Sunday, April 16, 2006

Medium-rare eggs, roundabouts, crime, and Australia

Sunrise Service this year was well-attended for that hour: there were 25 people including Erin, Darren, Joey, and Emily who got there just in time for the last reading before breakfast time! It was very cold, so Joe and I shared Melia's mittens.. Benny was even going to do what Jackie did and put a scarf over his head! We all went to the restaurant for breakfast, and Steph had to do the roundabout by the Accent Inn since she hadn't had a chance in the past three years! Yeah, we're very easily amused, hehe! Steph mentioned to me on the ride over that Louis' dad had died within the past month of cancer... of course, Louis is staying here permanently instead of going back to Montreal. He has to look after his mom now, particularly since he's the only child! (*refrains from making comments about Vancouver's gay scene*)

At breakfast, much fun and silliness was had around flipping over the creamers / butter tubs and having them land right-side-up again. I definitely sucked at that, but Randal was the man for that since he could do four creamers at a time pretty easily! Steph mentioned buying me breakfast, which was fine with me... pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sausages it was! The girls heard some Blondie song, and immediately thought Nathan could sing like Debbie Harry could in the chorus! We couldn't even make out the words, but bemused Randal and Dylan when they got back from the washroom, heh. Various "Erin stories" were brought up involving food items / timing the long CSC pastoral prayer back in God's Faithful Singer days... that girl will have enough material for a two-hour-long wedding roast, haha! I told Nathan that I'd been about to order medium-rare EGGS since I was so out of it, haha. We also discussed Nathan's man-purse, and how Daniel and Billy had started that fashion statement.

We got to church a little early, but all congregated in the library where Christon told Benny that air went AROUND a pillar aerodynamically, so that was why he wasn't standing behind one! It was cold enough outside without any more blasts of air, heh. At service, we all laughed because Eric came in through the church office with his guitar and such because things were already in progress! I gave Michelle her birthday card, and talked to Randal / Melia / Dylan / Sheena / Andrea / Jackie / others about life, a Jazz Studies program, not being able to sleep for some reason, and such. Jeremy's parents came down from Kelowna, so a bunch of us were introduced to them before they headed off after service. (I helped him understand what "ESCC" meant, but couldn't really help with the red and blue pledge markings on the wall!) I saw Dave's parents, so I was able to give them my stuff for Dave... since I also saw Eddie, I finally gave him his birthday card and Eunice's birthday things. (hers isn't till May, but whatever!) Lily and Lee brought their baby Hannah, and we all crowded around to see her... so cute! I also took the opportunity to give Lily her birthday card, as well: "You're so good with birthdays!" she told me. Heh, everyone knows it by now! ;)

I gave Karen Lew's birthday card to her, and Steph wondered why I was so early with it. Karen and I reminded her that she was going to France on Thursday.. I guess my sister was stupid since she was out of it! I reminded Eric to give me a ride home after Sunday School, and he jokingly said no. So I jokingly complained to Citrus, and he told me that Eric was just bugging me... I knew that, since he bugs me ALL THE TIME! Citrus can't really bug Eric all that much, since they're hypothermia buddies from that time at Camp Luther where they swam in that lake! (when it takes 30 minutes of a very hot shower before you can even feel the water, you know it's bad!) Steph brought up a Richmond roller hockey league where she's the only girl, and said that she'd be at Citrus' Richmond-based roller hockey game: she and Danielle should bring "WE LOVE CITRUS - GO, #7!" signs and just yell a lot, but then Citrus says he'd pretend not to know who they are! Then Citrus and Danielle went for a Pho date since they haven't really seen each other in two months... good idea. I talked to Cindy for a while about her trip to Australia tomorrow: no question about it, you should just go if it's free! She's going to help her cousin (not the Chicago one) with her kids while she and her husband tour Australia.. good deal!

After that, I went to help with the toddlers. They were active today, but that's to be expected. I got three Peeps and some crackers to eat, heh. On the way home, Eric bugged me about Mike on Crime and Prime Time Crime since there was a "Crime and Punishment" show on the radio on the McMynn kidnapping. He also told me not to commit any Green River killings... that wasn't me, and I'm not covering up anything! Then he told me not to cheat on my taxes when there was a commercial about that very thing. Very interesting times, indeed. :D

Now, time to sleep if I can... getting up at 5:55 AM is very taxing on me. :P

Note to self: When I have money again, buy Randal a Bathroom Reader and a bookmark for his birthday. I think he'll appreciate it. He did say at breakfast that he was working through the books I'd loaned him about Vancouver and the Zen priest, after all. I'll be evil and give him even more stuff to read, mwahahaha. But it's okay since I'm doing it out of platonic love. :D

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