Friday, February 24, 2006

The comments that ended a relationship...

Note: LJ Concert Madness / Random Info on LJ Friends / LJ Looney Tunes / LJ Reincarnation / LJ Yearbook / LJ Emo / LJ DDR team blogquizzes. (by aulurienne, Windy, and bull_monkey)

Someone I know got this in an email:

The Comment That Made Him / Her an Ex.

"We're too old to worry about being sexy anymore."

"This brain tumor of yours is happening at a really bad time for me; I've got a lot going on at work right now."

"How can you be unhappy? I have everything I want."

"I want to watch you have sex with someone else."

"Can you give me those earrings so I can give them to my next girlfriend?"

"No one will ever love you but me."

"I'd take you home to meet my parents, but they'd wonder what the attraction was."

"I put you on the spreadsheet, but you'll be in a parenthetical until we have sex." -- from the guy that keeps a spreadsheet of the women he's dated / flirted with / etc., so he can keep them straight in his head. (I'm still in a parenthetical, thank you very much.)

"You know, you dress like someone a lot fatter than you really are."

If we got married, I could move out of my parents' house and I'd save a lot on car insurance.

"At your weight, there aren't that many guys who would want you."

"I have feelings... deep feelings... for you. But, now, I have to TRANSFER those feelings to someone else. Thanks for understanding."

"Will you finish my taxes before we file for divorce?"

"Did you notice I didn't get you anything for Valentine's Day?"
"You've never gotten me anything for Valentine's Day."
"Yes, but this time, I deliberately didn't get you anything."

From my one and only experience dating a Catholic boy in high school:
"My relationship with you is interfering with my relationship with God."
So sorry to get in the way...

Me: "I'm going to my parents' house -- my mom's only got a few more hours to live and I want to be with her."
Him: "Uh, I've got tickets to the drag races. Mind if I go there while you're at your mom's?"

Him: "I like you and I think you're attractive. But I can't hang out with you because, well, there's this social hierarchy at our school, which is unfortunate, but basically, I can't be seen in public with you."

Me, observing him gazing at me in an odd manner: "What are you thinking about? Why are you staring at me?"
Him: "I'm just thinking about how flawed you are."

Him, on our third date (we've been out for drinks and are now sitting in his apartment, having just smoked some extremely good weed): Oh, by the way, I meant to tell you: Don't get too attached to me. I have other girlfriends.
Me, getting up and putting on my jacket: Is that right? OK, I won't. See ya. Bye.

She can think of a good one that happened to her, but I'm not posting it here. Let's just say that you can't pick up a relationship where it left off if things don't work out with another person!

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