Sunday, August 13, 2006

I should have thought of pictures earlier! / Dawn back / baptisms / Snickers

This morning, I wasn't thinking straight. I should have gotten a pic with Ben before service (in the middle of meeting all his friends from Abbotsford), but I didn't! After service, he went off somewhere and it was too rushed to get good pics. DAMN... oh well, my sister seems to think he'll be back after three years. Maybe, maybe not... but at least we got to see Mike, Anthony, Ben, and the guy named Dennis (with a mystery girlfriend that he mentioned in his testimony) get baptized! Mike was so cute during his baptism: he didn't quite know what was going to happen when Rich and Pastor Edward were dunking him backwards into the water, and we could hear him say "What's going on?!" (he also shook off the water like a dog would... we were all laughing!) We hugged Dawn tightly to welcome her back, and apparently Cindy was crying whilst doing so. (she does get easily emotional) Margaret also wished she were taller than Pat, who came today for some reason... she wishes!

I gave the baptism cards to Mike, Anthony, and Ben while shaking their hands afterwards (but I did hug Mike... I definitely shook Ben's hand as he greeted me by name again)... then I interacted with baby Hannah in the parking lot while talking to Jeremy about his beer. A bunch of people were headed out to the Metrotown Red Robins to celebrate the baptism, but I couldn't make it because I had to help with the toddlers. (I asked Mike if Ben was going to be there because then I could take a picture with him, but he had his own thing... more money-saving measures for me, like the lack of BBT yesterday) Steph was trying to get people to go to the grad banquet next week at Flamingo, so I asked if Jon was gonna be roasted. He is, so I'm in even though I don't have the cash to pay for it right now. Then I went to the front after loitering in the back parking lot, and gave Frances her birthday card and one for her sister too. (Elaine's was too nice to just stash away somewhere)

Helping with the toddlers was cool... Auntie Fonda said she'd missed me, and asked me the meaning of "go south" as a slang term, so I told her while jokingly charging her $10,000 for it. (hey man, I need the money! :P) I interacted with baby Amos and some of the other kids too. Little Conor was crying a lot for some time, poor kid. Once Helen came into the baby room to change Nicholas' diaper, it seemed to be entertainment for the kids, haha. Luke, Evelyn, Rachel, and Amanda all crowded around and watched... I made a comment to Helen that changing her kid's diaper had turned into a spectator show, so Helen told her son that he had to be entertaining all the time for the other kids, haha.

After that, I went outside and saw Dallas looking for Jon: nope, he wasn't here yet! We talked to Dylan about his much-maligned smoked oysters wrapped in bacon (what he's bringing to Jen's tonight)... I accidentally stepped on his foot while giving Michael his birthday card, oops! (then again, I accidentally stepped on Nathan's foot [albeit in the sand] and Steph's foot yesterday too... aiya, I'm losing it! :P) There was a bit of confusion over lunch, but that was settled by going to Chongqing: their "large" hot and sour soup isn't quite good enough for us anymore! Then after discussing stuff like Uncle Daniel (who's normally a fairly laid-back person) not liking it when we cheered and clapped at a baptism ("it's a serious solemn occasion!"), we HAD to go to the farm market and buy stuff. For some reason, I had to help save on my parents' gas bills by being willing to be at the townhouse for the afternoon... uh, my cake and stuff is at MY place! But since Steph's willing to drive by and pick it up, that will have to do.

I showed Mom the gymnastic pooping icon, and she said "Oh, that's so gross!" My dad just playfully whapped me on the head with a pencil, heh. Then I showed them the poop chart: Mom wanted to compare poop types (no thanks!), and Dad didn't really have a reaction. Oh well, can't win 'em all and have amusement... ;)

Here's another original / secret recipe!

Almost Snickers

Recipe By: Mary Ann Housman (WW leader)
Serving Size: 8 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories: Copycat

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method

12 ounces Low fat ice cream -- softened
1 cup Low fat Cool Whip

1/4 cup Crunchy peanut butter
1 package Sugar-free Chocolate pudding
3 ounces Grape Nut cereal

Mix together ice cream, Cool Whip, peanut butter, and pudding.
Fold in Grape Nuts.
Spread in 8x8 inch pan and freeze.

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