Saturday, April 15, 2006

My thoughts while prepping 90 birthday cards with stickers and stuff... / Quizzes

I'm prepping the birthday cards I got last week at the dollar store, plus some cards I already have for people whose birthdays are either already past or coming up really soon. They (will) have at least five stickers each, plus at least an introductory greeting of "Hey, *insert name here*! How's it going?" (a few years ago, my siblings joked that I should trademark that.. I don't think so! :P) My friends call me the Birthday Queen, haha. (Keith came up with it, and Jason said I have amazing prowess, haha!) Here are some of the thoughts running through my head:

* "Should I set aside a card for Teunis, especially since I'm meeting him at Chapters on Tuesday at 2? I know I got a card for Palmer (palmer_kun) when I met him last year, AND a Bathroom Reader... so yeah, why not? The thing with Palmer went really bad, but eh. These things do happen!"

* "Should I include Eunice's birthday card and Bathroom Reader in my knapsack for tomorrow? She might be at church even if hairdressing school stresses her out, seeing as it's Easter! Hey, if she IS there, I can give her Eddie's stuff too! I tried calling her, but she wasn't answering the house phone OR her cell phone... oh well."

* "... hey! Teunis and Eunice rhyme! Sorta... heh."

* "Will it be believable to Joe if I tell him that my birthday card for him this year has been residing at home / in my knapsack for three weeks? I don't know why I haven't included him on my birthday list in previous years, especially since I've known of his birthday for a long time and see him a LOT at church? Maybe, maybe not... oh well, on the list he goes!"

* "Shoot... I knew I should have prepared Tracy's birthday card LAST week instead of now! Alan's probably in Ohio or something NOW! Ah well, maybe I can give it to him when he gets back... hahaha."

* "Heh... I promised Corey the most insane card out of the batch I got since he was wondering what planet I lived on if it wasn't Earth. All I did was ask whether I lived in his world because he assumed I had lots of print credits at his school's print lab. He'll get the card, too! It has a diapered baby on the front with a 'Happy Birthday'... on the inside, it says: 'I just made you a little present.' That'll teach him, haha. At least it's not a devil like this year's card was: lots of money to fulfill his every greedy desire, indeed! That's the one I'm giving David this year, heh heh... not that I want to corrupt a kid's mind or anything!"

* "Is it okay to put virtually the same thing in the Easter Baptism cards I have for Chris, Danny, and Benedict? I swear, I have like NO originality! Oh well, I think it'll be fine. Awana and Easter Baptisms apply to them ALL, and I don't know what else to put..."

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