Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Blank Template: Questions 4201 to 4700 of 5000

4201. Has your life lacked a miracle?

4202. Would you shoot a terrorist?

4203. Were you an unlovely child?

4204. In the recent Michael Jackson documentary, was he treated fairly?

4205. New York City and other places along the East Coast have recently been said to be the next terrorist targets. What do you think about this?

4206. What should the last question in this survey be?

4207. Are you more likely to think so deeply about things that you forget to take out the garbage, OR be wrapped up in your life and forget to think deeply about things?

4208. In what ways are you destructive?

4209. If you're not with the one you love, can you love the one you're with?

4210. Why is it that when you hang upside down, the blood rushes to your head... but when you stand up, the blood doesn't rush to your feet?

4211. Do you demand a better future?

4212. Does it make you uncomfortable to meet a person with a handicap or deformity (retarded, deaf, lacking a limb, etc.)?

4213. What did you think of the movie Vanilla Sky?

4214. What is your favorite thing to dip into fondue?

4215. Are you more like Wayne or Garth?

4216. SNL or Mad TV?

4217. Best three REM songs:

4218. Name something you do that might be considered eccentric:

4219. Are you hard or easy to love?

4220. Could you be the next American Idol?

4221. If you were going on American Idol, what would you:


4222. Is Simon Cowell sexy, or does he suck?

4223. What was the last thing you used a credit card for?

4224. Do you like back or foot massages more?

4225. If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow, why oh why can't I?

4226. Why do teachers always want blue or black ink?

4227. What do you keep your change in?

4228. Do you read Playgirl or Playboy for the articles?

4229. Are you old-fashioned? In what ways?

4230. If you were going to get a mentor, who would your top three choices be (out of everyone alive)?

4231. Would you rather visit France or Thailand?

4232. You love your partner, but they are a slob. They aren't likely to change. Your thoughts:

4233. Is anything brainwashing people?

How / in what ways?

4234. If you were a Sex Pistols song, which one would you be (some choices in case you aren't familiar with them: Holidays in the Sun, Bodies, No Feelings, Liar, Problems, Seventeen, Pretty Vacant, New York, E.M.I. )?

4235. Are you more likely to drink moderately and often... or drink within an inch of your life, but only once in a while?

4236. What scares you most about war? Death.

4237. You find a man with wings (an angel?) half dead in your back yard. The first thing you do is:

4238. Why do people go to faith healers when there is so much proof that they are fake?

4239. When someone you care about is really angry with you, how do you feel and how do you deal with that feeling?

4240. There's a guy who sometimes get violent with his wife. He will scream "I LOVE you!" while he hurts her. Do you think there could be any love there?

4241. Name at least three things that make you want to cry.

4242. Is John Malkovich sexy? Is Billy Corgan?

Is Michael Stipe? Is Moby? Is Sinead O'Connor?

4243. Imagine there's a leper and he wants to be cured, but his sores sprout sunflowers instead of going away? Would that be a miracle? Would that tell you anything about anything?

4244. Do you watch people?

4245. Do you have anything that doesn't belong to you?

4246. What is normal?

4247. You are given your own private island. What would you name it, and who is allowed to live there with you?

4248. How can you prevent war?

How can we all prevent it?

4249. If something is wrong in society and you don't like it, but you do nothing about it... aren't you supporting it in a way?

4250. Do you like Leslie Nielsen?

4251. If you could make a new toothpaste flavor, what would it be?

4252, Have you ever called the police or the fire department?

Why, and what happened?

4253. What's more important, freedom or security? Why?

4254. Who pays most of the taxes: rich people, average people, or poor people?

Who should pay the most?

4255. You are on The Weakest Link with these contestants: a monkey, Simon Cowell, Hayden Christensen, Cher, a guy in a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume, and G.W. Bush. Who do you vote off as the weakest link, and why?

4256. Do you like:

mint Skittles?
mint ice cream?
junior mints?

4257. Does protesting / demonstrating really have any effect?

4258. After the world demonstrated against war with Iraq, Saddam was quoted as saying America was "weak and isolated." Do you believe this is so?

4259. Have you ever wanted to be with someone who was off limits?

4260. Have you ever wanted someone so badly that you would kiss your hand imagining it was them?

4261. Are there any situations when cheating on someone is okay?

4262. When you feel empty inside, what do you fill yourself up with?

Where does it come from?

4263. Would you rather be loved or desired?

4264. When you remember something, do you remember yourself to be more or less graceful / positive / smooth than you actually were?

4265. How can you tell the days of the week apart without using a calendar?

Are your days really different or all the same?

4266. Who started punk rock?
Who started goth?
Who started hip hop?

4267. What 3 things about you have shaped your life the most?

4268. Is your mind awake?
Is your soul?
Were they always?

If not, can you remember a moment or a few moments that helped you wake up?

4269. Have you ever misperceived what was going on, only to discover it when it was too late?

4270. Do you understand the human heart?

4271. How important is your weight?

How important is your partner's weight?

4272. What color is the wind?

4273. Do you believe children or adults know more?

4274. Do you believe you are crazy?

4275. Did you predict the ending to Joe Millionaire?

Is there something you care about less than you care about Joe Millionaire?

4276. Snow blower or shovel?

4277. List everything you ate in the last 24 hours?

4278. Have you ever plagiarized?

If yes, what and why?
Did you get caught?


No one could act in that daredevil movie. The script sucked as well. This is not a question.


4279. Who specifically annoys you?

4280. What is your favorite blanket like?

4281. How do you feel about teachers coming on to their students?

Students coming on to their teachers?

4282. In what ways do you keep yourself entertained?

4283. Entertainers (musicians, sports players) are the highest-paid people in America. Why are we so obsessed with being entertained?

4284. Do you want a perfect body?

4285. Do you want a perfect soul?

4286. Which do you want more?

4287. Do you want people to notice when you're not around?

4288. Are you more of a creep, a weirdo, or special?

4289. Who wrote the Bible?

4290. Who wrote the book of love?

4291. Who put the bomp in the bomp ba bomp ba bomp?

4292. Who rocks the party that rocks the party?

4293. If you could pick 5 things to study with no limits, what 5 things would you pick?

4294. Do you study any of them on your own?

4295. What's more important: learning or getting the hell out?

4296. What is your favorite highlighter color?

4297. Give everyone some advice:

4298. Are you practically perfect in every way?

4299. Are you nasty and tricksy?

4300. Where is the precious?

4301. Suggest a question for the 5,000-question survey:

Did you count?

4302. What's your preferred form of artistic expression (writing, drawing, musicianship, etc.)?

4303. Name one thing that's overrated:
Name one thing that's underrated:

4304. Are the Beatles overrated?

4305. Do you smoke? If so, what brand?

4306. Why do you choose to listen to the music you listen to?

4307. Does music these days suck?

4308. Are personal ads acts of desperation?

4309. Have you ever been / are you a vegetarian?

4310. Who are the three most important musical artists in your life?

4311. Do you find it disrespectful when contemporary musicians cover older ones?

How about when people attribute the writing of these songs to the bands that only covered them?

4312. Do you believe in arming civilians?

4313. Do you find desolation and darkness sometimes beautiful?

4314. If you were drafted to fight in Afghanistan, would you willingly and proudly go?

4315. What is people juice?

4316. Aisle or window seat?

4317. What is your favorite Simpsons character?

4318. Have you ever been to Mexico?

4319. Are people that wear glasses more or less attractive?

4320. What sucks more, a minivan or SUV?

4321. Are the days of writing and mailing letters lost?

4322. What do you think about right before you go to sleep?

4323. Do I ever cross your mind - anytime?

4324. Have you ever solved a Rubik's Cube?

4325. Why is everyone so emotionally and spiritually dead?

Are YOU?

4326. What can you feel BURNING UP inside your head?

4327. What life experience do you have?

4328. Have you ever hit rock bottom?

What was that like for you?

4329. Are you self-destructive?

4330. Are you very extreme?

4331. Are you completely full or do you feel empty?

4332. Can you turn the whole world inside out?

4333. Are you potentially a criminal?

4334. Where is your PASSION?

4335. Why do we hide our souls?

4336. How many times have you lied today?
Did you just lie to that question?

4337. Do you always notice when you are lying?

4338. Do you think that lying is so built into our culture that we can't help it?

4339. What are you fighting against?

What are you fighting for?

Why aren't you fighting?

4340. Give the following things a rating. One is completely normal, and ten is completely crazy / rebellious.

no piercings or tattoos:
pink hair:
openly discussing sex:
Bob Marley:
green hair:
extreme emotion:
a tie:
spiked bracelets:

4341. What'd you think of the Grammys?

4342. When you see the stars and the waves crash in, how do you feel?

4343. What do you think about under a midnight sky?

4344. Who are "they"?

4345. Who cares what they think?

4346. Do you ever let them stop you?

4347. What would you do if there were no limits?

There are no limits. Go do it.

4348. Will you dance with me?

4349. Will you drink yourself on the floor with me?

4350. Will you sleep in the streets with me?

4351. Courtney Love or Madonna:


4352. Do you have a negative attitude towards the opposite sex?

4353. Can you imagine anything that would seriously improve the world?

4354. Have you read the book Venus in Furs?

Did it turn you on?

4355. Velvet Underground with or without Nico?

4356. Is there any similarity between what Eminem is doing and what Manson is doing?

4357. Who wants to be your dog?

4358. Are you SURE you aren't pretentious (I've been reading SOME surveys that sound pretentious to me)?

4359. Can you understand and express subtle and complex ideas?

4360. Is writing akin to thinking for you?

4361. What do you imagine it feels like to be a member of the opposite sex?

4362. Bowie's outside, can you tell who the murderer is?

4363. Are you a bad banana with a greasy black peel?

4364. What do you think of the Atkins diet?

4365. "If it bleeds, I will have sex with it."

How does that make you feel?

4366. The greatest shock rocker of all time is:

The most pathetic shock rocker is:

4367. Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, or Red Dragon?

4368. If Dr. Lechter were to visit you, what would you do?

4369. Who is your favorite director of movies?

4370. What is Kubrick's best film?

4371. Fill in the blank as if you were speaking: I don't want anybody else. When I think about ___, I touch myself.

4372. Are you overly confident and blinded to your own faults?

If you were, you probably wouldn't know the extent of it.

4373. Do you like:

King Crimson?

Emerson, Lake, and Palmer?

Taj Mahal?



4374. Do you write your favorite bands on your clothing?

4375. Are you wild and crazy?

4376. Do you party like River Phoenix?

4377. What is it that you still are hiding?

4378. How attractive is a girl in a suit?

How attractive is a guy in a dress?

4379. Why is it more acceptable for a girl to dress like a guy than for a guy to dress like a girl?

4380. Why is being a girl seen as somehow something LESS than being a guy?

4381. What are three things you value?

4382. What are three things you normally do that go against those values in some way?

4383. Name three things society in general values?

4384. Name three behaviors that society accepts as normal that go against those values?

4385. Name three highly specific things you look for in a potential mate?

4386. Who is the basis for your comparison when choosing a partner?

4387. Have you ever given someone multiple orgasms or received them yourself?

4388. The older generations thought the Beatles were hip. Now they think today's music is shocking. What could music evolve into that people might find more shocking ten years from now?

4389. Do you have any motives for your actions other than anger and lust?

4390. Would you be more likely to rape someone, or to kill someone?

4391. What have you read by James Baldwin?

4392. Can you read Naked Lunch straight through in one sitting?

4393. Are you a snob?

If yes, in what regards?

4394. Fill in the blank: ___ is all there is.

4395. Is common sense dead?

4396. Are you unapproachable?

4397. Are you the kind of person strangers like to talk to?

4398. Do social interactions energize or drain you (in general)?

4399. What's the longest you have ever gone between sexual encounters?

4400. Compare John Lennon and Kurt Cobain:

4401. Do online relationships actually work?

4402. Did you know who Norah Jones was before the Grammys?

4403. In Maine, schoolteachers are being told by the Board of Education that they cannot criticize the possible upcoming war in front of students because those kids with military parents were getting upset by it in a few cases. What do you think of this?

4405. Should a convicted murderer have the same right to be on the organ donor waiting list as anyone else?

4406. Is there a difference between American rights and human rights? If so, what is the difference?

4407. What is the only completely instrumental album ever to be labeled as having explicit lyrics?

4408. Who would you rather put in a box and mail to Abu Dhabi: Tipper Gore or Hilary Clinton?

4409. What are your top three favorite comic strips?

4410. Can you name anything that sucks more than Creed?

4411. Is Eminem a genius?

Why or why not?

4412. Where is Abu Dhabi anyway?

4413. Where do you think woman are the most free from social pressure to please men: the US, Egypt or Japan... and why?

4414. Is there a difference between crisps and crackers?

4415. If you were going to download three movies that you wouldn't have paid for but you'll watch since they're free, what would you download?

4416. If you had a ferret, what would you name it?

4417. What do you think of PETA?

4418. If you started your own music awards show, what would be the three most prestigious awards you gave out and who would win them this year?

What would your show be looking for in an artist?

4419. Is there a difference between a musical artist and an entertainer?

4420. How would you rank the following people: artist or entertainer?

Weird Al:
Britney Spears:
David Bowie:
Marilyn Manson:
Tiny Tim:
The Monkees:
The Sex Pistols:

4421. Why does Polly Pocket no longer fit into your pocket?

4422. Would you eat a cereal called Mud & Bugs?

Yes, there is such a cereal. Well, I hope it got taken off the market then!

4423. If you were a mythical creature, which one would you be?

4424. What do you think of the new pregnant Barbie (called Happy Family Barbie)?

4425. What is one thing you know is a lie?

4426. How is your soul today?

4427. Are you into sci-fi?

4428. What's a "poppet"?

4429. How's the name Shane?

4430. What is expected of your gender that you don't quite live up to?

4431. Kool-Aid: If it'll dye your hair, try to imagine what it does to your stomach. Do people still dye their hair with Kool-Aid?

4432. If you build it, they will come.

What is "it"?
Who are they?

4433. What would you never do to get attention?

4434. Should we try to control nature?

4435. Who is the most powerful villain in the universe?

4436. Invent a superhero to deal with that villain?

4437. Who are you desperately missing?

4438. What gives you a feeling of perfection and peace?

4439. Are you already whole and complete, or does something make you whole and complete?


4440. Do you prefer the word mankind or humankind?

4441. Do you look good in yellow?

4442. What do you want to win?

4443. What gives someone power?

Who has power over you?

Who do you have power over?

4444. What question do you really want to know the answer to...

in general?

about yourself?

4445. The lamest Disney movie ever was:

4446. One thing you thought you would never miss but do is:

4447. In what ways are you a role model?

In what ways are you a bad example?

4448. How is your blood pressure?

4449. What was your last horrible nightmare about?

4450. Hey you. What do you say?

4451. What is your favorite waste of time (BESIDES this survey)?

4452. How would you like to die?

4453. What are three words used in your area / dialect that many other areas / dialects wouldn't be familiar with?

4454. What are the ages of the oldest and youngest person you've ever had sex with?

4455. What is the weirdest place you have ever woken up?

Did you remember how you got there?

4456. How do you feel when your partner is talking to an ex?

4457. Is there an unrequited (unreturned) love in your life?

4458. What is the most expensive gift you have ever:



4459. List three traits that might help you to fall madly in love:

4460. Do children like you?

4461. If you found your child's diary, would you read it?

What if you found the diary of one of your parents?

4462. Have you ever stalked or killed a wild animal?

4463. True or False.

You are moody in the morning:
women first:
baby corn freaks you out:
Life is fair:

4464. Name something you are now prepared to reveal about yourself that you weren't ready to talk about in the past?

4465. Name a talent someone has of which you are jealous:

4466. What would you think if you met yourself at a party?

4467. What would you most likely complain about in a hotel?

4468. Agree or disagree?

men need to be treated like children:
it is possible to be in love with more than one person at the same time:
you often feel pressured by others:
couples should live together before marriage:

4469. If you owned a restaurant, what kind of cuisine would you serve?

4470. Three words that describe your ideal day in bed are:

4471. If you had a ticket for a month is paradise, where would you go?

4472. All men like to hear:

All woman like to hear:

4473. If you are a woman, what is your most masculine or macho trait or ability?

If you are a man, what is your most feminine trait or ability?

4474. How would you feel attending the wedding of an ex?

4475. Fiction or non-fiction.

You can lie with a straight face:
You pee in the shower:
you prefer honesty even when it hurts:
uncapped toothpaste causes problems:

4476. What is the longest lust can last?

4477. What would you like to experience while blindfolded?

4478. The most horrifying couple you know is:

4479. Name three things you have experienced that would shock your parents:

4480. The oddest thing you have ever put in your mouth is:

4481. Lie or truth.

love is a battlefield:
you watch too much TV:
woman enjoy sex as much as men do:
you are often tired:

4482. What is the craziest thing you've done for attention?

4483. Do you believe in using the silent treatment?

4484. Your most embarrassing thought:

4485. Your most prejudiced thought:

4486. A shameful moment for you:

4487. The biggest gamble of your life:

4488. What is your greatest weakness as a friend?

4489. Yes or No.

complaining is a release:
James Bond movies are sexy
You feel better when you have a tan:
You sometimes eat your boogers:

If yes, that's okay.

4490. Do you sometimes enjoy being mean?

4491. Are you high-maintenance?

4492. Would you rather assume the role of sexual student or teacher?

4493. How many lovers do you consider to be too many?

4494. What fortune would you want to find in a fortune cookie?

4495. Nothing says lovin' like:

4496. Have you seen Bowling for Columbine?

If yes what'd you think of it?

4497. Do you overuse the word "genius"?

4498. Are you proud of the history of your people?

Why or why not?

4499. Do you think about world destruction?

4500. What object could completely symbolize maleness?

How about femaleness?

4501. Who do you feel on shaky grounds with?

4502. How would you rate Stephen King as a writer?

4503. What movie are you looking forward to?

4504. Hulk Hogan with or without the bandana?

4505. Do you more often tell people what you feel or what you think?

4506. Have you been to see an opera?

4507. What do you wish that you knew with more certainty?

4508. Does your heart break and break, and live by breaking?

4509. Can you tell the difference between what you think and what you feel, or do you often get them confused?

4510. Do you feel like there are a lot of references in this survey that you are not getting?

4511. You are shopping in the Mad Mall for things to add to your room. Of the following list, what 5 things will you buy?

Lollipops, lace-up boots, bondage gear, bubblegum machine, a miniature orange grove, house plants, Bob Geldof, duct tape, Buzzcocks, poet shirts, Marc Almond, Al Gore, acrylic paints, Snoopy's doghouse, an original Andy Warhol painting, zippers, orange and pink matching curtains and bedspread, flash, O.J. Simpson, a Slurpee maker, some flutes, electric chairs, feather pillows, post it notes, the Terminator wax statue, Fight Club the movie, Fight Club the book.

Let's see...

4512. Of the following things, which would you most like to have more of?

drink, dreams, bed, drugs, lust, lies, hate, love, fear, fun, pain, flesh, stars, smiles, fame, sex

Let's see...

4513. Your preference: David Bowie or Marc Bolan?

4514. Who'd win in a fight, Morrissey or Robert Smith?

4515. Earth girls are:

4516. One of your friends tells you they are going to train to become a cop. Your reaction?

4517. Would you ever consider working for the government?

4518. What are the best and worst television channels?

4519. If you had a magical pencil and everything you drew became real, what would you draw?

4520. Your boots were made for:

4521. What movie would you like to see a Mystery Science Theater episode about (even if it isn't a sci-fi movie, just one that needs making fun of)?

4522. What's the buzz? Tell me what's happening!

4523. The last person you would want to be stranded on a desert island with is:

4524. Your partner takes an airplane trip. The plane disappears and is never found. How long do you wait for them to return before you begin looking for a new partner?

4525. Some animals that mate for life can literally die of grief if their mate is captured or dies. How many humans would do that, do you think?

4526. What would you like to touch?

4527. Does anything you own glow in the dark?

4528. Would you rather ride a dragon or a unicorn?

4529. Do things just always go right for you?

4530. What's the best Nick toon?

4531. Can you make a balloon animal?

4532. Would you undress at a nude beach?

4533. Wherever there's a secret recipe, there is someone who wants to steal it. True or false?

4534. What is today but yesterday's tomorrow? Why do something today that you can put off till tomorrow?

4535. Are you more like Spongebob who does nothing right but still everything good happens to him, or like Squidward who tries to do things right and ends up having nothing good happen to him?

4536. How many glasses of water do you drink each day?

4537. What is the difference between intellectualism and pretentiousness?

4538. What do you like in a poem: accessibility, crypticness, or something in between?

4539. What do you think of William Blake?

Is his writing difficult to understand?

4540. Has learning to spell become obsolete?

4541. Who do you find yourself in constant conflict with?

Why the conflict?

4542. What is the difference between literature and Hallmark Cards?

4543. How many contemporary poets can you name?

4544. What subjects do you refuse to talk about?

Why are you hiding from them?

4545. Are you every parent's wet dream?

4546. Everyone starts in the garden of Eden, but no one can stay there. Why not?

4547. Would you want to join a club that would have you as a member?

4548. Greatest black and white film:

4549: Greatest film three hours or longer:

4550. No means...

We are getting close.

4551. When you are exposed to the artwork (poetry, painting, etc.) of a friend, family member or acquaintance, how likely are you to criticize it?

4552. Do you mentally reject people?

Before speaking to them?

4553. Are we already living out 1984?

4554. Sing, now!

What did you sing?

Can you sing?

Are you the next American Idol?

4555. Do you like the feeling of a ballpoint pen being used to draw pictures on your palm?

4556. Have you ever been airbrushed?

4557. Are you an elitist?

What are you elitist about?

4558. Are you arrogant?

About what?

4558. Use the two following words in a sentence:

4559. Are you treacherous?

4560. Name the ten bands you are the biggest fan of:

Name the ten bands who are your biggest fans:

4561. Are you jolly?

4562. What does the world stop for?

4563. Would you like to reupholster your furniture in camouflage?

4564. Would you rather have your own personal live-in masseuse, or a new car?

4565. What were you born holding?

4566. Big nose: is it ugly or does it give the face character?

4567. Name three things you would NOT do, even for one million dollars (tax free):

4568. Who has rejected you?

Who have you rejected?

4569. Natural body odor, or perfumes and colognes?

4570. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

4571. Who frolics in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee?

4572. Is anything nastier as a snack than Fruit Rollups?

4573. When you hear someone make a joke about something, will you later make the same joke to someone else as if you had just thought it up?

What if someone just says something intelligent? Would you use what they said later as if you had made it up?

4574. What's on your pajamas?

4575. Are people nicer in New York or California?

4576. Ever think about moving to Alaska to live as a hermit?

4577. You are interested in a potential mate who is already attached. Do you encourage him or her to leave their current catch, or try to find someone all alone?

4578. Do you play in the snow?

4579. Do you save a snowball in your freezer to hit someone with in the summer time?

4580. What Bible story would you like to see acted out by animated vegetables?

What vegetable would play Jesus?

4581. Will you be ready for the next alien attack?

4582. You can't make this easy, can you?

4583. What is a small thing that people let slide, but that actually has dire consequences?

4584. Are you the open window maniac?

4585. Have you ever been a hall monitor?

What exactly do hall monitors do anyway?

4586. Would you rather wear an army uniform or a cow costume for Halloween?

4587. When was the last time you played tag, musical chairs, hide and seek, etc.?

4588. Can you leap frog?

4589. What was the last strong and clear emotion you felt?

4590. Are you more of a disco ball, a candle, or a robot?

4591. Could any good come out of a nuclear holocaust?

4592. Are you an angel in disguise?

4593. Could you have fun with a jellyfish?

for 12 hours?

4594. Who throws the wildest parties?

4595. Do you own an I <3 NY shirt?

4596. If you could make a channel that played only one show all day, what show would it be?

4597. Are you a rockstar, only no one knows it yet?

4598. Have you ever been stung by anything?


4599. Whose autograph have you gotten in the last year?

4600. Are you enjoying this?

4601. What do you think of rappers who talk about raping and killing their mother?

4602. Are you art?

4603. Do you think that most writers, musicians, and artists make art or love art?

What would you prefer them do?

4604. Iraq is destroying its missiles and the White House is still not happy. Why not?

4605. Do you find Americans to be a very sterile and emotionless people?

4606. What do we talk about when we talk about love?

4607. Would you write a song about how horrible your mom is in order to sell more records?

Why would anyone want to hear that anyway?

4608. Do you think that Eminem is genuine or doing it all for show (even his mom says it's all for show)?

4609. Should juveniles be tried as adults if they commit murder?

4610. Should there be laws to restrict breeding?

Should the laws include getting a high score on an IQ test?

Should the laws include proving that you can / will be able to provide care and support for the child?

Should the laws include a background check to determine whether you will be a fit parent?

4611. Would you / have you ever committed statutory rape (had sex with someone 17 or younger while you were 18 or older)?

4612. Do you believe that McDonald's should be held responsible for its customers' obesity?

4613. Did you know that 1/2 of American adults read at an 8th grade level or below (I just saw it on Fox News)?

What do you think of this

4614. Do you drink tea with honey?

4615. Do bees and wasps terrify you?

4616. How do you decide what to say and do when someone puts the spotlight on you?

4617. Are you more muddy or clean?

4618. If consciousness could speak, what would it say?

4619. Is Leslie a good name for a man?

4620. Why do men feel they have the right to look women up and down?

4621. Are you pristine?

4621. Do you want to blind people with your wet-look lipgloss?

Guys, do you like to be blinded by super shiny wet-look lip gloss?

4622. How many years is too big of an age difference for a couple?

4623. What would the worst name be to have?

4624. China and France are both opposed to war with Iraq. What do you think of this?

4625. What do you think about the Turkish parliament not allowing American troops to set up camp in Turkey?

4626. What country is the most generous about foreign aid?

What country is the least generous?

4627. Who's the sexiest Ghostbuster?

4628. Are you a humanitarian?

4629. Have you ever seen the Tommy and Pamela Anderson honeymoon sex video?

Do you think it was meant to be private or a publicity stunt?

4630. Are you a cat expert?

4631. Go Go Gadget:

4632. What's your idea of fun?

4633. At what age will you panic about feeling old?

4634. It's you and ___ against the world.

4635. Are you the keymaster or the gatekeeper?

4636. When is the end of the world going to be?

4637. Write your own theme song now:

4638. Do you yell at the TV when the news disturbs you?

4639. Is society too sick to survive?

4640. Have you ever been involved in a ritual?

4641. What the hell do YOU want?

4642. Have you seen Finian's Rainbow?

What would you have done?

4643. Weezer's best album is:


4644. Fast food of choice:

4645. What song is in your head RIGHT NOW?!

4646. Is this a magic moment?

Of course it is.

4647. A theme song you hate is

4648. What words can you come up with by anagramming your name?

4649. Are you a magician?

4650. What kind of waffles suit you best?

4651. It's the olden days and your father is going to drive all the way from the big city. He wants to bring something back for you. What do you ask him for?

4652. Have you ever watched Little House on the Prairie?

4653. How did Columbus discover America when people were already living here?

Didn't they discover it?

4654. How far can you spit?

4655. What drinks do you know how to mix?

4656. What does the perfect engagement ring look like?

4657. How do you feel about arranged marriages?

4658. Do you talk to angels?

4659. What are you worried about?

4660. How often do you touch people in conversations?

4661. Do you read in bed?

4662. How many sick days in a row do you take off from school or work?

4663. There are three nursery schools. Nursery school one has children sit together around tables. It emphasizes group play. It has building blocks that are very large, so large that it takes two or more children to lift them, in order to teach working together. It is moderately decorated and encourages the imagination by providing fewer materials for the children. There is one teacher per classroom and the teacher likes to allow the children to work out their own problems.

Nursery school two has many materials for the children and is brightly colored and decorated. There are two teachers per class and the teachers actively intervene between the children. There are different stations (painting, blocks, etc.) and the children are encouraged to make choices about what they like to do and don't like to do.

Nursery school three emphasizes scheduled activities. The children sit in rows and must work alone, relying on themselves. Everything is very organized and structured. The children wear bright clothing, and are taught to memorize stories and songs. If the parents both work, this school offers whole care, which means the child can stay overnight a few days a week.

Which school would you send your (possibly hypothetical) children to?

4664. Each of those nursery schools is in a different country. Which one is in the United States?

Which one is in Japan?

What country is the last nursery school in? Sweden?

4665. What hour is your most creative time of day?

4666. Does sleeping feel more satisfying when all of your work is done, or when there's something else you should be doing?

4667. Here's a dollar. Put three songs on the juke box.

4668. Do you refer to teenagers as "kids" yet?

4669. What is one thing you thought was the end of the world when you were a teenager (or if you are a teenager, name something you thought was the end of the world 5 years ago)?

What do you think of this thing now?

4670. Are Americans uptight about sex?

Are you?

4671. What board games are in your closet?

4672. What movie quote sticks out in your mind (don't tell what movie it's from, let us guess)?

4673. What is the weirdest song you've ever found yourself enjoying?

4674. Look in your history book. Who would you have sex with?

4675. A man in the reserves is being called off to war. He wants to defend his country, but he finds that his one-year-old child needs a heart transplant. In his shoes, would you stay and care for your child... or go and defend your country?

4676. Is Gone With The Wind:

an accurate movie:

a good movie:

4677. What is your salvation?

What will it take you to achieve it?

4678. Is alcohol the water of life?

4679. Name a friend of the opposite sex:

He or she tells you that he or she has always had a crush on you. Your reaction:

4680. Name one of your same-sex friends:

He or she tells you that he or she is gay. Your reaction:

Then he or she tells you he or she has always had a crush on you. Your reaction:

4681. What was the difference between your reactions to the same-sex and the opposite-sex friend? The opposite-sex friend:

Why the difference of reactions?

4682. Where could you go that would be so incredible you would no longer be able to come back to the life you live here and now?

4683. What is the main problem you have with yourself?

4684. When did you wish you could disappear?

4685. Why is it that we call poor-average people crazy and rich people eccentric?

4686. Is rain on your wedding day a good example of irony?

Can you think of a good example of irony?

4687. What have you recently changed your mind about?

4688. What is one thing you won't allow yourself to have?

4689. What would you say if Brad Pitt married Rosie O'Donnell?

What about if Catherine Zeta Jones married Drew Carey?

4690. Name something that there is no wrong way to do:

4691. If you and your partner could choose which of you would carry the baby (yes, even the male would be able to carry it), who would your vote be for?

4692. If men could get pregnant, would abortion become much more acceptable?

4693. When and where have you felt most comfortable being nude?

4694. What subject do you know the most about?

Tell us something interesting about it.

4695. What is the longest time you have gone between orgasms?

4696. What is the least amount of money you would have to have in order to consider yourself rich? $2000.

4697. What words have others used to describe you?

4698. What is the most extreme thing you would do / have done to alter your appearance?

Why did you / would you do it?

4699. What is the least amount of money you would accept to never have sex again?

4700. What has been the hardest secret to keep?

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