White diamonds, calling Nina, plans / Glitter! / what I would do
White diamonds achieved today so far:
* I got my first white diamond in Bookworm by using two blue tiles / sapphires in the word "gay," then used it in the word "koi."
* I got another white diamond by using three yellow / gold tiles in the word "sei," then used it in the word "yow."
* I got a third white diamond by using two blue sapphires in the word "king," then used it in the word "hay."
I talked to Nina by phone just now to see if we could make plans to meet. At first, we were going to meet tomorrow at the Alma Running Room, but then figured it might not be a good idea since she'd be running around everywhere: Surrey, Vancouver, Burnaby, and back to Surrey again. Then she brought up Metrotown and this Sunday since she's usually off on Sundays: Metrotown is fine since I now know how to get there on one bus (bus mishaps applied against future knowledge), but this weekend decidedly is NOT with the wedding and the AGM.
Maybe some other day next week after 4 PM... she says her mom helps look after her son Dylan when she's at work, and then it's her turn when she gets home. Makes sense, and at least she has help with the kid! Actually, I heard him in the background wanting his mom, so we quickly ended the phone call. It'll be nice to see her again when it happens, and I can always talk to her in the evenings if I wish. :D
Tomorrow I might go to the mall to get Jason, Amos, Nicholas, and Joshua some birthday cards and stickers: Jason and Joshua need two each if I'm going to keep things up till August 2007 (two generic ones, and one each for a one-year-old and a two-year-old), and Nicholas needs one for a one-year-old. I declined my mom's offer to go to Richmond Centre earlier today since I didn't really feel like going out. I like doing things on my own schedule, so I'm not insanely rushed.
Glitter Maker... you can make the coolest graphics ever with this for sigs and such on message boards. :D
* I got my first white diamond in Bookworm by using two blue tiles / sapphires in the word "gay," then used it in the word "koi."
* I got another white diamond by using three yellow / gold tiles in the word "sei," then used it in the word "yow."
* I got a third white diamond by using two blue sapphires in the word "king," then used it in the word "hay."
I talked to Nina by phone just now to see if we could make plans to meet. At first, we were going to meet tomorrow at the Alma Running Room, but then figured it might not be a good idea since she'd be running around everywhere: Surrey, Vancouver, Burnaby, and back to Surrey again. Then she brought up Metrotown and this Sunday since she's usually off on Sundays: Metrotown is fine since I now know how to get there on one bus (bus mishaps applied against future knowledge), but this weekend decidedly is NOT with the wedding and the AGM.
Maybe some other day next week after 4 PM... she says her mom helps look after her son Dylan when she's at work, and then it's her turn when she gets home. Makes sense, and at least she has help with the kid! Actually, I heard him in the background wanting his mom, so we quickly ended the phone call. It'll be nice to see her again when it happens, and I can always talk to her in the evenings if I wish. :D
Tomorrow I might go to the mall to get Jason, Amos, Nicholas, and Joshua some birthday cards and stickers: Jason and Joshua need two each if I'm going to keep things up till August 2007 (two generic ones, and one each for a one-year-old and a two-year-old), and Nicholas needs one for a one-year-old. I declined my mom's offer to go to Richmond Centre earlier today since I didn't really feel like going out. I like doing things on my own schedule, so I'm not insanely rushed.

Glitter Maker... you can make the coolest graphics ever with this for sigs and such on message boards. :D
Labels: aaron, amos, babies, bannings, blogquiz, bookworm, cards, dylan, gay, jason, maxed-out tags limit, meetings, nicholas, nina, phone calls, photos, plans, smileys, stickers, weddings
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