Thursday, March 09, 2006

Questions / Eric H. / Randal / Crazy Russians

1. Who has NEVER used "LOL" anywhere except for the purposes of illustration, like I am doing here?
2. Who has NEVER had a screen name with numbers / leet speak in it?
3. How did you come across this journal?

My answers:

1. I haven't, and I'm proud of it. :D
2. See above. :D

Earlier today, Eric H. gave me a buzz ("quick messages!") on MSN. Seems his mom told some Hong Kong people that he'd be going to dinner on Saturday. ("My mom's COMMITTED me to dinner with these people!") He feels badly about our proposed hangout plans, but we didn't really set anything in stone the other day, so it's not quite as horrible as he thinks it is for me. Says he'll make it up to me... that's fine, too. :D

Randal emailed me about dessert on Friday, spamming everyone else's inboxes in the process since it grew out of my sending everyone those hilarious restaurant translations: "If we can each bring one of these items on those websites, I think we would have quite a memorable night. There is never an issue of whether or not you are "allowed" to bring dessert.... unless, of course, your idea of dessert is dog meat, animal intestines, or one of those weird "cowboy" meat dishes in the websites mentioned below. Bring one dessert, bring both, or just bring yourself -- That should be more than enough sweetness for everybody."

As I said in my reply (which didn't spam everyone's email inboxes :P), I may hang around with Jon and Jeremy and Ty while they jokingly discuss raw dog... but I would never bring dog as an actual dessert. (Ty is my brother's friend, who actually DID eat dog while on a missions trip to China once... yes, it was cooked :P) I'm surprised he thinks I'm sweet... then again, most people seem to think that. Must be because I save my non-sweetness for mostly online interaction when I'm feeling cranky. ;)

I've been exchanging comments with a Russian dude... of course I've been patient with his English! I might friend him, except his journal's all in Russian. Oh well... those crazy Russians. ;)

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