Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Changing one letter of a word to make another...

Word game, taken from Candy via Myspace bulletin. I used to love these things when I was a kid!

Let's see who gets stuck...
Change one letter of the bottom word posted, and see who gets stuck and can't continue. You cannot add letters or use foreign languages. If you don't repost, we will have to assume that you are stuck... hahaha!

Starting Word: Foot
Stacy: Boot
Alli: Bolt
Bethany: Belt
Lauren: Felt
Katy: Fell
Michael: Cell
Melissa: Hell
Heather: Bell
Shawn: Ball
Scott: bail
Katt: tail
Rashon: tall
Diamond mall
DJ No E: male
Ceci: Pale
Jeannie: Page
Madeline: Cage
Jessica: Cape
Debbie: Rape
Danielle: Rage
Sascha: Rare
Myrna: Dare
James ~ Care
Angela: Core
Luke: Lore
Nikki: Love
Shelly: Live
Genie: Line
Larry: Like
Elizabeth: Bike
Nathalie: Bite
Michael: Kite
Jordan: Site
Charlene: Sits
Ashley: fits
Sherm: TITS
Decia: Tots
Brandi: Pots
Amber: Rots
Jessica: Rats
April: Cats
Nick: bets... hahahahaha, took me like an hour
Shaina: bits
Alex: kits
Sarah: hits
Angel: hips
Christy: hiss
Shawn: piss
Helen: Kiss
Lindsay - kits
Greg - tits...... the obvious choice
Clarissa - tips
Sonya - lips
Kevin - Rips
Daniel - tips
Stephanie - tops
Curtis - toss
Krishanda - boss
Kellie - loss
Amy - Ross
Sean - Rose
Stacey - Hose... :)
Alondra - Host
Terry - post
Amy - most
Stephanie - must
Bryan - Bust
Thomas - Lust
Holly - Gust
Misty - gush
Celeste - Lush
Carrie - mush
James - Push
Sherry - Bush
Laura - Bash
Allison - Bask
Stefanie - Task
Jason - Talk
Key - Tale
Brent - Tile
Sin - Time (how much of this can we waste...)
Bear - Dime (how much did you need)
Robert - Lime
Jennifer - Line
Holly - Dine
Amanda - wine
Melissa - mine
Heather ~ Mind
Rose ~ Rind
Jamie - Find
Shannon ~ Fund
Charlene ~ Funk?
Monica ~ Punk
Mandy ~ Pink
Erin ~ Pint
Steven ~ Lint
Penny ~ Line
Shannon ~ wine
Suerita ~ Fine
Marty ~ nine
Kristan: NONE
Heather: Done
Justin: Dope :)
ArchChancellor Spencer Wilson: cope
Hebrewman ~ Hope
Chris ~ Home
Brett ~ Rome
Frosty / T-Bone ~ Rope
Suzana ~ Ripe
Vonnie: Pipe
Ashley: Pine
Jaci: Pint
Kelly: Mint
Hannah: mink
Hillary: link
Jill: Sink
Cuddles: pink
Becca: Tink
Carlos: wink
Amanda: wind
Christy: wild
Phil: mild
Shaye: mile
Fred: File
Brilane: Fire
Carrie: wire
Jeff: wore
Audrey: word
Vanessa: wore
Essence: more =)
Dejanee: Bore
Kandice: bare
Stan: Dare
THC: Date
William: fate
David: Rate
Jocee: Rage
Vall: Cage
John: Cake
Amanda: Lake
Kit: Fake
Ami: Bake
Jessi: Rake
Amy: Rape
Cliffy: Tape (as in duct, as in bondage... you and me, now!)
Goldie: Tame
Leslie: Tamp
Melanie: Vamp
Lauren: Damp
Smitty: Dame
Amanda: Fame
Janet: Game (as in, don't hate the player... haha)
Laura: Gave
Karen ~ gaze
Sammi: Maze
Emily: Haze
Joë: Hate
Brian: Mate
Ash: Mute
Danny: Cute
Amy: Lute
Kim: Jute
Bad Bad Bitch: Tune
Missy: Tuna
George: Tuba
Ramon: Cuba
Kym: Cube
Thumper: Tube
Thelma: Lube
Diamond Eye: lure
IZ: Cure
Lyn: Pure
Nyleen: Puke
Shahin: Duke
Kelly: Dike
Darrel: dime
Teresa: Lime
Rachael: time
Jason: Tire
AMBER ~ Wire
SID ~ Sire
Rhonda ~ Side
|3 |2 ¥ ¢ £~+ - Hide
Neondeon ~ Tide
Eric ~ Ride
Arlain ~ Wide
Audrey- Wine
Big John ~ Wane
Kathleen ~ cane
Kathy - cake
Mack- Coke
Sandy ~ poke
Scott: Pope
Beth - pole
Lamont - pale
Nikki - sale
Kev - sane (debatable)
Dawnie ~ lane
Derek ~ cane
Denise - care
Rick - dare
Babeko - rare
NAKED GUY - mare
Traci - mate
Debbie - Rate
Todd - Fate
Belle - Late
Hushcat - Lute
Miss Eltow - cute
Danielle - cuts
Mitch - cots
Leo ~ rots
Paul - pods
Patty - pads
Nancy ~ Pats
Gary - Pass
Jen - Sass!!!
Dennis - sash
Cathie - rash
John ~ BUSH
Amy ~ BUST (Hootaaaaaaaaas)
Here kitty kitty - Busk
Bliss - tusk
Peter - tush (How come I got the bottom word for bottom?)
Rachel - Push
Peter - Hush
wyldenigma - HUSK
Nathan - Musk
Holly - Muse
Nicole ~ Fuse
James ~ Fuss
Veronika ~ Puss
Kristie ~ pass
Taz - bass
Ginger - Base
Samantha - Case :]
Janja - Cast ;]
Sam - Last
Nate - fast
Maureen - last [[oh, I'm smart!!]]
Sarah - lost.
Jenn- post [like a pole that strippers dance on, those whores...]
Kendall - host
Ally - cost!
Chris - cast
Alex - past
Heather - pest
Melissa: zest
Tucker: rest, like what I need now from too much food and football
Tara - rent
Hannah - bent
Sara - belt
Candice - bolt
Jenna - Colt..... 45, mwahahaha
AARON - Jolt
Shanna - Molt
Candy - Mole
Eric - pole
Leslie - sole

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