid-back and chill in sharp contrast, heh.

When discussing a certain picture Danielle forwarded to a bunch of people, Citrus decided to show us various videos on his phone of Nathan dancing at a Wii night: there are some things we don't need to see, thanks! (like the video of Steph dancing around in her backup pajama pants which are five sizes too large - Citrus joked that Jon and I would be scarred for life!) Danielle tried being thoughtful when she ordered spring rolls for Citrus with her shrimp / beef salad rolls, but he'd ordered vermicelli with spring rolls! Roll abundance, anyone? She'd also tried surprising Citrus at work yesterday, but he was home at the time he said he'd be done at the bank: oops. Moral of the story: DON'T BE THOUGHTFUL since it doesn't work with them! Apparently, Nathan had flung a controller while playing a Wii game and hit her in the head with it accidentally: OUCH! Discussed Jon's lateness: there was the time he made Danielle wait 90 minutes for him before they went for lunch somewhere! Then he was talking to Harmony last night: "The opera doesn't wait for you, so you shouldn't be late!" Pot, meet kettle. :P

After an entertaining lunch, Jon decided to go to Commercial Drive for some coffee before a church meeting. Citrus, Danielle, Steph, and I bemoaned his being a diva / princess on our way to the 7-11. Once Citrus announced his intention to get an energy drink because of his hockey game later, Danielle termed that "disgusting" because of all the chemicals in those things. Hey, I was going to get one too - see first sentence of this post for the reason why! I also got some Garden Salsa Sun Chips for home consumption, and noticed some Tandoori Sizzler Doritos - I might try those later! Steph stuck to a Slurpee, while Danielle got some coffee and other stuff. Citrus and I gave each other a high-five, while Danielle tried convincing us that the chemicals (like taurine) were gross even in the "healthiest" of those! Got to church early for sign-in, and sat in seats near the front. Just when I was wondering where Eric was, he showed up - hehe, yay! Randal had sat down by me, and was flipping through the Chinese Bible. Since I assumed he was like most of us, I told him that it was in Chinese - apparently, he recognized some characters in there! Better than me, that's for sure. He shared some thoughts on the taped episode with me: I *told* him that he'd have to see it otherwise he'd be wondering what's going on with Jack and Audrey!

A bunch of people brought their laptops to work on stuff: I could see Joey playing some kind of game (?), Danielle working on her and Daniel's cyber-bullying presentation, Steph working on email and camp stuff, and Nathan just looking stuff up on Google like Christian Death Metal. Offered candy to everyone around me - cocoa Peeps (with a few leftover for my mom, who asked about them this morning - if they were all gone, she'd be mad!) and Tootsie Rolls were sufficient, what with Daniel's bag of random candy also making the rounds. We communicated in hushed whispers across rows about camp, Facebook, "HRM" (no idea what that means!), cheques, Sheena and Chalaine paying almost $500 for camp (but they're bringing two friends!), Danielle's dissertation, a trip picture of Randal on Steph's computer (he sent it to her even if he forgot that by now, because I didn't forward it to her - yay for Gmail archiving everything!), birthday cards, and other things. At least Jon signed the May and June ones at this meeting... except for two late June cards that I kept back for various reasons, haha. (he and Phil laughed over the butt tattoo one for Mom's birthday) This had a double effect: it forced me to pay attention to the meeting (more or less), and it ensured that I wouldn't have to bug Jon about card-signing for at least a couple of months!

Avoided the post-meeting washroom lineups by a few minutes, and then asked Eric if he could drive me home - he never said anything one way or the other, but bugged me about being like Nathan. Uh, this is the first time I've ever had a Rockstar... and the only time I've had an energy drink (Red Bull) was in October 2005! Before we went home, he asked me where my mom was (at work - I am not avoiding her!), and then asked Steph if our mom was inviting him for dinner - yes, indeed. He still won't be there at 6, but it's all good as long as he catches most of the game and it doesn't go into overtime! On the way home, we discussed fuzzy pants (not for my sister or anyone else!) / inside jokes / Wal-Mart / certain jungles in Final Fantasy 12 / my twisted ideas / the family cruise / threats / nuts and bananas / nudging on MSN / patches / my being crazy (oh sure, have the energy drink kick in AFTER the meeting! :P) / excuses around not answering my phone / showers / lunch with Chung, Karen, and Dylan / sugar / text-based games / killing monsters. Entertaining, and I know what to expect tomorrow from HIM... and I thought he'd stop! Oh well, I'm not holding things over his head unless I absolutely have to! ;)

When I got home, I added Andrew on MSN using one email address. Imagine my surprise when I got an addition notification AND a message from some other email address! ("Yo, who are you?" "You added ME!" "No, YOU added ME..." "....not with THAT email address...") That proved to be a bit confusing, but he has two accounts - he said he didn't know I had Gmail. Heh, I do indeed... he hasn't read the Benjamin Button story yet, but that's fine. I hope the link doesn't expire before he reads it, heh. At least I did what I said I'd do, haha. It'll be cool to have additional contact with the teens, haha. Off to wander around dungeons and space adventures!

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