Saturday, September 10, 2005

Pigeons, bloody pads, gummi bears, sleeping with people, and sushi

I was all resigned to the prospect of spending a Friday night at home... I figured I'd need the chill time before the start of Awana tomorrow, at any rate. Yeah, I called Eric at 6:35, but he wasn't home yet. For some reason, I'd forgotten about his cell phone... doh! Therefore, I was surprised at 7:30 to hear knocking at my door... it was Eric, saying that his parents had told him that I'd called. (ah, the wonders of Caller ID, hahaha) So I quickly got ready to leave while he came in for a bit... time with friends and learning about God is much needed too! On the way to church, we talked about the first sub-110.00 price in a couple of weeks / hockey upon us again / songs / the PNE (Superdogs) / Broken Flowers / my writing Karen and Derek's birthday cards in the car / how Jon once nicknamed Derek "Skinnyface" a couple Christmases ago since he didn't know his real name / Steph busing it there / etc.

We went to church and found my brother's friend Jeremy there: he got introduced to the group down in the church basement. He knew me, Nathan (who said it was "white guy overload," hahaha), Jen, and Eric already from having beer / bubble tea / Pho / Ultimate games / more with us. Dianne talked about her Europe trip (she has 2000 trip pictures!), and her extreme dislike of pigeons (especially the ones in Trafalgar Square).. they fly right at you when you try to avoid them! Jeremy said he's planning to go to our service on Sunday, too... he's not getting much out of his Anglican church's small groups. I invited him to my party next week: at least I know him too, right? (hehe) Ivan and Karen said they'd RSVP, Eric M. / Eric H. / Steph / Nathan / Citrus / Danielle are probably going for sure, and Erin can't go because she's in Whistler. Randal's email keeps bouncing, so he told us of a temporary solution for that.

After Fellowship, one group went to Bubble World while another went to Daimasu for sushi. (that created a bit of confusion at first!) I asked Cindy and Vanessa where my sister was: she'd apparently gone somewhere already with her friend Rachel. Jeremy mentioned a craving for HUGE Samurai Sushi pieces and getting seasick, while Vivian was all worried about her passport and identification while in France... she flies out Wednesday at 1:15, and the time difference is nine hours. (I had honeydew bubble tea, and Nathan had honeydew / watermelon bubble tea) Nathan wanted to combine worship between the two Fellowships again: the makeup is much changed without Nate, Jen, Eddie, Edwin, Eric, Phil, Vivian, and others there! (in Danielle's words: "it's like almost all girls!")

A few people are going to the church Walkathon tomorrow, then there's Awana, then the combined E. Free worship thing at night... I'll most probably go to that. I was thinking of treating certain people (Palmer) for Pho, but they apparently don't come up for air from being with each other all day. :P Then Jeremy mentioned how just a few years ago, he thought that eating raw fish was really far out there... now, he's surprised when people say they don't consume sushi regularly! I told him that I had this friend who has this seafood allergy... I forgot about that once, and invited said friend (Palmer) to have some Samurai Sushi. Then this friend responded with, "I'm allergic to seafood, remember?" In Jeremy's words: man, that's SOME allergy!

Someone brought up this story that happened a LONG time ago: when my brother was in Gr. 6, some of the Sunday School classes had an overnight field trip to the aquarium. I was there too, so I know what happened. We were all sleeping in a huge room in the aquarium, and Citrus' sister Cordia (who was maybe five at the time) went to the washroom. When she came back, she was perhaps a little disoriented, so she crawled into Phil's sleeping bag and slept there instead! Phil slept through all of this, so Citrus and some others were looking around for Cordia in the morning... they thought that maybe the sharks had eaten her or whatever. Then they saw the lump that Phil's sleeping bag had become... nah, it couldn't be! It was Cordia, and then everyone made fun of Phil for some time to come afterwards! Phil himself had managed to repress the memory until his sister Melia brought it up recently. HAHAHAHA, that was SO funny!

Nathan brought up the night at Boston Pizza some time ago where we were all laughing at Erin's embarrassing pad stories... we were desensitizing him in the process since he has no sisters. ;) He was laughing for half an hour over this one: there was this time that Erin came over to my family's house after church to play with my sister. On the van ride over, we were all eating gummi bears. Erin decided to squish the gummi bears between her fingers, and couldn't wash it off with water once she was in the bathroom at home. She saw some toilet paper sticking out of the garbage can, so she decided to use that. Little did she know that the toilet paper was actually wrapping for MY bloody pad, hahahaha! (according to Nathan, the fact that it was MINE makes the story even funnier!) When she told Jon and Steph about it, they were literally rolling on the floor with laughter! I asked Erin what she thought when she discovered it: she was in Gr. 6 and didn't know anything about periods and stuff like that, so she was just horrified! Our half of the table was laughing SO hard over that!

On the way home, Eric and I talked about hockey.. Matt Cooke has to sign with us, yo! He also scattered some Red Dwarf and Homestar Runner references around in the conversation. Good times with friends rule. :D

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