Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Disorder survey! (PTSD Depression)

Here's a "disorder survey" from Kaitlin, via Myspace bulletin:

[] You have dry skin.
[] You're very weak.
[x] You hate your body.
[] You starve yourself.
[] You have low self-esteem.
[] You use laxatives.
[x] You need to be skinnier.
[] People think you are way too skinny.

ADHD (attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder)
[] You are hyper most of the time.
[x] You barely pay attention to anything. (well, sometimes...)
[] You cannot cooperate with people well.
[] You seem to never sit still.
[] You talk all the time.
[] You need attention 24/7.

Bipolar Disorder
[x] You can act wild at times, then you are severely depressed the next moment.
[x] You are very irritable.
[] You barely get any or no sleep.
[x] You are anti-social.
[x] You have very high self-esteem at times.
[] You abuse alcohol, drugs, or sex.
[x] You have thought of / attempted suicide. (thought of it a LONG time ago, NOT NOW!)

Bulimia Nervosa
[] You throw up all of your food.
[] You throw it up even when you don't feel sick.
[] You have no control over how you eat.
[] You use laxatives.
[x] You eat fast. (ha, my ex-friend Yazmine always complained that I finished my food way too quickly... probably only because she couldn't keep up with my NORMAL eating style! :P)
[] You have overly exercised to where you almost fainted / passed out.
[x] You always say you are fat. (it's true!)
[] People think you are way too skinny.

Conduct Disorder
[] You are a bully.
[x] You threaten other people. (not really... only in a joking manner with people I know very well)
[] You often find yourself in fights.
[] You have used a weapon that could cause injury to others. (ex: knife, bat, etc.)
[] You are cruel to humans and / or animals.
[] You have raped / molested someone.
[] You destroy property on purpose.
[] You always lie.
[] You stay out all night.
[x] You have ran away from home.

[] You are always sad.
[] You always are crying.
[x] You find no hope in your future.
[x] You no longer find excitement over the activities you used to love.
[x] You always find yourself around the house or in bed all day.
[x] You can be anti-social.
[x] You have low self-esteem. (at times, yes...)
[x] Everything bad that happens is always your fault. (rationally, I know it's not... stupid conditioning! :P)
[] You always seem to be weak or have physical features hurt.
[] You are failing school.
[x] You have thought of / attempted suicide. (as above, a LONG TIME AGO!)
[x] You have ran away from home.
[] Hope is no longer there for you.

OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder)
[x] You have daily rituals.
[] You have disturbing thoughts or thoughts you hate.
[] You have to do a certain thing until it feels right.
[x] You have to keep things in a certain order.
[] You are afraid you will get a STD, AIDS, or any kind of germs.
[] You have to check some stuff over and over again. (ex: checking door repeatedly)

PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
[x] You repeatedly have flashbacks of horrible moments / memories in your life.
[] You have dreams of horrible moments / memories in your life.
[x] You sometimes think the event will happen again.
[x] You feel highly uncomfortable when remembering the event.
[x] You can be anti-social.
[x] You have lost interest in the things you used to love.
[] You have not had a lot of sleep lately.
[x] You worry about dying at a early age or dying at all.
[x] You can have angry outbursts.
[] You act younger than your age. (ex: thumb sucking, etc.)

[] You often have hallucinations (seeing things or hearing things that aren't there).
[x] You have strange, unusual dreams or thoughts.
[] You can be confused about reality and fantasy.
[] You think people are always staring or talking about you.
[] You have extreme anxiety or fearfulness.
[x] You have difficulty with relationships with family, friends, and the opposite sex.
[] You do not take care of your hygiene like you should.
[] You are very shy.
[] You often talk to yourself.

Now, add them up and see which has the most, and you'll figure out your disorder. :D
PTSD Depression, eh? Yeah, thought so!

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