Man carrying his own twin / Oldest person dies / Weed and Metal skins / Bake and Baste Chicken
I've always been interested in the bizarre, and this story is right up my alley: Indian man had fetus in fetu... a fetus getting trapped inside its twin. What can I say, I love reading about bizarre medical conditions. :D
Here's the story in case they delete or remove it:
Aug. 23, 2006 - Sanju Bhagat's stomach was once so swollen he looked nine months pregnant and could barely breathe.
For More Information on Fetus in Fetu... no wonder this reminds me of teratomas and parasitic twins!
Living in the city of Nagpur, India, Bhagat said he'd felt self-conscious his whole life about his big belly. But one night in June 1999, his problem erupted into something much larger than cosmetic worry.
An ambulance rushed the 36-year-old farmer to the hospital. Doctors thought he might have a giant tumor, so they decided to operate and remove the source of the bulge in his belly.
"Basically, the tumor was so big that it was pressing on his diaphragm and that's why he was very breathless," said Dr. Ajay Mehta of Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai. "Because of the sheer size of the tumor, it makes it difficult [to operate]. We anticipated a lot of problems."
Mehta said that he can usually spot a tumor just after he begins an operation. But while operating on Bhagat, Mehta saw something he had never encountered. As he cut deeper into Bhagat's stomach, gallons of fluid spilled out - and then something extraordinary happened.
"To my surprise and horror, I could shake hands with somebody inside," he said. "It was a bit shocking for me."
Removing the Mutated Body
One doctor recalled that day in the operating room.
"He just put his hand inside and he said there are a lot of bones inside," she said. "First, one limb came out, then another limb came out. Then some part of genitalia, then some part of hair, some limbs, jaws, limbs, hair."
Inside Bhagat's stomach was a strange, half-formed creature that had feet and hands that were very developed. Its fingernails were quite long.
"We were horrified. We were confused and amazed," Mehta said.
A Mutated Body Within a Body
At first glance, it may look as if Bhagat had given birth. Actually, Mehta had removed the mutated body of Bhagat's twin brother from his stomach. Bhagat, they discovered, had one of the world's most bizarre medical conditions - fetus in fetu. It is an extremely rare abnormality that occurs when a fetus gets trapped inside its twin. The trapped fetus can survive as a parasite even past birth by forming an umbilical cordlike structure that leeches its twin's blood supply until it grows so large that it starts to harm the host, at which point doctors usually intervene.
According to Mehta, there are fewer than 90 cases of fetus in fetu recorded in medical literature. Fetus in fetu happens very early in a twin pregnancy, when one fetus wraps around and envelops the other. The dominant fetus grows, while the fetus that would have been its twin lives on throughout the pregnancy, feeding off its host twin like a kind of parasite. Usually, both twins die before birth from the strain of sharing a placenta.
Sometimes, however, as in Bhagat's case, the host twin survives and is delivered. What makes his case so unusual is that no one suspected Bhagat had a twin inside him for 36 years.
Bhagat said he was very much relieved after his operation. He was not interested in knowing what Mehta did to him or seeing what he had removed from his abdomen.
"He didn't want to see it because it was looking very ghastly," Mehta said.
Avoiding the Gory Details
There was no placenta inside Bhagat - the enveloped parasitic twin had connected directly to Bhagat's blood supply. Right after the surgery, Bhagat's pain and inability to breathe disappeared, and he recovered immediately.
The case may have been a medical miracle to doctors, but to Bhagat, his condition had been a source of shame and misery. All his life, people in the village where he lived had mercilessly teased him and told him he looked pregnant. Ironically, they were right in a way.
Today Bhagat is in good health and leads a normal life, but he still gets teased occasionally.
"They still ridicule him. What they say is, you went for an operation and you had the baby," Mehta said.
World's oldest person dies...
QUITO, Ecuador (AP) -- Maria Esther de Capovilla, believed to be the world's oldest person, has died at 116, her granddaughter said.
Catherine Capovilla, 46, a property manager and real estate agent in Miami, said Capovilla died Sunday at 3 AM local time in a hospital in the coastal city of Guayaquil. She died two days after coming down with pneumonia. Her funeral was planned for Monday.
Born on September 14, 1889 -- the same year as Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler -- Capovilla was married in 1917 and widowed in 1949.
Robert Young, senior consultant for Gerontology for Guinness World Records, said Elizabeth Bolden of Memphis, Tennessee, now appears to be the oldest person alive.
"Guinness World Records will have to make an official announcement from London," he said. "For all practical purposes, the next oldest person is going to be presumed to be Elizabeth Bolden. She is 116, but she was born 11 months after Capovilla."
Capovilla was confirmed as the oldest living person on December 9, 2005, after her family sent details of her birth and marriage certificates to the British-based publisher. Emiliano Mercado Del Toro, of Puerto Rico, retains the title as oldest man at 114.
Three of Capovilla's five children -- Irma, Hilda, and son Anibal -- are still alive, along with 12 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren, Catherine Capovilla told The Associated Press in a telephone interview.
In her youth, Capovilla liked to embroider / paint / play piano / dance the waltz at parties, the family said.
She always ate three meals a day, and never smoked or drank hard liquor. "Only a small cup of wine with lunch and nothing more," Irma told AP last December.
For the past 20 years, Capovilla had lived with elder daughter, Hilda, and son-in-law, Martin.
Here are a couple of skins that Candy (metal) or Scarecrow (weed) would like. :D
Weed skin:

Metal skin:

Bake And Baste Chicken (Boston Chicken)
Categories: Copycat
Yield: 1 serving
1/4 cups Canola oil
1 tablespoon Honey
1 tablespoon Lime juice
1/4 teaspoon Paprika
4 Chicken breast halves washed / patted dry
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In a small bowl, combine canola oil, honey, lime juice, and paprika. Place chicken, skin side up, in a 7x11 inch baking dish. Apply mixture to chicken pieces in a single layer. Bake in over for 35-40 minutes, basting every 8-10 minutes, or until well-browned and the juices run clear when you cut into the thickest part of the chicken. Remove from oven. Cover with foil for 15 minutes. This softens the chicken and keeps it hot until served. Serves 4.
Here's the story in case they delete or remove it:
Aug. 23, 2006 - Sanju Bhagat's stomach was once so swollen he looked nine months pregnant and could barely breathe.
For More Information on Fetus in Fetu... no wonder this reminds me of teratomas and parasitic twins!
Living in the city of Nagpur, India, Bhagat said he'd felt self-conscious his whole life about his big belly. But one night in June 1999, his problem erupted into something much larger than cosmetic worry.
An ambulance rushed the 36-year-old farmer to the hospital. Doctors thought he might have a giant tumor, so they decided to operate and remove the source of the bulge in his belly.
"Basically, the tumor was so big that it was pressing on his diaphragm and that's why he was very breathless," said Dr. Ajay Mehta of Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai. "Because of the sheer size of the tumor, it makes it difficult [to operate]. We anticipated a lot of problems."
Mehta said that he can usually spot a tumor just after he begins an operation. But while operating on Bhagat, Mehta saw something he had never encountered. As he cut deeper into Bhagat's stomach, gallons of fluid spilled out - and then something extraordinary happened.
"To my surprise and horror, I could shake hands with somebody inside," he said. "It was a bit shocking for me."
Removing the Mutated Body
One doctor recalled that day in the operating room.
"He just put his hand inside and he said there are a lot of bones inside," she said. "First, one limb came out, then another limb came out. Then some part of genitalia, then some part of hair, some limbs, jaws, limbs, hair."
Inside Bhagat's stomach was a strange, half-formed creature that had feet and hands that were very developed. Its fingernails were quite long.
"We were horrified. We were confused and amazed," Mehta said.
A Mutated Body Within a Body
At first glance, it may look as if Bhagat had given birth. Actually, Mehta had removed the mutated body of Bhagat's twin brother from his stomach. Bhagat, they discovered, had one of the world's most bizarre medical conditions - fetus in fetu. It is an extremely rare abnormality that occurs when a fetus gets trapped inside its twin. The trapped fetus can survive as a parasite even past birth by forming an umbilical cordlike structure that leeches its twin's blood supply until it grows so large that it starts to harm the host, at which point doctors usually intervene.
According to Mehta, there are fewer than 90 cases of fetus in fetu recorded in medical literature. Fetus in fetu happens very early in a twin pregnancy, when one fetus wraps around and envelops the other. The dominant fetus grows, while the fetus that would have been its twin lives on throughout the pregnancy, feeding off its host twin like a kind of parasite. Usually, both twins die before birth from the strain of sharing a placenta.
Sometimes, however, as in Bhagat's case, the host twin survives and is delivered. What makes his case so unusual is that no one suspected Bhagat had a twin inside him for 36 years.
Bhagat said he was very much relieved after his operation. He was not interested in knowing what Mehta did to him or seeing what he had removed from his abdomen.
"He didn't want to see it because it was looking very ghastly," Mehta said.
Avoiding the Gory Details
There was no placenta inside Bhagat - the enveloped parasitic twin had connected directly to Bhagat's blood supply. Right after the surgery, Bhagat's pain and inability to breathe disappeared, and he recovered immediately.
The case may have been a medical miracle to doctors, but to Bhagat, his condition had been a source of shame and misery. All his life, people in the village where he lived had mercilessly teased him and told him he looked pregnant. Ironically, they were right in a way.
Today Bhagat is in good health and leads a normal life, but he still gets teased occasionally.
"They still ridicule him. What they say is, you went for an operation and you had the baby," Mehta said.
World's oldest person dies...
QUITO, Ecuador (AP) -- Maria Esther de Capovilla, believed to be the world's oldest person, has died at 116, her granddaughter said.
Catherine Capovilla, 46, a property manager and real estate agent in Miami, said Capovilla died Sunday at 3 AM local time in a hospital in the coastal city of Guayaquil. She died two days after coming down with pneumonia. Her funeral was planned for Monday.
Born on September 14, 1889 -- the same year as Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler -- Capovilla was married in 1917 and widowed in 1949.
Robert Young, senior consultant for Gerontology for Guinness World Records, said Elizabeth Bolden of Memphis, Tennessee, now appears to be the oldest person alive.
"Guinness World Records will have to make an official announcement from London," he said. "For all practical purposes, the next oldest person is going to be presumed to be Elizabeth Bolden. She is 116, but she was born 11 months after Capovilla."
Capovilla was confirmed as the oldest living person on December 9, 2005, after her family sent details of her birth and marriage certificates to the British-based publisher. Emiliano Mercado Del Toro, of Puerto Rico, retains the title as oldest man at 114.
Three of Capovilla's five children -- Irma, Hilda, and son Anibal -- are still alive, along with 12 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren, Catherine Capovilla told The Associated Press in a telephone interview.
In her youth, Capovilla liked to embroider / paint / play piano / dance the waltz at parties, the family said.
She always ate three meals a day, and never smoked or drank hard liquor. "Only a small cup of wine with lunch and nothing more," Irma told AP last December.
For the past 20 years, Capovilla had lived with elder daughter, Hilda, and son-in-law, Martin.
Here are a couple of skins that Candy (metal) or Scarecrow (weed) would like. :D
Weed skin:

Metal skin:

Bake And Baste Chicken (Boston Chicken)
Categories: Copycat
Yield: 1 serving
1/4 cups Canola oil
1 tablespoon Honey
1 tablespoon Lime juice
1/4 teaspoon Paprika
4 Chicken breast halves washed / patted dry
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In a small bowl, combine canola oil, honey, lime juice, and paprika. Place chicken, skin side up, in a 7x11 inch baking dish. Apply mixture to chicken pieces in a single layer. Bake in over for 35-40 minutes, basting every 8-10 minutes, or until well-browned and the juices run clear when you cut into the thickest part of the chicken. Remove from oven. Cover with foil for 15 minutes. This softens the chicken and keeps it hot until served. Serves 4.
Labels: 1999, 2005, 2006, alcoholic drinks, babies, candy, conjoined twins, death, drugs, elizabeth, food, guinness world records primetime, india, martin, maxed-out tags limit, michael, photos, recipes, sick, weird stuff
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